This article has shared a code snippet of iOS regular verification mobile phone number for your reference. The specific content is as follows
//Judge whether the mobile phone number format is correct+ (BOOL)valiMobile:(NSString *)mobile { mobile = [mobile stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:@" "withString:@""]; if ( != 11) { return NO; }else{ /** * Move number segment regular expression */ NSString *CM_NUM = @"^((13[4-9])|(147)|(15[0-2,7-9])|(178)|(18[2-4,7-8]))\\d{8}|(1705)\\d{7}$"; /** * Unicom number segment regular expression */ NSString *CU_NUM = @"^((13[0-2])|(145)|(15[5-6])|(176)|(18[5,6]))\\d{8}|(1709)\\d{7}$"; /** * Regular expression of electrical signal segment */ NSString *CT_NUM = @"^((133)|(153)|(177)|(18[0,1,9]))\\d{8}$"; NSPredicate *pred1 = [NSPredicatepredicateWithFormat:@"SELF MATCHES %@", CM_NUM]; BOOL isMatch1 = [pred1 evaluateWithObject:mobile]; NSPredicate *pred2 = [NSPredicatepredicateWithFormat:@"SELF MATCHES %@", CU_NUM]; BOOL isMatch2 = [pred2 evaluateWithObject:mobile]; NSPredicate *pred3 = [NSPredicatepredicateWithFormat:@"SELF MATCHES %@", CT_NUM]; BOOL isMatch3 = [pred3 evaluateWithObject:mobile]; if (isMatch1 || isMatch2 || isMatch3) { return YES; }else{ return NO; } } }
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