Updated on 2025-03-03

Golang implementation obfuscates JavaScript code


In Go, you can use some tools to obfuscate JavaScript code. A common tool is Terser, which can be used to compress and obfuscate JavaScript code. You can call the Terser tool through the Go language `os/exec` package.

Here is a simple example, assuming you have installed the Terser tool:

package main

import (

func main() {
    // Replace with your file path    inputFile := "path/to/"
    // Replace with your obfuscated output file path    outputFile := "path/to/"

    // Call Terser tool for obfuscation    cmd := ("terser", inputFile, "--compress", "--mangle", "--output", outputFile)
    err := ()

    if err != nil {
        ("Error:", err)

    ("Code obfuscated successfully.")

In this example, we use Go's `os/exec` package to execute the Terser command. Make sure you have Terser installed on your system and that the `terser` command can be executed in the terminal. You can adjust the paths of input and output files as needed.

Note: Using Terser or other obfuscating tools can cause some side effects, such as reducing the readability of your code. Confusion is not an absolute security method, it is just to increase the difficulty of crackers. When using obfuscation tools, make sure to preserve the maintainability and readability of the code if necessary.

The above is the detailed content of golang's implementation of obfuscation of JavaScript code. For more information about golang's obfuscation of JavaScript code, please pay attention to my other related articles!