Use assembly code in UEFI
The EDK code contains a part of the assembly code. Currently, the .S, .asm and .nasm format assembly (the first is AT&T assembly, and the last two are Intel assembly, but the assembly styles used are slightly different. .nasm is open source and free, and is more general). If it is compiled under Windows, it is generally used to use the NASM compiler, so the assembly file in the .nasm format is used, and the compilation tool is also free, so you can use it in/Download and put it in the C:\Nasm directory, and then it can be used in the EDK code.
Here is an example, which is a library module:
First create the inf file:
[Defines] INF_VERSION = 0x00010005 BASE_NAME = AsmLib FILE_GUID = 2A3061AF-740E-4B62-B900-FC24AF9B072E MODULE_TYPE = BASE VERSION_STRING = 1.0 LIBRARY_CLASS = AsmLib # # The following information is for reference only and not required by the build tools. # # VALID_ARCHITECTURES = IA32 X64 IPF EBC # [Sources.X64] X64/ [Packages] MdePkg/ BeniPkg/
The code here is no different from ordinary inf, it is just the specified source fileSources
A little different, usually when specifiedIa32
Assembly code writing:
SECTION .text ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; VOID ; EFIAPI ; AsmNop ( ; VOID ; ); ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ global ASM_PFX(AsmNop) ASM_PFX(AsmNop): nop ret
The code segment is specified, and the assembly code is followed.
global ASM_PFX
Specifies a global function that can be called externally, and of course, you also need to add a header file:
/** Code for nothing. @param NA @retval NA **/ VOID EFIAPI AsmNop ( VOID );
You can use this function afterwards, which is no different from the use of ordinary functions.
Here is another example for outputting a character to the Legacy serial port:
global ASM_PFX(AsmSerialIo) ASM_PFX(AsmSerialIo): mov dx, 03f3h mov eax, 0 loop: in al, dx bt eax, 5 jnc loop ; Wait until ready mov dx, 03f8h mov ax, cx ; cx is the input parameter out dx, ax ; Output the character ret
The test code can be found in BeniPkg\DynamicCommand\TestDynamicCommand\.
The above is the detailed content of the use of basic assembly code for UEFI development. For more information about UEFI development assembly code, please pay attention to my other related articles!