Updated on 2025-03-04

Java creates executable JAR files in various ways


JAR files are the standard format for packaging and distribution of Java applications. In particular, executable JAR files can package all the necessary components of a Java application (including class files, resource files, and dependency libraries) together, making it easier to distribute and run applications. In this article, we will detail the various methods and best practices for creating, configuring, and using executable JAR files.

Introduction to JAR file

A JAR file is an archive file based on the ZIP file format. It can contain multiple Java class files, metadata and resource files. JAR files can be used for:

  • Package Java class files and related resources.
  • Distribute Java applications or libraries.
  • Improve download speed and reduce storage space.

The main advantage of JAR files is that they can package multiple files into an archive file, simplifying the distribution and deployment of applications.

Create a JAR file

JDK's jar tool

JDK provides a command line tooljar, can be used to create and manipulate JAR files. Here are the basic steps to create a JAR file:

Compile Java source files:


Create a JAR file:

jar cvf  

HerecIndicates creating a new JAR file.vIndicates the generation of detailed output,fIndicates the specified JAR file name.

Create a JAR file using IDE

Most IDEs, such as Eclipse and IntelliJ IDEA, provide graphical interface tools for creating JAR files. Here are the steps to create a JAR file using Eclipse:

  • Select the project and right-click it, selectExport...
  • Select in the pop-up dialog boxJava -> JAR file
  • Specify the output path and file name, clickFinish

Specify the Main-Class property

In order to make the JAR file executable, we need toSpecify the main class in the file (includingmainclass of method).

Specify in the file

A file is a special file in a JAR file that contains the metadata of the JAR file. Here is an exampledocument:

Manifest-Version: 1.0

Use the jar tool to specify

We can use it when creating a JAR filejarToolseOptions specify the main class:

jar cvfe   

HereeOptions are used to specify the main class.

Run an executable JAR file

After creating the executable JAR file, you can run it with the following command:

java -jar 

This command starts the main class specified in the JAR file and executes itmainmethod.

Create an executable JAR file in a Maven project


In the Maven project, we can configure itFile to create an executable JAR file.

Using maven-jar-plugin

Here is a configuration example:


After configuration, run the following command to generate a JAR file:

mvn package

Create an executable JAR file in a Gradle project


In the Gradle project, we can configure itFile to create an executable JAR file.

Using the application plugin

Here is a configuration example:

plugins {
    id 'java'
    id 'application'

mainClassName = ''

jar {
    manifest {
            'Main-Class': mainClassName

After configuration, run the following command to generate a JAR file:

gradle build

Executable JAR file containing dependent libraries

Executable JAR files usually need to contain the application's dependency library. We can use the Maven Shade plugin or the Gradle Shadow plugin to create an executable JAR file containing all dependencies.

Using the Maven Shade plugin

Here is an example configuration of a Maven Shade plugin:

                                <transformer implementation="">

After configuration, run the following command to generate an executable JAR file containing all dependencies:

mvn package

Using Gradle Shadow Plugin

Here is an example configuration of a Gradle Shadow plugin:

plugins {
    id 'java'
    id 'application'
    id '' version '6.1.0'

mainClassName = ''

shadowJar {
    manifest {
            'Main-Class': mainClassName

After configuration, run the following command to generate an executable JAR file containing all dependencies:

gradle shadowJar

Executable JAR files in multi-module projects

In a multi-module project, we need to ensure that all module class files and resource files are included in the executable JAR file. Here is an example configuration for a multi-module Maven project:



In a multi-module project, make sure all submodules are packaged and included in the final executable JAR file.


This article introduces in detail the creation, structure and usage of Java executable JAR files. We discussed how to use JDKjarTools, IDE, Maven, and Gradle to create and configure executable JAR files and how to include dependency libraries in JAR files. By mastering these technologies, you can package and distribute Java applications more efficiently, simplify deployment processes, and improve development efficiency.

This is the end of this article about various ways to create executable JAR files in Java. For more related contents of Java creation executable JAR files, please search for my previous articles or continue browsing the related articles below. I hope everyone will support me in the future!