Convert object oid to object name in PostgreSQL
Using pg's internal data type to convert object oid to object name can simplify the association query of some system views.
Database type conversion oid of the corresponding type
You can use the following database type to convert the corresponding type of oid (taking pg12 as an example)
postgres=# select typname from pg_type where typname ~ '^reg'; typname --------------- regclass regconfig regdictionary regnamespace regoper regoperator regproc regprocedure regrole regtype (10 rows)
Corresponding relationship
Object name | type | Conversion rules |
pg_class | regclass | pg_class.oid::regclass |
pg_ts_dict | regdictionary | pg_ts_dict.oid::regdictionary |
pg_namespace | regnamespace | pg_namespace.oid::regnamespace |
pg_operator | regoperator | pg_operator.oid::regoperator |
pg_proc | regproc | pg_proc.oid::regproc |
pg_roles pg_user |
regrole | pg_roles.oid::regrole pg_user.usesysid::regrole |
pg_type | regtype | pg_type.oid::regtype |
The following types are currently uncertain for the purpose and are to be studied: | ||
regprocedure | ||
regoper | ||
regconfig |
Create test data
psql -U postgres create user test password 'test'; create database testdb with owner=test; \c testdb CREATE SCHEMA AUTHORIZATION test; psql -U test -d testdb create table test_t1(id int); create table test_t2(id int); create table test_t3(id int);
Based on the above test data, query which tables are in test mode and the owner of the table
The traditional table association method uses the following SQL, which can be associated with pg_class, pg_namespace, pg_roles/pg_user
psql -U test -d testdb -- Query user associationpg_userQuery SELECT AS SCHEMA, AS tablename, AS OWNER FROM pg_class t1 JOIN pg_user t2 ON = JOIN pg_namespace t3 ON = WHERE = 'r' AND = 'test'; schema | tablename | owner --------+-----------+------- test | test_t1 | test test | test_t2 | test test | test_t3 | test (3 rows) -- Query user associationpg_rolesQuery SELECT AS SCHEMA, AS tablename, AS OWNER FROM pg_class t1 JOIN pg_roles t2 ON = JOIN pg_namespace t3 ON = WHERE = 'r' AND = 'test'; schema | tablename | owner --------+-----------+------- test | test_t1 | test test | test_t2 | test test | test_t3 | test (3 rows)
As mentioned above, in order to achieve query effect, three tables need to be associated. Querying is quite complicated, and it is very simple to use object conversion, as follows:
psql -U test -d testdb SELECT relnamespace :: REGNAMESPACE AS SCHEMA, relname AS tablename, relowner :: REGROLE AS OWNER FROM pg_class WHERE relnamespace :: REGNAMESPACE :: TEXT = 'test' AND relkind = 'r'; schema | tablename | owner --------+-----------+------- test | test_t1 | test test | test_t2 | test test | test_t3 | test (3 rows)
Convert object name to oid type
Convert relationship
Object Type | Conversion rules |
table | 'Table name'::regclass::oid |
function/procedure | 'Function name/stored procedure name'::regproc::oid |
schema | 'Schema name'::regnamespace::oid |
user/role | 'Username/rolename'::regrole::oid |
type | 'Type Name'::regtype::oid |
Test Example
Table conversion
drop table if exists test_t; create table test_t(id int); postgres=# select oid from pg_class where relname = 'test_t'; oid ------- 16508 (1 row) postgres=# select 'test_t'::regclass::oid; oid ------- 16508 (1 row)
Function conversion
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION test_fun( arg1 INTEGER, arg2 INTEGER, arg3 TEXT ) RETURNS INTEGER AS $$ BEGIN RETURN arg1 + arg2; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; postgres=# select oid,proname from pg_proc where proname = 'test_fun'; oid | proname -------+---------- 16399 | test_fun (1 row) postgres=# select 'test_fun'::regproc::oid; oid ------- 16399 (1 row)
Mode conversion
create schema test_schema; postgres=# select oid,nspname from pg_namespace where nspname='test_schema'; oid | nspname -------+------------- 16511 | test_schema (1 row) postgres=# select 'test_schema'::regnamespace::oid; oid ------- 16511 (1 row)
create user test_user; postgres=# select usesysid,usename from pg_user where usename='test_user'; usesysid | usename ----------+----------- 16512 | test_user (1 row) postgres=# select 'test_user'::regrole::oid; oid ------- 16512 (1 row)
CREATE TYPE type_sex AS ENUM ('male', 'female'); postgres=# select oid,typname from pg_type where typname='type_sex'; oid | typname -------+---------- 16514 | type_sex (1 row) postgres=# select 'type_sex'::regtype::oid; oid ------- 16514 (1 row)
This is the end of this article about converting object oids and object names in PostgreSQL. For more related content on converting object oids and object names, please search for my previous articles or continue browsing the related articles below. I hope everyone will support me in the future!