Introduction to PostgreSQL
- PostgreSQL is an open source relational database management system, a powerful, highly customizable and complex application-enabled database. It supports a wide range of data types, including numerical, text, binary, geospatial and other types, and also has advanced data modeling and table connection functions. PostgreSQL is a database that uses the ANSI SQL standard and also supports various data formats such as JSON and XML.
- PostgreSQL is a powerful, reliable and rich database management system, widely used in large enterprises and various applications.
- In the open source world, PostgreSQL is widely recognized and supported, and has a large community and developer team around the world. It is a mature database technology and one of the most dynamic and development potential open source databases today.
Business scenarios
- We have a small number of customers, whose projects involve fewer intersections, they have less demand for the platform, and they have no requirements for the concurrency of the platform.
- On the other hand, it is also a relatively important reason. They do not have the budget to buy a new server, but will only provide us with an older Windows server server to deploy the platform.
- For the convenience of deployment and operation and maintenance, we will deploy all microservices and middleware using docker and use docker-compose to manage configuration files uniformly
- Install virtualBox on Windows machines, install CentOS7 virtual machine, and deploy the platform in the virtual machine (the database is also deployed using docker)
- The customer is in the intranet environment. When the subsequent updates are deployed, the main thing is to organize the deployment package and update scripts, and local maintenance and cooperation with the update. A problem arises at this time. Sometimes the table structure needs to be modified, and the local maintenance personnel do not know how to operate (in fact, they mainly use the platform to help customers work, not professional operation and maintenance)
- Now we need to put the database structure update process in the original program update script, so that maintenance personnel only need to execute one script to complete the update
- For a production environment, a database backup strategy is necessary, and it must be backed up at least once a day. Since we only store business data in PostgreSQL, the overall data volume is not large, so we use full backup
Database maintenance
docker-compose configuration
- First, let’s put a look at our PostgreSQL docker-compose configuration
# Database Service postgresql: image: postgres:14.2 container_name: postgres ports: - 5432:5432 volumes: - ./volumes/postgresql/:/var/lib/postgresql/data/ - /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime environment: - POSTGRES_USER=postgres - POSTGRES_PASSWORD=xxxxxxxx - POSTGRES_HOST_AUTH_METHOD=md5 - TZ=Asia/Shanghai restart: always
- The main thing is to map the data directory where PostgreSQL database stores data. The others are all common configurations, such as username, password, password access, time zone, etc.
- The data directory is mapped, which is convenient for full backup and recovery of data.
Backup script
- You can use timed tasks to directly compress and backup the mapped folders to other directories in the early morning of every day.
- Below is the backup script, which only retains 10 days of backup, and loops to delete the earliest day
#!/bin/bash echo "======== start backup pg data ========" # pg data directorypgdata=/home/signal/instance/volumes target=/home/bak/pgbak if [ ! -d $target ];then mkdir -p $target else echo "The folder already exists" fi # Current datecurDay=$(date "+%Y-%m-%d") echo ${curDay} # Number of files reservedReservedNum=10 # Go to the pg data directory and compress it to the backup folder by datecd $pgdata tar -zcvf $target/postgresql-$ postgresql # Delete compressed files with extra days#*.tgz means filtering file types, and removing files for the entire directorycd $target FileNum=$(ls -l ./*.tgz |grep ^- |wc -l) while(( FileNum > $ReservedNum)) do OldFile=$(ls -rt ./*.tgz| head -1) rm -f $OldFile let "FileNum--" done echo "======== bakup pg data end ========"
- Then add the script to the server and execute it regularly, you can use it directly
Update table structure script
- Docker can execute sh scripts, use
docker exec container name/id /bin/sh -c "Command"
Just - In the original program update script, add the database update command. The specific commands are as follows:
echo "Update postgresql table structure" docker exec postgres /bin/sh -c "sh /var/lib/postgresql/data/"
- in
It is a database update script, usingpsql
The command executes the SQL file, as follows:
#!/bin/bash # Execute this script as postgres user Update the databaseecho 'update database' psql -d core -U postgres -f /var/lib/postgresql/data/core_update.sql sleep 1s echo 'create update end' exit
- in
For specific SQL files - because
The folder has been mapped. When updating the deployment program, update it by the waycore_update.sql
This is the article about docker running PostgreSQL database maintenance and execution script backup database and updating table structure. For more related content of docker running PostgreSQL database, please search for my previous articles or continue browsing the following related articles. I hope everyone will support me in the future!