Using assembly programming, you can directly access the data in memory and perform related operations on the data. Now you need to use assembly instructions and or to convert the string data into case. As shown in the following example, convert BaSiC to uppercase and iNforMaTiOn to lowercase.
assume cs:codesg,ds:datasg datasg segment db 'BaSiC' db 'iNforMaTiOn' datasg ends codesg segment start: mov ax,datasg mov ds,ax mov cx,5 mov bx,0 s1: mov al,ds:[bx] and al,11011111b mov ds:[bx],al inc bx loop s1 mov cx,11 mov bx,5 s2: mov al,ds:[bx] or al,00100000b mov ds:[bx],al inc bx loop s2 mov ax,4c00h int 21h codesg ends end start
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