postgresql greenplum string deduplication
pg and gp implement collect_set effect:
array_agg(DISTINCT $columnName)) array(SELECT DISTINCT $columnName from $tableName )
String stitching:
array_to_string(array_agg(DISTINCT ), '|')
Postgresql string processing method
About finding strings
select position('hello' in 'test_sql') output:0 select position('test' in 'test_sql') output:1
Therefore, position(str_1 in str_2) != 0 can be used to determine whether str_1 is a substring of str_2.
Conversion of strings and numbers
String -> Number
to_number(block_id,'999999') and cast(block_id as numeric), but the previous sentence will limit the numeric size to 10 to the power of 5, that is, an excessively large number will have problems, while the next sentence will not.
Numbers -> Strings
cast(block_id as varchar) converts numerical type to string type.
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