1. Get element nodes
getElementById(): Gets the element with the specified unique id.
getElementByTagName(): Gets the element array of specified element tag names.
getElementByName(): Gets an array of elements with the specified attribute name.
2. Children nodes
: Returns the child node array of this element. Note: Line breaks are used as text nodes in the browser and need to be filtered
: The first child node of this element.
: The last child node of the element.
3. Parent node
4. Brotherly nodes
: Returns the previous node in the same tree hierarchy, if not, null
: Returns the next node in the same tree hierarchy, if not, null
5. Create a node
createElement() Create node by the specified tag name
6. Replication node
clonedNode = (boolean) Pass in a boolean value, true means that all child nodes under the node are copied
7. Join the node
(childNode) Add a new node to the end of a child node
(newNode, targetNode) Before adding newNode to targNode
8. Remove the target node
9. Replace the target node
(newNode, targetNode) Replace targetNode with newNode
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