Qt Scrolling writing of log files
Scrolling writing function of log files. Create a new log file when the log file reaches 10MB, and start overwriting the earliest log file when the total log file size reaches 10GB
Take monitoring the writing logs of a folder as an example
Log file creation and management
Initialize log file: In the constructor of the FileMonitor class, the first log file will be created. The naming format of the log file is "file_monitor_serial number.log", and the initial sequence number is 0.
Scrolling writing mechanism
Single log file size limit: When writing content to the current log file so that its size reaches 10MB (set through the logFileSizeLimit variable, the value is 10 * 1024 * 1024 bytes), the current log file is closed, the log file index is added, and a new log file is created for subsequent logging.
Total log file size limit
At the same time, the overall size of all log files will be monitored. When the total size reaches 10GB (set through the totalLogSizeLimit variable, the value is 10 * 1024 * 1024 bytes), the earliest created log file will be deleted (by calculating the file name of the earliest log file and determining whether it exists, and delete it if it exists) to ensure that the total log file size does not grow unlimitedly.
Log content record
For events such as file creation, deletion, and modification, the current date and time of the event (format is "yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss"), event type (such as "File created", "File deleted", "File modified") and related file path information will be written to the currently used log file in a specific format. And the buffer will be refreshed immediately after each write to ensure that the log content is written to the file in time. At the same time, the current log file size information will be updated in real time to determine whether the single log file size limit is reached.
#include <QCoreApplication> #include <QFileSystemWatcher> #include <QFile> #include <QTextStream> #include <QDateTime> #include <QDir> #include <QFileInfo> #include <QSet> #include <iostream> // The FileMonitor class inherits from QObject, is used to monitor file changes in the specified folder and record related logsclass FileMonitor : public QObject { Q_OBJECT public: // Constructor, used to initialize file monitor-related parameters explicit FileMonitor(const QString &path, QObject *parent = nullptr) : QObject(parent), // Create a file system monitor object and use it as a child object of the current object watcher(new QFileSystemWatcher(this)), rootPath(path), // Set the size limit of a single log file to 10MB, here to convert 10MB to bytes logFileSizeLimit(static_cast<quint64>(10) * 1024 * 1024), // Set the total log file size limit to 10GB, and convert it to bytes. totalLogSizeLimit(static_cast<quint64>(10) * 1024 * 1024 * 1024), currentLogFileIndex(0), currentLogFileSize(0) { // Add the specified monitoring path to the file system monitor watcher->addPath(rootPath); // Get the initial file list under the monitoring path QDir dir(rootPath); initialFiles = (QDir::Files); // Connect the directory change signal of the file system monitor to the corresponding slot function connect(watcher, &QFileSystemWatcher::directoryChanged, this, &FileMonitor::onDirectoryChanged); // Connect the file change signal of the file system monitor to the corresponding slot function connect(watcher, &QFileSystemWatcher::fileChanged, this, &FileMonitor::onFileChanged); // Initialize the log file and create the first log file createNewLogFile(); } private slots: // The slot function called when the monitored directory changes void onDirectoryChanged(const QString &path) { std::cout << "Directory changed: " << qPrintable(path) << std::endl; // Get the file list in the current monitoring directory QDir dir(rootPath); QStringList currentFiles = (QDir::Files); // Find out the newly added files and implement them through collection operations QSet<QString> newFiles = QSet<QString>((), ()).subtract(QSet<QString>((), ())); // traverse the newly added files and record the file creation events to the log for (const QString &file : newFiles) { logEvent("File created", (file)); } // Find the deleted file, and use the same set operation QSet<QString> deletedFiles = QSet<QString>((), ()).subtract(QSet<QString>((), ())); // traverse the deleted files and record file deletion events to the log for (const QString &file : deletedFiles) { logEvent("File deleted", (file)); } // Update the initial file list to the current file list so that the file changes will be detected next time initialFiles = currentFiles; } // The slot function called when the monitored file changes void onFileChanged(const QString &path) { std::cout << "File changed: " << qPrintable(path) << std::endl; // Record file modification events to log logEvent("File modified", path); } private: // Function to create a new log file void createNewLogFile() { // Construct a new log file name, format: file_monitor_serial number.log QString logFileName = "file_monitor_" + QString::number(currentLogFileIndex) + ".log"; (logFileName); // If the log file already exists, get its size and update the current log file size variable if (()) { currentLogFileSize = (); } else { currentLogFileSize = 0; } // Open or create a log file, and output an error message if it fails if (!(QIODevice::Append | QIODevice::Text)) { std::cerr << "Failed to open/create log file: " << qPrintable(logFileName) << std::endl; } } // Function to record log events void logEvent(const QString &event, const QString &path) { // Create a text stream object to write content to the current log file QTextStream out(&currentLogFile); // Write current date, event type and file path information to the log file out << QDateTime::currentDateTime().toString("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss") << " - " << event << ": " << path << "\n"; (); // Calculate the size of the log string just written, and read the contents in the text stream first QString logString = (); // If the read is empty, it may be because the write has not been cached yet. Reconstruct the log string. if (()) { logString = QDateTime::currentDateTime().toString("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss") + " - " + event + ": " + path + "\n"; } // Update the size of the current log file, convert the log string to UTF-8 encoding and calculate its bytes and accumulate it to the current log file size variable currentLogFileSize += logString.toUtf8().size(); // Check whether the current log file size reaches the single log file size limit if (currentLogFileSize >= logFileSizeLimit) { // Close the current log file (); // Add log file index to create the next new log file ++currentLogFileIndex; // Check whether the total log file size limit is exceeded. If it exceeds, delete the earliest log file if (currentLogFileIndex * logFileSizeLimit > totalLogSizeLimit) { QString oldestLogFileName = "file_monitor_" + QString::number(currentLogFileIndex - totalLogSizeLimit / logFileSizeLimit) + ".doc"; if (QFile::exists(oldestLogFileName)) { QFile::remove(oldestLogFileName); } } // Create a new log file createNewLogFile(); } } // File system monitor object, used to monitor file and directory changes under specified paths QFileSystemWatcher *watcher; // The root path of monitoring QString rootPath; // The initial file list is used to compare and detect files' addition and deletion QStringList initialFiles; // The following are the newly added log management related member variables // The log file object currently in use QFile currentLogFile; // The size limit of a single log file, in bytes quint64 logFileSizeLimit; // Total log file size limit, unit in bytes quint64 totalLogSizeLimit; // The index of the current log file is used to distinguish different log files quint64 currentLogFileIndex; // The current log file size is bytes, used to monitor whether the file size reaches the limit in real time quint64 currentLogFileSize; }; int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { QCoreApplication a(argc, argv); // Get command line parameters, if there are parameters, use them as monitoring path, otherwise the default monitoring root directory is monitored QString watchPath = (argc > 1)? QString::fromLocal8Bit(argv[1]) : "/"; // Create a file monitoring object and pass it in the monitoring path FileMonitor monitor(watchPath); // Run the application event loop, start monitoring file and directory changes and logging return (); } #include ""
This is the end of this article about Qt implementing scroll writing of log files. For more relevant Qt log files, please search for my previous articles or continue browsing the related articles below. I hope everyone will support me in the future!