Updated on 2025-03-03

Example of PHP's judgment and intercepting method for mixed strings in Chinese and English

This article describes the PHP's judgment and intercepting method for mixed Chinese and English strings. Share it for your reference, as follows:

  * Chinese-English mixed string length judgment
  * @param unknown_type $str
  * @param unknown_type $charset
function strLength($str, $charset = 'utf-8') {
  if ($charset == 'utf-8')
    $str = iconv ( 'utf-8', 'gb2312', $str );
  $num = strlen ( $str );
  $cnNum = 0;
  for($i = 0; $i < $num; $i ++) {
    if (ord ( substr ( $str, $i + 1, 1 ) ) > 127) {
      $cnNum ++;
      $i ++;
  $enNum = $num - ($cnNum * 2);
  $number = ($enNum / 2) + $cnNum;
  return ceil ( $number );
  * Chinese-English mixed string interception
  * @param unknown_type $sourcestr
  * @param unknown_type $cutlength
function cut_str($sourcestr, $cutlength) {
  $returnstr = '';
  $i = 0;
  $n = 0;
  $str_length = strlen ( $sourcestr ); //The number of bytes of the string  while ( ($n < $cutlength) and ($i <= $str_length) ) {
    $temp_str = substr ( $sourcestr, $i, 1 );
    $ascnum = Ord ( $temp_str ); //Get the ascii code of the $i character in the string    if ($ascnum >= 224) //If ASCII bit is high and 224,    {
      $returnstr = $returnstr . substr ( $sourcestr, $i, 3 ); // According to UTF-8 encoding specification, 3 consecutive characters are counted as single characters      $i = $i + 3; //The actual Byte is counted as 3      $n ++; //String length meter 1    } elseif ($ascnum >= 192) //If ASCII bit is high and 192,    {
      $returnstr = $returnstr . substr ( $sourcestr, $i, 2 ); // According to UTF-8 encoding specification, 2 consecutive characters are counted as single characters      $i = $i + 2; //The actual Byte is counted as 2      $n ++; //String length meter 1    } elseif ($ascnum >= 65 && $ascnum <= 90) //If it is capital letters,    {
      $returnstr = $returnstr . substr ( $sourcestr, $i, 1 );
      $i = $i + 1; //The actual number of Bytes is still counted 1      $n ++; //But considering the overall beauty, capital letters are counted as high-ranking characters    } else //In other cases, including lowercase letters and half-width punctuation marks,    {
      $returnstr = $returnstr . substr ( $sourcestr, $i, 1 );
      $i = $i + 1; //The actual number of Bytes is counted 1      $n = $n + 0.5; //Lowercase letters and half-width punctuation are wide with half-high characters...    }
  if ($str_length > $cutlength) {
    $returnstr = $returnstr . "..."; //Add ellipsis at the end when the length exceeds the  }
  return $returnstr;

PS: Here are a few online character statistics tools for your reference:

Online word count tool:

Online character statistics and editing tools:

For more information about PHP related content, please check out the topic of this site:Summary of usage of php strings》、《Complete collection of PHP array (Array) operation techniques》、《Introduction to PHP basic syntax》、《Summary of PHP operations and operator usage》、《PHP object-oriented programming tutorial》、《Summary of PHP network programming skills》、《PHP+mysql database operation tutorial"and"Summary of common database operation techniques for php

I hope this article will be helpful to everyone's PHP programming.