vue-cli3.0 introduces element-ui components on demand
1.Introduce vue add element
How do you want to import Element?-->SelectImport on demand
Choose the locale you want to load–>Selectzh-CN
2. After pressing, the system will automatically configure the import
- src\plugins\
- Automatically
As an example
The revolving * is an example
import { Carousel, CarouselItem } from 'element-ui' (Carousel) (CarouselItem)
Complete list of components and how to introduce them
import Vue from 'vue'; import { Pagination, Dialog, Autocomplete, Dropdown, DropdownMenu, DropdownItem, Menu, Submenu, MenuItem, MenuItemGroup, Input, InputNumber, Radio, RadioGroup, RadioButton, Checkbox, CheckboxButton, CheckboxGroup, Switch, Select, Option, OptionGroup, Button, ButtonGroup, Table, TableColumn, DatePicker, TimeSelect, TimePicker, Popover, Tooltip, Breadcrumb, BreadcrumbItem, Form, FormItem, Tabs, TabPane, Tag, Tree, Alert, Slider, Icon, Row, Col, Upload, Progress, Badge, Card, Rate, Steps, Step, Carousel, CarouselItem, Collapse, CollapseItem, Cascader, ColorPicker, Transfer, Container, Header, Aside, Main, Footer, Loading, MessageBox, Message, Notification } from 'element-ui'; (Pagination); (Dialog); (Autocomplete); (Dropdown); (DropdownMenu); (DropdownItem); (Menu); (Submenu); (MenuItem); (MenuItemGroup); (Input); (InputNumber); (Radio); (RadioGroup); (RadioButton); (Checkbox); (CheckboxButton); (CheckboxGroup); (Switch); (Select); (Option); (OptionGroup); (Button); (ButtonGroup); (Table); (TableColumn); (DatePicker); (TimeSelect); (TimePicker); (Popover); (Tooltip); (Breadcrumb); (BreadcrumbItem); (Form); (FormItem); (Tabs); (TabPane); (Tag); (Tree); (Alert); (Slider); (Icon); (Row); (Col); (Upload); (Progress); (Badge); (Card); (Rate); (Steps); (Step); (Carousel); (CarouselItem); (Collapse); (CollapseItem); (Cascader); (ColorPicker); (Transfer); (Container); (Header); (Aside); (Main); (Footer); (); .$loading = ; .$msgbox = MessageBox; .$alert = ; .$confirm = ; .$prompt = ; .$notify = Notification; .$message = Message;
vue-cli3.0 uses cdn to introduce element-ui
Generally, the packaged files are quite large after the project is written, so those commonly used and unchanged use cdn to reduce the volume of the package. This example uses vue-cli3.0. First configure externals
= { Vue: "Vue", Vuex: "Vuex", "element-ui": "ELEMENT", moment: 'moment', echarts: 'echarts' }
Add in
<script src="/vue/2.6.10/"></script> <script src="/vuex/3.0.1/"></script> <link href="/element-ui/2.4.5/theme-chalk/" rel="external nofollow" rel="stylesheet"> <script src="/element-ui/2.4.5/"></script> <script src="//2.24.0/"></script> <script src="/echarts/4.2.1/"></script>
Remove import xxx from 'xxx'. Here, the xxx refers to what you want to introduce with cdn. The above has been completed. If you want to use the element-ui Message module, use the following. The above external must be written in "element-ui": "ELEMENT". Just click it out directly with the module.
('success'); // ELEMENTBecome a global variable ?Must follow the above ?"element-ui": "ELEMENT"
The above is personal experience. I hope you can give you a reference and I hope you can support me more.