Updated on 2025-03-03

golang uses generic structure to implement encapsulation slices

Generic structure encapsulation slicing method

  • To encapsulate the addition, deletion, modification, checking, length and size of slices, ForEach (traversing slices)
  • Use pointer receiver function to encapsulate and modify its original slice data
  • Declare aSliceDataGeneric structure
type SliceData[T any] struct {
    data []T
    size int

Abovedatais the element of slice,sizeIndicates the length of the slice

Push Add

PushMethods are used to increase the element of the slice and return the length of the slice after the increase

func (sd *SliceData[T]) Push (elements ...T) int {
     = append (, elements...)
     = len()


package main

import "fmt"

type SliceData[T any] struct {
    data []T
    size int

func main() {
    // Declare a []int slice    sliceData := SliceData[int]{
       data: []int{1, 2, 3, 4},
       size: 4,
    // Add elements using the Push method    index := (5, 6, 7, 8)
    (index, )// 8 [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8]

func (sd *SliceData[T]) Push(elements ...T) int {
     = append(, elements...)
     = len()

Print result:

8 [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8]


Delete the element of the specified index and return the element

func (sd *SliceData[T]) Remove(index int) T {
    element := [index]
     = append ([:index], [index+1:]...)
     -= 1
    return element


package main

import "fmt"

type SliceData[T any] struct {
    data []T
    size int

func main() {
    sliceData := SliceData[int]{
       data: []int{1, 2, 3},
       size: 3,
    // Delete the 0th element    element := (0)
    (element, , ) // 1 [2 3] 2

func (sd *SliceData[T]) Remove(index int) T {
    element := [index]
     = append([:index], [index+1:]...)
     -= 1
    return element

Print result:

1 [2 3] 2

Set Change

Modify the value of the specified index and return two values: the original index value and the modified value

func (sd *SliceData[T]) Set (index int, element T) (oldValue, newValue T) {
    oldValue = [index]
    newValue = element
    [index] = element
    return oldValue, newValue


package main

import "fmt"

type SliceData[T any] struct {
    data []T
    size int

func main() {
    sliceData := SliceData[int]{
       data: []int{1, 2, 3},
       size: 3,

    newValue, oldValue := (0, 100)
    (newValue, oldValue, ) // 1 100 [100 2 3]

func (sd *SliceData[T]) Set(index int, element T) (oldValue, newValue T) {
    oldValue = [index]
    newValue = element
    [index] = element

    return oldValue, newValue

Print result:

1 100 [100 2 3]

Get check

Gets and returns the value of the specified index

func (sd *SliceData[T]) Get (index int) T {
    return [index]

ForEach traversal slices

ForEachMethods are used to traverse slices. It accepts a callback function with the callback parameters:index (index)element (element)slice (slice), execute the logic you defined inside the callback function.

func (sd *SliceData[T]) ForEach (cb func (
    index int,
    element T,
    slice []T,
)) T {
    for index, element := range  {
        cb (index, element, )


package main

import "fmt"

type SliceData[T any] struct {
    data []T
    size int

func main() {
    sliceData := SliceData[int]{
       data: []int{1, 2, 3},
       size: 3,

    (func(index int, element int, slice []int) {
       (index, element, slice)

func (sd *SliceData[T]) ForEach(cb func(
    index int,
    element T,
    slice []T,
)) {
    for index, element := range  {
       cb(index, element, )

Print result:

0 1 [1 2 3]
1 2 [1 2 3]
2 3 [1 2 3]


MapThe method accepts a callback function with the same parametersForEachmethod. The difference is that you canelementMake a modification and it returns a new slice.

package main

import "fmt"

type SliceData[T any] struct {
    data []T
    size int

func main() {
    sliceData := SliceData[int]{
       data: []int{1, 2, 3},
       size: 3,

    newSlice := (func(index int, element int, slice []int) int {
       element += 1
       return element


func (sd *SliceData[T]) Map(cb func(
    index int,
    element T,
    slice []T,
) T) []T {
    newSlice := make([]T, 0)

    for index, element := range  {
       element = cb(index, element, )
       newSlice = append(newSlice, element)

    return newSlice

Print result:

[2 3 4]

Size Get the length size

func (sd *SliceData[T]) Size () int {

GetSlice Gets the slice element

func (sd *SliceData[T]) GetSlice () []T {

The above is the detailed content of golang using generic structures to implement encapsulated slices. For more information about go encapsulated slices, please pay attention to my other related articles!