The error content is:
Content is not allowed in prolog. Nested exception: Content is not allowed in prolog
To sum up online, it means that the content of the analysis contains BOM. This mark is not visible, it is just a mark in the stream.
BOM: Byte Order Mark, Chinese name and byte order mark. The UCS specification recommends that before transmitting a byte stream, the BOM is transmitted to determine the byte order.
In fact, UTF-8 does not need to use BOM to indicate byte order, but BOM can be used to indicate encoding method. The UTF-8 encoding of the BOM is EF BB BF, so if the recipient receives a byte stream starting with EF BB BF, it means it is UTF-8 encoding.
If the file is parsed:
You can open XML with UltraEdit or EmEditor and save as. When saving, there is an option to save it as UTF-8 without BOM or UTF-8 with BOM.
If it is back from a remote request:
Then you can't see the BOM when you turn the returned stream New as a string, but you must intercept the content you need:
if(null != result && !"".equals(result)){ if(("<") != -1 && (">") != -1 && (">") > ("<")) result = (("<"), (">") + 1); }
Some people also say that it is caused by the low DOM4J version, but I looked at the version I used is 1.6.1, so I ruled out this possibility, but in reality I still recommend using the latest stable version for development.
Today I looked at the log and found that my exception was not caused by the BOM header. Fortunately, I also printed the content I received. When I looked, I went, the server returned an error string directly after the processing failed. I mianed it for a while, and it was indeed an error. This is a tricky thing.
public static void main(String[] args) throws DocumentException { String str = "error"; Document doc = (str); (()); }
The above is all the content of this article. I hope it will be helpful to everyone's study and I hope everyone will support me more.