Updated on 2025-03-04

Use vba to output record sets to Excel template

'** Function name:  ExportTempletToExcel
'** Function function:  Export record set to Excel template
'** Particle description:
'**                                                                                                                             �
'**                                                                                                                             �
'**                                                             �
'**                                                             �
'** Function returns:
'**                  Boolean Type
'**               True                                              �
'**                     False
'** Reference example:
'**                                                             �
Private Function ExportTempletToExcel(ByVal strExcelFile As String, _ 
                                      ByVal strSQL As String, _ 
                                      ByVal strSheetName As String, _ 
                                      ByVal adoConn As Object) As Boolean 
   Dim adoRt                        As Object 
Dim lngRecordCount                                                                                                                          �
Dim intFieldCount                As Integer                    ' Number of fields
Dim strFields
   Dim i                            As Integer 

Dim exlApplication               As Object                     ' Excel Example
Dim exlBook                                                                                                                           �
Dim exlSheet

   On Error GoTo LocalErr 

    = vbHourglass 

'// Create ADO Recordset Object
   Set adoRt = CreateObject() 

   With adoRt 
      .ActiveConnection = adoConn 
      .CursorLocation = 3           'adUseClient 
      .CursorType = 3               'adOpenStatic 
      .LockType = 1                 'adLockReadOnly 
      .Source = strSQL 

      If .EOF And .BOF Then 
         ExportTempletToExcel = False 
'// Get the total number of records, + 1 means there is still a row of field name information.
         lngRecordCount = .RecordCount + 1 
         intFieldCount = . - 1 

         For i = 0 To intFieldCount 
'// Generate field name information (vbTab represents the interval between each cell in Excel)
            strFields = strFields & .Fields(i).Name & vbTab 

'// Remove the last vbTab tab
         strFields = Left$(strFields, Len(strFields) - Len(vbTab)) 

'// Create an Excel instance
         Set exlApplication = CreateObject() 
'// Add a workspace
         Set exlBook =  
'// Set the current workspace to the first worksheet (there will be 3 by default)
         Set exlSheet = (1) 
'// Change the first worksheet to the specified name
          = strSheetName 

'// Clear the "Clipboard"
'// Copy the field name to "Clipboard"
'// Select cell A1
'// Paste the field name

'// Copy the record set starting from A2
         (A2).CopyFromRecordset adoRt 
'// Add a named range, which is the required range when importing
          strSheetName, = & strSheetName & !$A$1:$ & _ 
                                  uGetColName(intFieldCount + 1) & $ & lngRecordCount 
'//Save Excel file
'// Exit Excel instance

         ExportTempletToExcel = True 
      End If 
      'adStateOpen = 1 
      If .State = 1 Then 
      End If 
   End With 

'** Release all objects
   Set exlSheet = Nothing 
   Set exlBook = Nothing 
   Set exlApplication = Nothing 
   Set adoRt = Nothing 

   If  <> 0 Then 
   End If 

    = vbDefault 
End Function 

'// Get the list
Private Function uGetColName(ByVal intNum As Integer) As String 
   Dim strColNames                  As String 
   Dim strReturn                    As String 

'// Usually there are not too many fields, so it is enough to 26*3.
   strColNames = A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J,K,L,M,N,O,P,Q,R,S,T,U,V,W,X,Y,Z, & _ 
   strReturn = Split(strColNames, ,)(intNum - 1) 
   uGetColName = strReturn 
End Function