Create a database instance
from main import SQLiteDB db = SQLiteDB("")
Execute SQL directly using execute
("INSERT INTO user (name, amount, createtime) VALUES (?, ?, ?)",("Zhang San", 25.6, '2023-07-01 15:25:30'))
Create a table
# Create a table (""" CREATE TABLE users( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, name TEXT NOT NULL, age INTEGER, email TEXT UNIQUE, created_at TEXT DEFAULT (datetime('now', 'localtime')) ); """)
Insert Example
# Single insertion ("user",['name', 'amount', 'createtime'],('Li Si', 25.6, '2023-07-01 15:25:30')) # Tuple list batch insertion fields = ['name', 'amount', 'createtime'] values = [ ('User 1', 22, '2024-11-12 12:13:11'), ('User 2', 23, '2024-11-12 12:13:11'), ('User 3', 24, '2024-11-12 12:13:11') ] db.batch_insert('user', fields, values) # Dictionary list batch insertion users_dict = [ {'name': 'Xiao Ming', 'amount': 22, 'createtime': '2024-11-12 12:13:11'}, {'name': 'Little Red', 'amount': 24, 'createtime': '2024-11-12 12:13:11'}, {'name': 'Xiao Zhang', 'amount': 26, 'createtime': '2024-11-12 12:13:11'} ] db.insert_many_dict('user', users_dict)
Delete Example
# Delete by condition affected_rows = ("user", "age > ?", (30,)) # Delete by ID db.delete_by_id("user", 1) # Batch Delete id_list = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] db.delete_many("user", id_list) # Clear the table db.truncate_table("user")
Modify example
# Basic update ('users', ['name', 'age'], ('Zhang San', 25), 'id = ?', (1,)) # Update by ID db.update_by_id('users', ['name', 'age'], ('Zhang San', 25), 1) #Update with dictionary db.update_dict('users', {'name': 'Zhang San', 'age': 25}, 'id = ?', (1,)) # Batch update of dictionary data dict_list = [ {'id': 1, 'name': 'Zhang San', 'age': 25, 'email': 'zhangsan@'}, {'id': 2, 'name': 'Li Si', 'age': 30, 'email': 'lisi@'} ] db.batch_update_dict('users', dict_list) # Batch update values_list = [ ('Zhang San', 25, 1), ('Li Si', 30, 2) ] db.batch_update('users', ['name', 'age'], values_list)
Query example
# Query a single record result = db.fetch_one("SELECT *FROM user WHERE name = ?", ("Zhang San",)) # Pagination query db.fetch_page("SELECT * FROM user", 3, 2) # Query multiple records results = db.fetch_all("SELECT *FROM user LIMIT 5") for row in results: print(row) # Conditional query results = db.fetch_all("SELECT *FROM user WHERE amount > ?", (20,)) for row in results: print(row)
Conjunction table query example
Suppose there are two tables: user and orders
Inner connection query example
sql = """ SELECT , o.order_number, FROM user u INNER JOIN orders o ON = o.user_id WHERE > ? """ results = db.fetch_all(sql, (100,)) for row in results: print(row)
Left connection query example
sql = """ SELECT , COUNT() as order_count FROM user u LEFT JOIN orders o ON = o.user_id GROUP BY """ results = db.fetch_all(sql) for row in results: print(row)
import sqlite3 class SQLiteDB: def __init__(self, db_name): """Initialize database connection""" = None = None try: = (db_name) = () except as e: print(f"An error occurred while connecting to the database: {e}") def execute(self, sql, params=None): """Execute SQL query parameter: sql: SQL statement params: SQL parameters, used for parameterized query return: Return True after successful execution, and False after failure """ try: if params: (sql, params) else: (sql) () return True except as e: print(f"An error occurred while executing a query: {e}") return False # Create a table def create_table(self, table_name, fields): """Create a data table parameter: table_name: Table name fields: Field definition list,Each element is a tuple (Field name, Type definition) return: 执行成功returnTrue,失败returnFalse """ try: fields_str = ', '.join([f"{name} {definition}" for name, definition in fields]) sql = f"CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS {table_name} ({fields_str})" return (sql) except as e: print(f"An error occurred while creating the table: {e}") return False # Insert############################################################################################## def insert(self, table_name, fields, values): """Insert data parameter: table_name: Table name fields: Field name列表,For example ['name', 'age'] values: Value list,For example ('Zhang San', 25) return: 执行成功returnTrue,失败returnFalse """ try: # Construct SQL statements placeholders = ','.join(['?' for _ in fields]) fields_str = ','.join(fields) sql = f"INSERT INTO {table_name} ({fields_str}) VALUES({placeholders})" return (sql, values) except as e: print(f"Insert data时出错: {e}") () # Roll back when an error occurs return False # Batch Insert 1 def batch_insert(self, table_name, fields, values_list): """批量Insert data parameter: table_name: Table name fields: Field name列表,For example ['name', 'age'] values_list: Value list,Each element is a tuple,For example [('Zhang San', 25), ('Li Si', 30)] return: 执行成功returnTrue,失败returnFalse """ try: # Construct SQL statements placeholders = ','.join(['?' for _ in fields]) fields_str = ','.join(fields) sql = f"INSERT INTO {table_name} ({fields_str}) VALUES ({placeholders})" # Perform batch insertion (sql, values_list) () return True except as e: print(f"批量Insert data时出错: {e}") () # Roll back when an error occurs return False # Batch insert 2 def insert_many_dict(self, table_name, dict_list): """使用Dictionary list批量Insert data parameter: table_name: Table name dict_list: Dictionary list,Each dictionary represents one line of data,For example: [{'name': 'Zhang San', 'age': 25}, {'name': 'Li Si', 'age': 30}] return: 执行成功returnTrue,失败returnFalse """ if not dict_list: return False try: # Get field name from the first dictionary fields = list(dict_list[0].keys()) # Convert dictionary list to value list values_list = [tuple(()) for d in dict_list] return self.batch_insert(table_name, fields, values_list) except Exception as e: print(f"An error occurred while processing dictionary data: {e}") return False ############################################################ # delete########################################### def delete(self, table_name, condition, params=None): """Delete data parameter: table_name: table name condition: WHERE conditional statement, for example "age > ?" or "name = ?" params: 条件parameter,For example (20,) or ('Zhang San',) return: 执行成功return受影响的行数,失败return-1 """ try: sql = f"DELETE FROM {table_name} WHERE {condition}" (sql, params or ()) () return except as e: print(f"An error occurred while deleting data: {e}") () return -1 def delete_by_id(self, table_name, id_value, id_field='id'): """Delete data based on ID parameter: table_name: table name id_value: ID value id_field: ID field name, default is 'id' return: The execution returns the number of affected rows successfully, and the failure returns -1 """ return (table_name, f"{id_field} = ?", (id_value,)) def delete_many(self, table_name, id_list, id_field='id'): """Batch delete data parameter: table_name: table name id_list: ID list id_field: ID field name, default is 'id' return: The execution returns the number of affected rows successfully, and the failure returns -1 """ try: placeholders = ','.join(['?' for _ in id_list]) sql = f"DELETE FROM {table_name} WHERE {id_field} IN ({placeholders})" (sql, id_list) () return except as e: print(f"批量An error occurred while deleting data: {e}") () return -1 def truncate_table(self, table_name): """Clear table data parameter: table_name: table name return: Return True after successful execution, and False after failure """ try: (f"DELETE FROM {table_name}") () return True except as e: print(f"An error occurred while clearing table data: {e}") () return False ############################################################ # renew########################################### def update(self, table_name, fields, values, condition, condition_params=None): """Update data parameter: table_name: Table name fields: List of fields to update,For example ['name', 'age'] values: 新的Value list,For example ('Zhang San', 25) condition: WHEREConditional statements,For example "id = ?" condition_params: 条件parameter,For example (1,) return: 执行成功return受影响的行数,失败return-1 """ try: # Construct SET clause set_clause = ','.join([f"{field} = ?" for field in fields]) sql = f"UPDATE {table_name} SET {set_clause} WHERE {condition}" # Merge values and condition_params params = list(values) if condition_params: (condition_params) (sql, params) () return except as e: print(f"Update data时出错: {e}") () return -1 def update_by_id(self, table_name, fields, values, id_value, id_field='id'): """according toIDUpdate data parameter: table_name: Table name fields: List of fields to update,For example ['name', 'age'] values: 新的Value list,For example ('Zhang San', 25) id_value: IDvalue id_field: IDField name,Default is'id' return: 执行成功return受影响的行数,失败return-1 """ return (table_name, fields, values, f"{id_field} = ?", (id_value,)) def update_dict(self, table_name, update_dict, condition, condition_params=None): """使用字典Update data parameter: table_name: Table name update_dict: 要更新的Fields和value的字典,For example {'name': 'Zhang San', 'age': 25} condition: WHEREConditional statements,For example "id = ?" condition_params: 条件parameter,For example (1,) return: 执行成功return受影响的行数,失败return-1 """ fields = list(update_dict.keys()) values = list(update_dict.values()) return (table_name, fields, values, condition, condition_params) def batch_update_dict(self, table_name, dict_list, id_field='id'): """使用Dictionary list批量Update data parameter: table_name: Table name dict_list: Dictionary list,Each dictionary must containid_fieldFields,For example: [{'id': 1, 'name': 'Zhang San', 'age': 25}, {'id': 2, 'name': 'Li Si', 'age': 30}] id_field: IDField name,Default is'id' return: 执行成功return受影响的行数,失败return-1 """ if not dict_list: return 0 try: # Get all field names from the first dictionary (excluding ID fields) fields = [f for f in dict_list[0].keys() if f != id_field] # Convert dictionary list to value list values_list = [] for d in dict_list: # Make sure the dictionary contains ID fields if id_field not in d: raise ValueError(f"Missing in the dictionary {id_field} Fields") # Build a value tuple: first add the field value to be updated, and finally add the ID value values = tuple(d[f] for f in fields) values += (d[id_field],) values_list.append(values) return self.batch_update(table_name, fields, values_list, id_field) except Exception as e: print(f"An error occurred while batch update of dictionary data: {e}") return -1 def batch_update(self, table_name, fields, values_list, id_field='id'): """批量Update data parameter: table_name: Table name fields: List of fields to update,For example ['name', 'age'] values_list: Value list,Each element is a tuple,包含新value和ID,For example [('Zhang San', 25, 1), ('Li Si', 30, 2)] id_field: IDField name,Default is'id' return: 执行成功return受影响的行数,失败return-1 """ try: # Construct SET clause set_clause = ','.join([f"{field} = ?" for field in fields]) sql = f"UPDATE {table_name} SET {set_clause} WHERE {id_field} = ?" (sql, values_list) () return except as e: print(f"批量Update data时出错: {e}") () return -1 ############################################################ # Query def fetch_all(self, sql, params=None): """Get all query results parameter: sql: SQL query statement params: SQL parameters, used for parameterized query return: Query the result list, fail to return to the empty list """ try: if params: (sql, params) else: (sql) return () except as e: print(f"An error occurred while obtaining data: {e}") return [] # Pagination query def fetch_page(self, sql, page_num, page_size, params=None): page_sql = f" limit {(page_num - 1) * page_size},{page_size}" print(sql + page_sql) return self.fetch_all(sql + page_sql, params) def fetch_one(self, sql, params=None): """Get single query results parameter: sql: SQL query statement params: SQL parameters, used for parameterized query return: Single query result, failed to return None """ try: if params: (sql, params) else: (sql) return () except as e: print(f"An error occurred while obtaining data: {e}") return None ############################################################ # Close the database connection when destroying an object def __del__(self): try: ("VACUUM;") """Close the database connection""" if : () () except as e: pass
This is the end of this article about the sample code of encapsulating SQLite3 through python. For more related content about encapsulating SQLite3 on python, please search for my previous articles or continue browsing the related articles below. I hope everyone will support me in the future!