Java uses ftp to download remote server files
The first method
Download it remotely with the account password in the connection:
public Result<?> download(){ //Download the file --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //Remote server download address String fileurl = "ftp://superAdmin:[email protected]:8888/usr/mp4pt/rec/CHN0/10110120011100/00001.mp4"; //File physical path String realfilepath = "F:/rhsftdemo/00001.mp4"; // Create a new folder directory in the local area File file = new File("F:/rhsftdemo/"); if (!()) { (); } ("Storage path realfilepath:" + realfilepath + "Download path:" + fileurl); download(fileurl,realfilepath); return (); } private static final int BUFFER_SIZE = 4096; public void download(String ftpUrl,String savePath){ long startTime = (); // String ftpUrl = "ftp:///misc/unixutil/"; String file = ""; // name of the file which has to be download String host = ""; // ftp server String user = ""; // user name of the ftp server String pass = ""; // password of the ftp server // String savePath = "F:\\"; ftpUrl = (ftpUrl, user, pass, host); ("Connecting to FTP server"); try { URL url = new URL(ftpUrl); URLConnection conn = (); InputStream inputStream = (); long filesize = (); ("Size of the file to download in kb is:-" + filesize / 1024); FileOutputStream outputStream = new FileOutputStream(savePath); byte[] buffer = new byte[BUFFER_SIZE]; int bytesRead = -1; while ((bytesRead = (buffer)) != -1) { (buffer, 0, bytesRead); } long endTime = (); ("File downloaded"); ("Download time in sec. is:-" + (endTime - startTime) / 1000); (); (); } catch (IOException ex) { (); } }
The second method
Log in with your account password and download it:
public Result<?> download(){ //Download the file --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //Remote server download address String fileurl = ""; // Local file physical path String realfilepath = "F:/rhsftdemo/00001.mp4"; // Create a new folder directory in the local area File file = new File("F:/rhsftdemo/"); if (!()) { (); } ("Storage path realfilepath:" + realfilepath + "Download path:" + fileurl); boolean bb = retepasvfile(realfilepath,fileurl,"00001.mp4"); return (); } /** * Local save * * @param localurl physical path to local file * @param hosturl Remote server download address * @param filename filename * * @return */ public synchronized boolean retepasvfile(String localurl, String hosturl, String filename) { FTPClient ftp = new FTPClient(); boolean re = false; try { ("Local storage path==:" + localurl); File file = (localurl); (10000); (10000); ("", 21); if (!("admin") && !("superAdmin123") && "superAdmin" != "null" && "superAdmin123" != "null") { //Enter account password here ("superAdmin", "superAdmin123"); } else { ("Start link ftp:"); ("anonymous", "anonymous"); } //(); // String str=(); (); //Passive mode (60); (FTP.BINARY_FILE_TYPE); boolean b = ((0, ("/"))); ("pwd:" + b + "---Switch directory:" + (0, ("/"))); long locationsize = ();//Size of file on the server if (b) { boolean res = false; res = (filename, new FileOutputStream(file)); if (res) { //(); ("File download completed"); re = true; } else { ("File download failed"); //(); } } } catch (Exception e) { (); ("retepasvfileSamba:e=3" + e); } finally { try { (); } catch (Exception e) { } } return re; }
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