Below I will share with you the effect of picture book flipping based on native JS. The specific code is as follows:
<html xmlns="http:///1999/xhtml"> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=gb2312" /> <title>JSRealize picture book-turning effect-Lazy Picture Gallery</title> <META http-equiv=imagetoolbar content=no> <STYLE type=text/css> #center { LEFT: 50%; POSITION: absolute; TOP: 50% } #DHTMLBOOK { BACKGROUND: #000; LEFT: -210px; VISIBILITY: hidden; WIDTH: 420px; POSITION: relative; TOP: -160px; HEIGHT: 320px } #TXTBOX { FONT-SIZE: 0.8em; WIDTH: 410px; COLOR: #aba193; FONT-FAMILY: verdana; POSITION: absolute; TOP: 320px; TEXT-ALIGN: center } .page { OVERFLOW: hidden; BORDER-LEFT: #000000 1px solid; WIDTH: 50%; CURSOR: pointer; POSITION: absolute; HEIGHT: 100% } .right { BORDER-RIGHT: #000000 1px solid; LEFT: 50% } .turn { BACKGROUND: #000000 } .img { WIDTH: 200%; POSITION: absolute; HEIGHT: 100% } </STYLE> <SCRIPT type=text/javascript><!-- = function () { return false; } var nI = 0; var kI = 0; var run = false; function setOpacity(obj,o) { if (o<0) o=0; else if (o>100) o = 100; if ()=o; else = o/100; } function TPR__(p) { = 50-(2.5*p)+"%"; = (2.5*p)+"%"; setOpacity(P1i, .5*p*p); if (p == 20) run = false; } function TPR_(p) { debugger = 50-(2.5*p)+"%"; setOpacity(P2i, 100-.5*(p*p)); if (p == 20) { = IMGSRC[kI].src; setOpacity(P2i, 100); = "50%"; for(var i=1; i<=20; i++) setTimeout("TPR__("+i+")", i*32); } } function TPR() { if (!run) { run = true; = IMGSRC[kI].src; = 0; kI++; if (kI>=nI) kI = 0; titLe(kI); = IMGSRC[kI].src; = IMGSRC[kI].src; for (var i=1; i<=20; i++) setTimeout("TPR_("+i+")", i*32); } else setTimeout("TPR()", 100); } function TPL__(p) { = (2.5*p)+"%"; setOpacity(P2i, .5*p*p); if (p == 20) run = false; } function TPL_(p) { = (2.5*p)+"%"; = 40+(10-2.5*p)+"%"; setOpacity(P1i, 100-.5*(p*p)); if (p == 20) { = IMGSRC[kI].src; setOpacity(P1i, 100); = 0; = "50%"; for(var i=1; i<=20; i++) setTimeout("TPL__("+i+")", i*32); } } function TPL() { if (!run) { run = true; = IMGSRC[kI].src; = 0; kI--; if (kI < 0) kI = nI-1; titLe(kI); = IMGSRC[kI].src; = IMGSRC[kI].src; for(var i=1; i<=20; i++) setTimeout("TPL_("+i+")", i*32); } else setTimeout("TPL()", 100); } function titLe(p) { ("TXTBOX").innerHTML = IMGSRC[p].alt; } onload = function() { debugger IMGSRC = ("imgsrc").getElementsByTagName("img"); DB = ("DHTMLBOOK"); P01 = ("span")[0]; P01i = ("img")[0]; P02 = ("span")[1]; P02i = ("img")[0]; P1 = ("span")[2]; P1i = ("img")[0]; P2 = ("span")[3]; P2i = ("img")[0]; nI = ; = IMGSRC[kI].src; = IMGSRC[kI].src; titLe(kI); = "visible"; } //--> </SCRIPT> <META content="MSHTML 6.00.6000.16809" name=GENERATOR></HEAD> <BODY> <DIV id=center> <DIV id=DHTMLBOOK><SPAN class=page onMouseDown="return false;" ondblclick=TPL(); onclick=TPL();><IMG class=img></SPAN> <SPAN class="page right" onmousedown="return false;" ondblclick=TPR(); onclick=TPR();><IMG class=img style="LEFT: -100%"></SPAN> <SPAN class="page turn" onMouseDown="return false;" ondblclick=TPL(); onclick=TPL();><IMG class=img style="FILTER: alpha(); opacity: 1"></SPAN> <SPAN class="page turn right" onmousedown="return false;" ondblclick=TPR(); onclick=TPR();><IMG class=img style="FILTER: alpha(); LEFT: -100%; opacity: 1"></SPAN> <DIV id=TXTBOX></DIV></DIV></DIV> <DIV id=imgsrc style="VISIBILITY: hidden"> <IMG alt="In the early morning he departed." src="/down/js/images/"> <IMG alt="Believing she had dreamed of the roar of his bike," src="/down/js/images/"> <IMG alt="she woke up to the sunshine in her eyelids." src="/down/js/images/"> </DIV> </BODY></HTML>
The above is the native JS introduced to you by the editor to achieve the effect of picture book flipping. I hope it will be helpful to you. If you have any questions, please leave me a message and the editor will reply to you in time. Thank you very much for your support for my website!