In Java,BigDecimal
Can be converted todouble
Type, but it should be noted that such conversion may result in accuracy loss becauseBigDecimal
The accuracy ratiodouble
Much taller.
Here isBigDecimal
Convert todouble
Use the doubleValue method
Method to convert todouble
import ; public class Main { public static void main(String[] args) { BigDecimal bigDecimal = new BigDecimal("12345.6789"); // Convert BigDecimal to double double doubleValue = (); ("BigDecimal value: " + bigDecimal); ("Double value: " + doubleValue); } }
In this example,()
Will beBigDecimal
Convert todouble
and store the result indoubleValue
in variable.
Things to note
Precision loss:because
The accuracy limitations of may cause numerical distortion in some cases. Therefore, be extra careful when conducting financial calculations and other scenarios that require high accuracy. -
Range Limitation:
Range ratiodouble
Much bigger. ifBigDecimal
The value exceedsdouble
The range of will cause the result toInfinity
Here is a complete example showing how toBigDecimal
Convert todouble
And pay attention to accuracy issues:
import ; public class Main { public static void main(String[] args) { BigDecimal bigDecimal1 = new BigDecimal("12345.6789"); BigDecimal bigDecimal2 = new BigDecimal("1.2345678901234567890123456789E+20"); // Convert BigDecimal to double double doubleValue1 = (); double doubleValue2 = (); ("BigDecimal value 1: " + bigDecimal1); ("Double value 1: " + doubleValue1); ("BigDecimal value 2: " + bigDecimal2); ("Double value 2: " + doubleValue2); } }
Output example:
BigDecimal value 1: 12345.6789
Double value 1: 12345.6789
BigDecimal value 2: 1.2345678901234567890123456789E+20
Double value 2: 1.2345678901234568E20
You can see that for larger values,double
The conversion will lose some accuracy. This is especially important when performing high-precision calculations.
Attachment: Note that double cannot force conversion to BigDecimal
public class Test { public static void main(String args[]) { double b_OLD = 4.1625; <a target="_blank" href="/search?word=&fr=qb_search_exp&ie=utf8" rel="nofollow"></a>.BigDecimal bd1 = new <a target="_blank" href="/search?word=&fr=qb_search_exp&ie=utf8" rel="nofollow"></a>.BigDecimal( b_OLD ); ("BEFORE ROUNDING: " + bd1); } }
The BigDecimal class can be initialized with the double type.
Follow up
Then why
double b = 4.44;
big = ( )b;
Can't convert this way? Is there any difference?
Because double is a basic data type, it cannot be cast. Casting is for Object. Double b = 4.44; This is not possible, because BigDecimal does not inherit from Double, so there is no way to cast type conversion.
This is the article about how Java converts BigDecimal value into double type. For more related Java to convert BigDecimal value into double type, please search for my previous article or continue browsing the related articles below. I hope everyone will support me in the future!