Updated on 2025-03-03

The use of static and dynamic types in Go language

In Go language, the main concepts of type systems can be divided into static types and dynamic types. The difference between these two is mainly reflected in how to determine and process the types of variables. The following is an explanation of dynamic and static typing in the Go language:

1. Static Typing

Go is aStatic typelanguage, which means that at compile time, the type of variable is clear and definite. Each variable must have a certain type when declared, and the compiler will check whether the type is correct at compile time.


package main

import "fmt"

func main() {
    var x int    // Clearly declare that the variable x is type int    x = 10

In this example,xDeclared asintType, the Go compiler will check in the compilation stagexWhether the correct type value is always assigned. If you tryxAssign a value of other types, for examplestring, the compiler will report an error.

The benefits of static typing are:

  • Type safety: Can catch type errors at compile time.
  • Performance optimization: Because the type is determined at compile time, the compiler can generate more efficient machine code.
  • Clear code: It can clarify the type of variables, which is easy to understand and maintain.


var a int = 42        // Variable a is static type intvar b string = "hello" // Variable b is a static type string

2. Dynamic Typing

Although Go is a statically typed language, it is through the interface (interface{}), Go also supports itDynamic Type, that is, the type of the variable is determined only at runtime. The concept of dynamic typing is usually combined with interfaces, especially empty interfaces (interface{}), it can save values ​​of any type.

interface{}is a special type that can be used to store values ​​of any type. Unlike static types, an empty interface does not check specific types at compile time, but does type check at runtime.


package main

import "fmt"

func main() {
    var any interface{}  // any is a dynamically typed variable that can store values ​​of any type    any = 42             // Now any is int type    (any)

    any = "Hello"        // Now any is the string type    (any)

In this example,anyIt is an empty interface (interface{}), it can dynamically save different types of values. The actual type of a variable can only be determined at runtime. Go provides type assertions and type switches to handle dynamically typed values.

Type Assertion:

Type assertions allow us to restore the value of a dynamic type to the original concrete type. For example:

var any interface{} = 10
num, ok := any.(int)  // Assert that any is type intif ok {
    ("any is type int, value is", num)
} else {
    ("any is not an int type")

Type Switch:

Type switches are used to handle a variety of situations where dynamic type variables are:

func printType(v interface{}) {
    switch v.(type) {
    case int:
        ("int type")
    case string:
        ("string type")
        ("Unknown Type")

Static type vs Dynamic type comparison

Static type Dynamic Type
Determine the type at compile time Determine the type at runtime
Provides type safety, and can catch type errors during compilation Type errors can only be found at runtime
Usually good performance and large room for optimization Runtime type checking brings some performance overhead
The code is clear and maintainable Strong flexibility, but easy to cause runtime errors

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