This article describes the method of Android implementing data transfer between activities based on Intent. Share it for your reference, as follows:
package ; import ; import ; import ; import ; import ; import ; import ; public class MainActivity extends Activity { private Button btn=null; public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState)//The onCreate method is used to initialize the Activity instance object { (savedInstanceState);//(savedInstanceState) is to call the onCreate method of its parent class Activity to realize the drawing work of the interface setContentView(.activity_main);//The function of setContentView() is to load an interface btn=(Button)findViewById(); (listener); } private listener=new () { @Override public void onClick(View v) { // Intent intent=new Intent(); // (Intent.ACTION_SENDTO); // (("smsto:5554")); // ("sms_body", "Hello!");//sms_body cannot be replaced at will// startActivity(intent); Intent intent=new Intent(); (, );//Skip from one activity to another activity ("str", "Intent Demo");//Add extra data to the intent, the key is "str", and the key value is "Intent Demo" startActivity(intent); } }; @Override public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu menu) { getMenuInflater().inflate(.activity_main, menu); return true; } }
package ; import ; import ; import ; import ; import ; public class SecondActivity extends Activity { private TextView secondTxt; @Override protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub (savedInstanceState); setContentView(); Intent intent=getIntent();//getIntent retrieves the original intent contained in the project and assigns the retrieved intent to a variable of Intent of type intent Bundle bundle=();//.getExtras() gets the extra data attached to the intent String str=("str");//getString() returns the value of the specified key secondTxt=(TextView)findViewById();// Use TextView to display the value (str); } }
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I hope this article will be helpful to everyone's Android programming design.