<%@LANGUAGE="VBSCRIPT" CODEPAGE="936"%> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http:///TR/xhtml1/DTD/"> <html xmlns="http:///1999/xhtml"> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=gb2312" /> <title><%="Page Title"%></title> </head> <body> <%="Multiple conditional judgment"%> <% ("<br />") ("Use the Write method of the response object to output the content!") %> <br /> <% dim a,b a=200 b=300 ("The sum of the two numbers is:") (a+b) ("<br />") if a=100 then ("a=100,The first condition is met。") elseif a=200 then ("a=200,The second condition is met。") elseif a=300 then ("a=300,The third condition is met。") else ("None of the three conditions are met.") end if %> <% ("<br />") dim textnumber textnumber=200 select case textnumber case 100 ("The value is 100, the conditions are satisfied!") case 200 ("The value is 200, the condition is satisfied!") case 300 ("The value is 300, the conditions are satisfied!") case else ("The above conditions are not met!") end select %> <% ("<br />") dim i,sum i=0 sum=0 while i<=100 sum=sum+i i=i+1 wend ("The sum of all integers within 100 is:") (sum) %> <% ("<br />") dim w,s w=0 s=0 do s=s+w w=w+1 loop while w<=100 ("The sum of all integers within 100 is:") (s) ("<br/>") ("The value of w is:") (w) %> </body> </html>
I won't talk about the specific introduction, just look at the examples
asp if statement
①if A then B
②if A then
end if
③if A then
end if
④if A then
elseif C then
end if
⑤if A then
elseif C then
end if
In the following case, you can use the If...Then...Else statement:
Execute a certain piece of code when the condition is true
When selecting one of two pieces of code to execute
If you need to execute only one line of statements when the condition is true, you can write the code as one line:
if i=10 Then msgbox "Hello"
In the above code, there is no .else.. statement. We just let the code perform one operation when the condition is true (when i is 10).
If we need to execute more than one statement when the condition is true, we must write a statement on one line and then use the keyword "End If" to end the statement:
if i=10 Then msgbox "Hello" i = i+1 end If
In the above code, there is also no .else.. statement. We just let the code perform multiple operations when the condition is true.
If we want to execute a statement when the condition is true and execute another statement when the condition is not true, we must add the keyword "Else":
if i=10 then msgbox "Hello" else msgbox "Goodbye" end If
The first piece of code is executed when the condition is true, and the second piece of code is executed when the condition is not true (when i is not equal to 10).
If you want to choose one of multiple sets of codes to execute, you can use the if...then...elseif statement:
if payment="Cash" then msgbox "You are going to pay cash!" elseif payment="Visa" then msgbox "You are going to pay with visa." elseif payment="AmEx" then msgbox "You are going to pay with American Express." else msgbox "Unknown method of payment." end If
Select Case
If you want to choose one of multiple sets of codes to execute, you can use the SELECT statement:
select case payment case "Cash" msgbox "You are going to pay cash" case "Visa" msgbox "You are going to pay with visa" case "AmEx" msgbox "You are going to pay with American Express" case Else msgbox "Unknown method of payment" end select
How the above code works: First, we need a simple expression (often a variable), and this expression will be evaluated once. The value of the expression will then be compared with the value in each case, and if it matches, the code corresponding to the matched case will be executed.