Updated on 2025-03-04

Solution to Java error report


Hibernate is a widely used powerful tool in the field of Java development, especially in projects involving data persistence. However, even experienced developers may encounter various errors during use, which is a headache. The occurrence of this abnormality is like an insurmountable gully, blocking the smooth interaction between the data between the program and the database, seriously affecting the normal progress of the project. So, how to cross this gully? Let us analyze this error message in depth and explore effective solutions.

1. Problem description

1.1 Error report example

Here is a code example that may cause an error:

import ;
import ;
import ;
import ;
import ;
import ;
import ;

import ;
import ;
import ;
import ;

class Employee {
    @GeneratedValue(strategy = )
    private Long id;
    private String name;
    private Integer age;
    // Suppose there is an incorrect type mapping here, such as incorrectly mapping String type to Date type    private Date hireDate; 

    // Constructor, Getter and Setter methods are omitted}

public class Main {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        StandardServiceRegistry registry = new StandardServiceRegistryBuilder()
        Metadata metadata = new MetadataSources(registry)
        SessionFactory sessionFactory = ()

        Session session = ();
        Transaction transaction = ();

        Employee employee = new Employee();
        ("John Doe");
        ("2024-01-01"); // Here is a value of the wrong type


1.2 Error report analysis

It is mainly caused by the mismatch between the attribute types in the entity class and the corresponding columns in the database. The specific reasons are as follows:

  • Entity class and database mapping problem: In the above example,EmployeeIn the classhireDateThe attribute is defined asDatetype, but in the code try to add oneStringvalue("2024-01-01") Assign it to it. When Hibernate tries to save this entity object to the database, it determines the storage type of each attribute in the database based on the mapping configuration. Hibernate cannot correctly translate the type mismatchStringConvert value toDatetype, thus throwing an exception.
  • Data type conversion exception: Hibernate relies on the type mapping mechanism when handling data interactions between entity classes and databases. This exception is triggered if the incoming value type does not match the expected type and no suitable type converter is available. For example, if a column in the database is defined asINTtype, and the corresponding attribute in the entity class is wrongly set toStringType (and there is no custom type conversion logic), an error will be reported when trying to save or query data.
  • Configuration error: Probably a Hibernate configuration file (e.g.) or entity class annotation configuration has problems. For example, if the wrong database dialect is specified in the configuration file, it may cause Hibernate to have a bias in understanding the data type. Or if the type mapping of a certain attribute is set incorrectly in the annotation of the entity class, this exception will also be raised.

1.3 Solutions

  • First, carefully check whether the type of the attribute in the entity class is consistent with the type of the corresponding column in the database. Make sure the value type passed to the entity class attribute in the code is correct.
  • Check the configuration file of Hibernate and the annotation configuration of the entity class to confirm whether there are incorrect type mapping or other related configuration problems.
  • If you are involved in custom data types, check whether there is a corresponding type converter and make sure that it functions normally.

2. Solution

2.1 Method 1: Check the type matching between entity class and database

  • Entity class attribute check
    • Check the properties in each entity class one by one. Confirm that the type of the attribute matches the type of the corresponding column in the database. For example, if the databaseemployee_nameColumn isVARCHARtype, then in entity classnameThe attribute should beStringtype. For numerical types, pay special attention to matching accuracy and range. For example, if thesalaryColumn isDECIMAL(10,2), corresponding to the entity classsalaryThe attribute should be the appropriate numerical type (e.g.BigDecimal), and when assigning values, you must ensure that the values ​​are within the allowed accuracy and range.
    • For date and time types, pay attention to date types in Java (such asetc.) with the date type in the database (e.g.DATEDATETIME) correspondence. Make sure the correct date type is used in the entity class and the correct formatted value is passed when assigned. If the databasehire_dateColumn isDATEType, the appropriate Java date type should be represented in the entity class, and will be represented by theStringConvert a date value of type to the correct date object (for example, usingSimpleDateFormator Java 8's datetime API for conversion).
  • Database table structure check
    • Check the database table creation statement or design document to confirm the type definition of each column. If the database table structure changes during development, the attribute types in the entity class should be updated in time to match it. For example, if a new column is added to the databasebonus_amount, typeDECIMAL(8,2), you need to add the corresponding attributes to the entity class and set the correct type (such asBigDecimal)。
    • For foreign key relationships in the database, make sure that the type of the relevant attributes in the entity class is consistent with the primary key type of the table referenced by the foreign key. For example, ifEmployeeThe table has a foreign keydepartment_idQuoteDepartmentThe primary key of the tableid(AssumingidyesINTType), thenEmployeeIn classdepartmentIdThe attribute should beIntegertype.

2.2 Method 2: Check Hibernate configuration

  • Configuration file check
    • Check(if using XML configuration) or other related configuration files. examinedialectWhether the properties are set correctly. Different databases (such as MySQL, Oracle, PostgreSQL, etc.) have different dialects. Choosing the correct dialect can ensure that Hibernate handles the data type correctly. For example, if using MySQL, it should be set to. If the dialect is set incorrectly, it may cause problems in Hibernate's resolution of data types.
    • Check other configuration parameters related to type mapping. For example, if you use a custom type mapping or data type resolution policy, make sure that these configurations are correct. If there is<property name="hibernate.type_definitions">For similar configurations, you need to confirm that the type information defined in it is accurate.
  • Annotation configuration check (if annotation is used)
    • For the entity class@ColumnAnnotation (if any), checkcolumnDefinitionproperty. This property can specify the detailed definition of columns in the database, including type, length, whether they can be empty, etc. make surecolumnDefinitionThe value of 1 is consistent with the actual column definition in the database table. For example, if there is a@Column(columnDefinition = "VARCHAR(50)"), to confirm that the corresponding column in the database is indeedVARCHAR(50)type.
    • examine@EntityOther related attributes in the annotation, such asnameAttribute (used to specify the table name of the entity class in the database, if it is different from the default). If the table name is set incorrectly, it may cause problems when Hibernate is looking up or manipulating table data, and then throw exceptions such as type mismatch.

2.3 Method 3: Handle custom types and type converters

  • Custom type checking
    • If you use custom data types in your project (such as custom enum types, complex business object types, etc.), check the implementation of these custom types. Ensure that the custom type implements the interface required by Hibernate (e.g.orwait). For example, if a custom enum type is definedEmployeeStatus, and want to store it in the database, the corresponding type interface is implemented to handle the conversion between the enumeration value and the database value.
    • For custom types, check whether their constructors and methods are implemented correctly. In particular, methods related to data storage and reading are to ensure that they can correctly convert values ​​of custom types into database storage-based forms and that values ​​read from databases can be correctly converted back to custom types. For example, in a custom typenullSafeGetIn the method (used to read values ​​from the database and convert them to custom types), you must correctly handle possible null values ​​and data type conversions.
  • Type converter check
    • If Hibernate type converter is used (), check the implementation of the converter. Ensure that the converter can correctly convert one data type to another. For example, if there is a type converter for convertingStringConvert a type of phone number to a specific formatPhoneNumberObject (custom type), to check the converter'sconvertToDatabaseValueandconvertToEntityValueWhether the method is implemented correctly and whether it can handle various possible input values.
    • Confirm that the type converter is registered correctly. If you register a type converter in a configuration file or through a code, make sure that the registration information is accurate. For example, ifConfigurationObject registration type converter, to check whether the registered method call is correct and whether the registered type converter is correctly applied to the corresponding attribute or entity class.

2.4 Method 4: Check the data transfer and assignment process

  • Data source check
    • Trace the source of data. If the value of the entity class attribute is obtained from user input, file reading, or other external data sources, check the process of data acquisition and delivery. For example, if a user enters data through a form, make sure that the correct type validation and conversion is performed before assigning the data to the entity class attribute. If you read data from a file, check whether the file format and data parsing logic are correct to avoid passing data of the wrong type to the entity class.
    • For data obtained from other systems or interfaces, check whether the format and type of the data meet the requirements of entity class attributes. If you are receiving data through the REST API, you must type check and convert the data at the receiving end to ensure that it is consistent with the type of the entity class. For example, if the API returnsJSONThe formatted data must be parsed correctlyJSONThe value type in and convert it to the correct type of the corresponding attribute in the entity class.
  • Assignment operation check
    • In the assignment operation of the entity class, check whether there are unexpected type conversions or mismatches. For example, when assigning values ​​to properties of entities in a loop, make sure that the value type of each assignment is correct. If a conditional judgment statement affects assignment, check whether the logic of the conditional judgment is correct and whether it may cause the wrong type to be assigned to the attribute.
    • For the properties of the collection type (e.g.ListSetetc.), check whether the type of the element in the collection is consistent with the definition in the entity class. If you are adding elements to a collection attribute, make sure that the added element type is correct. For example, ifEmployeeThere is one in the classList<String>Type ofskillsAttributes, when adding elements, make sure to only add themStringValue of type.

3. Other solutions

  • Use the Database Migration Tool (if applicable)
    • If the project uses database migration tools (such as Flyway, Liquibase, etc.), check the execution of the migration script. Sometimes, changes in database table structure may not be applied correctly, resulting in a type mismatch between entity classes and databases. Through the log and status information of the database migration tool, you can check whether there are any problems with the migration process. For example, if Flyway errors when executing a migration script, it may cause inconsistent table structures, which in turn raises type mismatch issues.
    • Confirm that the database migration tool is configured correctly. Including database connection information, path and order of migration scripts, etc. If the order of migration scripts is incorrect, it may cause the update order of the table structure to be incorrect, affecting type matching. For example, if you first create a foreign key that references a table that does not exist, a problem will occur.
  • Check the runtime environment and dependency version
    • Check the project's runtime environment, including Java version, database server version, etc. Some data types may be handled differently in different Java versions or database versions. For example, Java 8 introduces a new datetime API, and when interacting with Hibernate and databases, it is necessary to ensure that these new types are used and processed correctly. If the database server is upgraded, check whether it will affect the processing of the data type.
    • Check out the versions of Hibernate and related dependencies (such as database drivers). Upgrading or downgrading these versions may resolve type mismatch issues. Sometimes, newer versions of Hibernate may fix some type mapping vulnerabilities, or older versions are more compatible with specific database drivers. For example, if you encounter type mismatch issues, you can try upgrading the Hibernate version and check if the data types are processed correctly. At the same time, make sure that the database driver version is compatible with the database server version and the Hibernate version.

4. Summary

This article discusses in-depth information about this Java error. The detailed code example shows the scenarios that may cause this error, including entity class mismatch with the database type, Hibernate configuration errors, custom type and type converter issues, and data transfer and assignment. In response to these problems, we propose various solutions, such as checking the type matching of entity classes to databases (including entity class attributes and database table structure checks), checking Hibernate configurations (configuration files and annotation configurations), handling custom types and type converters (custom type implementations and type converter checks), and checking data delivery and assignment processes (data source and assignment operation checks). In addition, other related solutions are introduced, such as using database migration tools and checking runtime environments and dependent versions. When an error is reported again, developers and environment configurators can follow the above steps to conduct comprehensive investigations from multiple aspects to quickly and accurately solve the problem, ensure the correct interaction between the entity class and the database, and ensure the stable operation of the project.

The above is the detailed content of the solution to the Java error. For more information about Java error hibernate, please pay attention to my other related articles!