Updated on 2025-03-04

python printing log implementation code with time

1. Overall explanation

1. Problem background

You can use print to print logs in python, but the print is messy and does not take time, which looks very unsightly. You need to customize a tool with different log levels


In Python,printis a built-in function that outputs representations of text or other objects to standard output (usually console). It is a commonly used way of debugging and outputting information.

printThe basic syntax of a function is as follows:

print(value1, value2, ..., sep=' ', end='\n', file=, flush=False)


  • value1, value2, the value or object to be printed. Multiple values ​​can be separated by commas.
  • sepis a string used to separate multiple values, and defaults to a space.
  • endIt is a string at the end of printing, and the default is a newline character.\n
  • fileis the output file object, defaulting to standard output (console).
  • flushis a boolean value indicating whether the output is refreshed immediately. The default isFalse

Here are some examples:

print("Hello, world!")  # Print a string
name = "Alice"
age = 25
print("Name:", name, "Age:", age)  # Print multiple values, using default delimiters and newlines
print("Hello", "world", sep="-")  # Use custom delimiters
print("Hello", end="")  # No line break output
file = open("", "w")
print("Hello, file!", file=file)  # Output to file
print("Hello, flush!", flush=True)  # Refresh the output immediately

After running the above code, you will see the corresponding output results in the console or in the specified file.

printFunctions are very useful when debugging code, outputting program running results, and providing information to users. You can use it flexibly as you need to meet different printing needs

3. Log level

In software development and logging, commonly used log levels (Log Levels) usually follow the following standard hierarchy:

  • DEBUG: The lowest level log is used to output detailed debugging information. Usually used only during the development and debugging phases to track details during code execution.

  • INFO (information): used to output general information during program operation, such as program startup, key events, operation success, etc. It provides a holistic understanding of program behavior.

  • WARNING: Used to output warning messages that may cause problems or potential errors, which will not cause program interruption or fatal errors, but require attention.

  • ERROR: Used to output error information, indicating that an error occurred at a specific point, but it does not cause the program to terminate. Error logs usually indicate that an unexpected situation has occurred on the program.

  • CRITICAL: The highest level log for outputting critical and fatal errors. It means that the program has encountered serious problems that cannot continue execution and may cause the program to crash or fail to run properly.

In addition, there are some other log levels, whose specific names and definitions may vary according to different log libraries and frameworks. For example:

  • TRACE: A more detailed log level than DEBUG, used to output more granular information than debug level.
  • FATAL (fatal): is equivalent to CRITICAL, used to indicate a fatal error.

Note that different log libraries and frameworks may differ in naming and definition of these log levels. When using it, you can select the appropriate logging level based on your specific needs and the documentation of the logging library.

2. Code implementation

1. Complete code

import logging

class TimeStampedLogger:
    def __init__(self, log_level=):
         = self._configure_logger(log_level)

    def _configure_logger(self, log_level):
        logger = (__name__)

        formatter = ('%(asctime)s - %(message)s')

        stream_handler = ()

        return logger

    def info(self, message):

    def debug(self, message):

logger = TimeStampedLogger()

2. Extended method

You can add logs of different levels

def info(self, message):

def debug(self, message):

Attachment: Print logs, files, line numbers, current time in Python

Write a function to implement the logging function of python:

Call the function, print the current time, print the current line number, file function name

Easy to find bugs

import sys,time

def Log(msg,line,name):
    #File address __file__, optionally add    date = ('%Y.%m.%d %H:%M:%S ',(()))
    print(date+':'+ msg +', Line '+line+' , in '+name)

if __name__ == '__main__':

#2022.03.25 11:52:15 :hello, Line 9 , in <module>

Print result: 2022.03.25 11:52:15 :hello, Line 9, in <module>


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