Repost a simple web server:
%% - MicroHttpd -module(httpd). -author("ninhenry@"). -export([start/0,start/1,start/2,process/2]). -import(regexp,[split/2]). -define(defPort,8888). -define(docRoot,"public"). start() -> start(?defPort,?docRoot). start(Port) -> start(Port,?docRoot). start(Port,DocRoot) -> case gen_tcp:listen(Port, [binary,{packet, 0},{active, false}]) of {ok, LSock} -> server_loop(LSock,DocRoot); {error, Reason} -> exit({Port,Reason}) end. %% main server loop - wait for next connection, spawn child to process it server_loop(LSock,DocRoot) -> case gen_tcp:accept(LSock) of {ok, Sock} -> spawn(?MODULE,process,[Sock,DocRoot]), server_loop(LSock,DocRoot); {error, Reason} -> exit({accept,Reason}) end. %% process current connection process(Sock,DocRoot) -> Req = do_recv(Sock), {ok,[Cmd|[Name|[Vers|_]]]} = split(Req,"[ \r\n]"), FileName = DocRoot ++ Name, LogReq = Cmd ++ " " ++ Name ++ " " ++ Vers, Resp = case file:read_file(FileName) of {ok, Data} -> io:format("~p ~p ok~n",[LogReq,FileName]), Data; {error, Reason} -> io:format("~p ~p failed ~p~n",[LogReq,FileName,Reason]), error_response(LogReq,file:format_error(Reason)) end, do_send(Sock,Resp), gen_tcp:close(Sock). %% construct HTML for failure message error_response(LogReq,Reason) -> "<html><head><title>Request Failed</title></head><body>\n" ++ "<h1>Request Failed</h1>\n" ++ "Your request to " ++ LogReq ++ " failed due to: " ++ Reason ++ "\n</body></html>\n". %% send a line of text to the socket do_send(Sock,Msg) -> case gen_tcp:send(Sock, Msg) of ok -> ok; {error, Reason} -> exit(Reason) end. %% receive data from the socket do_recv(Sock) -> case gen_tcp:recv(Sock, 0) of {ok, Bin} -> binary_to_list(Bin); {error, closed} -> exit(closed); {error, Reason} -> exit(Reason) end
When running, create a public directory locally and put a file in the public directory.
Then httpd:start() starts the server and you can access ithttp://localhost:8888/It's