Updated on 2025-03-04

Use Python to easily adjust the playback speed of your video

To adjust the playback speed of a video using Python, you can use the fx (special effects) module in the moviepy library to achieve this functionality. The video playback speed can be easily adjusted by the VideoFileClip class and function in .

Install moviepy

First, make sure the moviepy library is installed. If not installed, you can use the following command to install:

pip install moviepy

Adjust the video playback speed

Allows to change the speed of the video and play twice the speed. The video speed can be adjusted by passing a speed value:

Speed: 1.0 means normal speed, 2.0 means acceleration to twice speed, 0.5 means deceleration to half speed, etc.

Code example: Adjust video playback speed

from  import VideoFileClip
from  import speedx

def adjust_video_speed(input_video_path, output_video_path, speed_factor):
     Adjust the video playback speed
     :param input_video_path: Enter the video file path
     :param output_video_path: Output video file path
     :param speed_factor: playback speed multiple (for example, 2.0 means 2x acceleration, 0.5 means half slowdown)
    # Load video file    video = VideoFileClip(input_video_path)
    # Adjust video speed    video_with_new_speed = speedx(video, speed_factor)
    # Write to the output file    video_with_new_speed.write_videofile(output_video_path, codec='libx264', audio_codec='aac')

# Example call:input_video_path = 'input_video.mp4'
output_video_path = 'output_video.mp4'
speed_factor = 1.5  # For example, the playback speed is 1.5 times faster
adjust_video_speed(input_video_path, output_video_path, speed_factor)

Code parsing:

1.adjust_video_speed function:

Enter parameters:

  • input_video_path: Enter the file path of the video.
  • output_video_path: The file path to the output video.
  • speed_factor: Adjusted multiple, 1.0 means normal speed, 2.0 means double speed, 0.5 means half slowing down.

Use VideoFileClip to load video files.

Use the speedx function to adjust the speed of the video, where speed_factor is a multiple parameter. speedx(video, factor) will adjust the playback speed of the video according to the factor.

After the adjustment is completed, use write_videofile to output the adjusted file.


The function of the speedx function is to change the playback speed of the video.

Pass in one speed value: 1.0 (normal speed), 2.0 (accelerate to twice), 0.5 (decelerate to halfway), etc.

3. Output video:

The output video is saved as a specified file path, supporting common formats such as .mp4.

Use libx264 as the video codec and aac as the audio codec.


Assuming you want to speed up a video file to 1.5 times faster, speed_factor = 1.5 is passed when the adjust_video_speed function is called.

If you want to slow down the video playback to half its original speed, set speed_factor = 0.5.


Audio processing: When the video playback speed changes, the audio playback speed will also change. If you want to adjust the speed of the video separately without changing the audio, you can first separate the audio, adjust the speed of the video and then re-synthesis the audio. If you only adjust the video and do not affect the audio playback, you can use the audio=False parameter to not process the audio.

video_with_new_speed = speedx(video, speed_factor, audio=False)

Performance issues: When processing videos, especially longer videos, adjusting playback speed may affect processing time and memory consumption, ensuring that the system resources are sufficient to process larger video files.

Output format: write_videofile The default method uses libx264 codec, and the encoding settings can be adjusted according to needs, such as changing video resolution, frame rate and other parameters.

More advanced features:

Audio Adjustment: If you need to adjust the audio speed separately or not adjust the audio, you can further explore the audio processing functions in moviepy.

Synthesize multiple videos: You can combine concatenate_videoclips to synthesize multiple videos, or crop and merge video clips.

Through this method, the video playback speed can be easily adjusted, and it is suitable for multiple scenes such as video editing and special effects production.

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