This article describes the use of the getlist method to implement data search function in ThinkPHP. Share it for your reference, as follows:
I write the getlist method in the model in ThinkPHP. In fact, the so-called search function is nothing more than like %string% used in database query, or other field names = specific value. These SQL statements are spliced into and statements;
<form action="" method="get"> <table class="account_table" width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> <tr> <td style="text-align:right">Order number:</td> <td> <input name="order_sn" class="inp_wid3" type="text" value="{$_GET['order_sn']}"/> </td> <td style="text-align:right"> Order date: </td> <td colspan="5"> <input type="text" class="inp_wid2" name="begintime" value="{$_GET['begintime']}" /> to <input type="text" class="inp_wid2" name="endtime" value="{$_GET['endtime']}" /> &nbsp;Transaction completion date <input type="text" class="inp_wid2" name="finishbegintime" value="{$_GET['finishbegintime']}" /> to <input type="text" class="inp_wid2" name="finishendtime" value="{$_GET['finishendtime']}" /> &nbsp;Order amount: <input type="text" class="inp_wid2" name="count_price_min" value="{$_GET['count_price_min']}"/> to <input type="text" class="inp_wid2" name="count_price_max" value="{$_GET['count_price_max']}" /> </td> </tr> <tr> <td style="text-align:right; width:80px">Buyer name:</td> <td style="width:140px"> <input name="user_nick_name" class="inp_wid3" type="text" value="{$_GET['user_nick_name']}" /> </td> <td style="text-align:right; width:80px">Buyer account:</td> <td style="width:140px"> <input name="user_name" class="inp_wid3" type="text" value="{$_GET['user_name']}" /> </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2"> <input class="search_btn1" type="submit" value="search" /> </td> </tr> </table> </form>
I saw that there was no GET method to submit the form, this is the query condition filling option;
Among the controller:
$order_msg=$order->getList(); $this->assign('info',$order_msg);//This gets the order details
Among the Model:
public function getList($pagesize=25){ $tableName = $this->getTableName(); $where = $tableName.'.service_id = '.$_SESSION['service_site']['service_id']; if(!empty($_GET['order_sn'])){//Inquiry of order number $where.= " and $tableName.`order_sn` like '%".$_GET['order_sn']."%'"; } if(!empty($_GET['count_price_min'])){//Inquiry of the minimum order amount $where.= " and $tableName.count_price >=".$_GET['count_price_min'].""; } if(!empty($_GET['begintime'])){//Search for order start date $_GET['begintime']=strtotime($_GET['begintime']);//Convert date to timestamp $where.= " and $tableName.add_time >=".$_GET['begintime'].""; $_GET['begintime']=date('Y-m-d',$_GET['begintime']);//Convert date to timestamp } if(!empty($_GET['endtime'])){//Search for the end date of order $_GET['endtime']=strtotime($_GET['endtime']);//Convert date to timestamp $where.= " and $tableName.add_time <=".$_GET['endtime'].""; $_GET['endtime']=date('Y-m-d',$_GET['endtime']);//Convert timestamps to dates to facilitate the front desk display after refreshing the page } if(!empty($_GET['finishbegintime'])){//Search for transaction completion start date $_GET['finishbegintime']=strtotime($_GET['finishbegintime']);//Convert date to timestamp $where.= " and $tableName.ok_time >=".$_GET['finishbegintime'].""; $_GET['finishbegintime']=date('Y-m-d',$_GET['finishbegintime']);//Convert date to timestamp } if(!empty($_GET['finishendtime'])){//Search for transaction completion end date $_GET['finishendtime']=strtotime($_GET['finishendtime']);//Convert date to timestamp $where.= " and $tableName.ok_time <=".$_GET['finishendtime'].""; $_GET['finishendtime']=date('Y-m-d',$_GET['finishendtime']);//Convert timestamps to dates to facilitate the front desk display after refreshing the page } if(!empty($_GET['send'])){//Inquiry of shipped warning orders, the delivery time is more than five days away $where.= " and $tableName.send_time < '".(time()-60*60*24*5)."'"; } if(!empty($_GET['doingorder'])){//Inquiry orders $where.= " and $ in (0,1)"; } if(!empty($_GET['warningorder'])){//Inquiry and warning order: payment has been made and has not been shipped for more than 24 hours $where.= " and $tableName.pay_time < '".(time()-60*60*24)."'"; } if(!empty($_GET['warningorder'])){//Inquiry and warning order: payment has been made and has not been shipped for more than 24 hours $where.= " and $tableName.is_pay = 1 "; } if(!empty($_GET['warningorder'])){//Inquiry and warning order: payment has been made and has not been shipped for more than 24 hours $where.= " and $ in (0,1)"; } if(!empty($_GET['count_price_max'])){//Inquiry of the maximum amount of order $where.= " and $tableName.count_price <=".$_GET['count_price_max'].""; } if(!empty($_GET['user_nick_name'])){//Query the buyer name $where.= " and fab_user.nick_name like '".$_GET['user_nick_name']."%'"; } if(!empty($_GET['user_name'])){//Check the buyer account $where.= " and fab_user.user_name like '".$_GET['user_name']."%'"; } if(!empty($_GET['supplier_nick_name'])){//Query the supplier's name $where.= " and fab_supplier.nick_name like '".$_GET['supplier_nick_name']."%'"; } if(!empty($_GET['supplier_name'])){//Check the supplier account $where.= " and fab_supplier.supplier_name like '".$_GET['supplier_name']."%'"; } if($_GET['history'] == 1){ $where .= " and {$tableName}.status in (2,3,4) "; } if(($_GET['pay_type'])!=""&&($_GET['pay_type'])!=-1){//Inquiry on payment methods $where.= " and fab_order_info.pay_type = ".$_GET['pay_type'].""; } if(($_GET['status'])!=""&&($_GET['status'])!=-1){//Check the order status $where.= " and fab_order_info.status = ".$_GET['status'].""; } if(!empty($_GET['stime']) && !empty($_GET['etime'])){ $stime = strtotime($_GET['stime']); $etime = strtotime($_GET['etime']) + 24*60*60; $where.= " and ($tableName.`inputtime` between '$stime' and '$etime')"; } $count = $this->where($where)->count(); $this->countNum = $count; $Page = new \Think\Page($count,$pagesize); $this->page = $Page->show(); $limit = $Page->firstRow.','.$Page->listRows; $sql="select $tableName.*,fab_supplier.nick_name as supplier_nick_name,fab_user.nick_name as user_nick_name from ($tableName left join fab_supplier on fab_order_info.supplier_id=fab_supplier.supplier_id) left join fab_user on fab_order_info.user_id=fab_user.user_id where $where order by $tableName.`order_id` desc limit $limit"; $sqls="select sum(fab_order_info.count_price) as order_price,count(fab_order_info.count_price) as order_count from $tableName where $where order by $tableName.`order_id` desc limit $limit"; $this->sql_msg=$this->query($sqls); return $this->query($sql);//Order details}
You just need to pay attention to the GET data acquisition and then splice SQL statements; why do you always splice errors! ! !
<?php namespace Admin\Model; use Think\Model; class KuaidicompanyModel extends Model { private $page = ""; public function getList($pagesize=25){ $where = '1'; $tableName = $this->getTableName(); $count = $this->where($where)->count(); $Page = new \Think\Page($count,$pagesize); $this->page = $Page->show(); $limit = $Page->firstRow.','.$Page->listRows; return $this->query("select * from $tableName where $where order by $tableName.`id` asc limit $limit "); } public function getPage(){ return $this->page; } }
A streamlined universal version of getlist, practical for pagination.
<?php namespace Admin\Model; use Think\Model; class KuaidicompanyModel extends Model { private $page = ""; public function getList($pagesize=25){ $where = '1'; $tableName = $this->getTableName(); $count = $this->where($where)->count(); $Page = new \Think\Page($count,$pagesize); $this->page = $Page->show(); $limit = $Page->firstRow.','.$Page->listRows; return $this->query("select * from $tableName where $where order by $tableName.`id` asc limit $limit "); } public function getPage(){ return $this->page; } }
Lite version of MODEL for automatic data verification
For more information about thinkPHP related content, please check out the topic of this site:ThinkPHP Introduction Tutorial》、《Summary of the operation skills of thinkPHP templates》、《Summary of common methods of ThinkPHP》、《Codeigniter Introductory Tutorial》、《Advanced tutorial on CI (CodeIgniter) framework》、《Zend FrameWork Framework Introduction Tutorial"and"PHP template technical summary》。
I hope that the description in this article will be helpful to everyone's PHP programming based on the ThinkPHP framework.