Updated on 2025-03-03

PostgreSQL operation code for data import and export


In database management, importing and exporting data is a very common operation. Especially in PostgreSQL, a variety of tools and methods are provided to effectively manage data. Whether it is backing up data, migrating data to other databases, or performing data analysis, mastering the skills of data import and export is essential. This article will introduce in detail how to import and export data in PostgreSQL, and give specific commands and examples.

1. Data import

1.1 Import data using the COPY command

The COPY command is the main tool in PostgreSQL for batch import and exporting data. It can read data from the file and insert it into the specified table. The basic syntax is as follows:

COPY table_name FROM 'file_path' WITH (FORMAT csv);

1.1.1 Example: Importing data from a CSV file

Suppose we have a name calledThe file, the content is as follows:


We can useCOPYCommand imports data tousersIn the table:

COPY users (username, email, created_at) FROM '/path/to/' WITH (FORMAT csv, HEADER);

In this example,HEADERThe parameter indicates that the first line of the CSV file is the column name.

1.2 Use the \COPY command to import data

\COPYyespsqlThe command in the tool, it is withCOPYSimilar, but executed on the client side, not on the server side. The basic syntax is as follows:

\COPY table_name FROM 'file_path' WITH (FORMAT csv);

1.2.1 Example: Import data using  \COPY

use\COPYCommand import data and useCOPYThe method is similar:

\COPY users (username, email, created_at) FROM '/path/to/' WITH (FORMAT csv, HEADER);

1.3 Import data using pgAdmin

If you are using a graphical interface toolpgAdmin, you can import data through the following steps:

  • Right-click on the table where the data needs to be imported.
  • Select the "Import/Export" option.
  • Configure import settings, such as selecting file paths, formats, etc.
  • Click "OK" to complete the import.

2. Data Export

2.1 Export data using the COPY command

Similar to import,COPYCommands can also be used to export data. The basic syntax is as follows:

COPY table_name TO 'file_path' WITH (FORMAT csv);

2.1.1 Example: Export data to a CSV file

Suppose we want tousersTo export the data in the table to a CSV file, you can use the following command:

COPY users TO '/path/to/users_export.csv' WITH (FORMAT csv, HEADER);

2.2 Use the \COPY command to export data

\COPYIt can also be used to export data, and its basic syntax is as follows:

\COPY table_name TO 'file_path' WITH (FORMAT csv);

2.2.1 Example: Export data using \COPY

use\COPYWillusersExport the data in the table to a CSV file:

\COPY users TO '/path/to/users_export.csv' WITH (FORMAT csv, HEADER);

2.3 Export data using pgAdmin

existpgAdminThe steps for exporting data in   are as follows:

  • Right-click on the table where the data needs to be exported.
  • Select the "Import/Export" option.
  • Configure export settings, such as selecting file paths, formats, etc.
  • Click "OK" to complete the export.

3. Use pg_dump for data backup and recovery

pg_dumpis a command line tool provided by PostgreSQL for backing up databases. It can generate an SQL script file that contains SQL commands to create database objects and insert data.

3.1 Use pg_dump to back up the database

The basic commands are as follows:

pg_dump -U username -h hostname -d database_name -f /path/to/

3.1.1 Example: Backup the database

For example, the backup ismydatabaseDatabase:

pg_dump -U postgres -h localhost -d mydatabase -f /path/to/

3.2 Use pg_restore to restore the database

When you need to restore the database, you can usepg_restoreOrder. The basic syntax is as follows:

pg_restore -U username -h hostname -d database_name /path/to/

3.2.1 Example: Recovering the database

For example, restore the database from a backup file:

pg_restore -U postgres -h localhost -d mydatabase /path/to/

4. Use pg_dumpall to back up all databases

pg_dumpallis another PostgreSQL tool that backs up all databases on the entire PostgreSQL server. The basic commands are as follows:

pg_dumpall -U username -h hostname -f /path/to/

4.1 Example: Backup all databases

For example, back up all databases to a file:

pg_dumpall -U postgres -h localhost -f /path/to/all_backup.sql

5. Use data formats and options

In PostgreSQL, you can select different data formats and options to import and export data.

5.1 Available formats

  • CSV: Comma separated value format, suitable for compatibility with spreadsheet software.
  • TEXT: Plain text format for simple import and export.
  • BINARY: Binary format, which is usually more efficient than text format, but is not suitable for all scenarios.

5.2 Option Description

  • HEADER: This option can be used if the data file contains column names.
  • DELIMITER: Custom field separators, for example, usingDELIMITER ';'
  • NULL: Specify a representation of the NULL value, for exampleNULL 'NULL'

6. Things to note

  • File permissions: Ensure that the PostgreSQL process has permission to read and write to the specified file.
  • Data consistency: Ensure data consistency when importing and exporting data, especially in high concurrency environments.
  • Backup Strategy: Back up data regularly to prevent data loss.

7. Summary

In PostgreSQL, import and export of data are indispensable operations in database management. By using tools like COPY, \COPY, pg_dump, and pg_dumpall, you can manage your data efficiently. Mastering these commands and techniques will help improve the efficiency and accuracy of data management.

The above is the detailed content of the operation code for data import and export of PostgreSQL. For more information about PostgreSQL data import and export, please pay attention to my other related articles!