Updated on 2025-03-04

Causes and solutions for the failure of MySQL table auto-increment id overflow

Article text

The autoincrement ID overflow problem of MySQL tables usually occurs in useINTorBIGINTWhen a type of self-increment field, if the data volume is extremely large and reaches the maximum value of the self-increment field, it will cause overflow. Different database types have different maximum values, for example:

  • INTThe maximum value of the self-increment field of type is2147483647(For unsignedUNSIGNED INT, the maximum value is4294967295)。
  • BIGINTThe maximum value of the self-increment field of type is9223372036854775807(For unsignedUNSIGNED BIGINT, the maximum value is18446744073709551615)。

Once this limit is reached, MySQL throws an error and cannot insert new data. For this problem, it should be avoided or solved by designing a reasonable monitoring mechanism, early warning, and appropriate handling methods.

1. Cause of overflow

Self-increment ID overflow is usually due to the following reasons:

  • Too large data volume: Especially in high concurrency systems, the amount of data in tables may grow rapidly, resulting in the self-increasing ID reaching the upper limit quickly.
  • Select an inappropriate data type: UsedINTInstead ofBIGINT, especially when data sheets are expected to grow very quickly.
  • No regular monitoring: If the maximum value of the self-increment column or the size of the monitoring table is not checked regularly, it is easy to ignore the overflow problem.

2. Monitoring and early warning

To prevent self-increasing ID overflow, we can monitor and warning in the following ways:

2.1 Monitor the current maximum value of self-increasing ID

passSHOW TABLE STATUSView the current maximum self-increment ID of the table:

SHOW TABLE STATUS LIKE 'your_table_name';

This command will return the current value including the autoincrement ID, and the field isAuto_increment

For example:


The result returned,Auto_incrementThe field represents the value of the current self-incrementing ID.

2.2 Set thresholds and early warnings

You can check regularlySHOW TABLE STATUSGet the current maximum auto-increment ID of the table and compare it with the maximum limit of the table. For example:

  • ForINTThe maximum value of the field of type is2147483647, If the current value is close to this number, you can use the script to alert it.
  • The query results can be compared with the threshold value, and if they are close to overflow, they can be processed in advance.

2.3 The self-incrementing ID value of the periodic checklist

You can periodically check the value of the autoincrement ID using a timing task or monitoring script. For example, using MySQL timing tasks or using application code to regularly check the current table.Auto_incrementValue.

*/5 * * * * mysql -u root -p -e "SHOW TABLE STATUS LIKE 'your_table_name';" > /tmp/auto_increment_status.txt

This example is a timed task set on Linux, querying the table every 5 minutesAuto_incrementValue and save.

3. Solve the problem of self-increasing ID overflow

Before the spill problem occurs, we need to take precautions in advance.

3.1 Increase the type of the self-increment ID column (such as from INT to BIGINT)

The most common solution is to increase the data type of the self-increment field fromINTUpgraded toBIGINT, this can greatly increase the maximum value that can be stored (BIGINTThe maximum value is9223372036854775807,CompareINTmuch bigger).


Modify the table's self-increment field type:


This operation willidThe data type of the field is fromINTModify toBIGINT, and make the self-increase continue to take effect.

3.2 Use unsigned integers (UNSIGNED)

If the data volume is very large and there is no need to use negative values ​​in the business, you can consider setting the self-increment field to an unsigned type (UNSIGNED), this will double the maximum value.

For example, fromINTarriveUNSIGNED INT


UNSIGNED INTThe maximum value is4294967295,CompareINT2147483647) Double the size.

3.3 Use library and tables

If the amount of data in the data table is extremely large, the self-increment ID of a single table can easily reach the upper limit. Consider dividing the data into a database to reduce the growth rate of the data volume of a single table and the self-increment ID.

For example, the data can be divided into dimensions such as time and user, so as to avoid the self-incremental ID of a certain table reaching the upper limit.

4. Emergency plan after handling overflow

If the table's auto-increment ID has overflowed or is close to overflow, the following emergency solutions can be considered:

4.1 Manually modify the starting value of the self-increment ID

If the auto-increment ID is close to the maximum value, you can modify it manually.AUTO_INCREMENTStart value. For example:

ALTER TABLE your_table AUTO_INCREMENT = 1000000;

This will reset the starting value of the autoincrement ID to1000000

4.2 Delete data to release self-increase ID space

Clean the records in the table by deleting unnecessary data to free up the self-increasing ID space.

DELETE FROM your_table WHERE created_at < '2020-01-01';

This will reset the starting value of the autoincrement ID to1000000

4.2 Delete data to release self-increase ID space

Clean the records in the table by deleting unnecessary data to free up the self-increasing ID space.

DELETE FROM your_table WHERE created_at < '2020-01-01';

This will remove data from January 1, 2020, thereby reducing the use of self-increasing IDs.

4.3 Use UUID instead of self-incremental ID

UUID is a world-unique identifier and usually does not have overflow problems. UUID can be used instead of self-incremental ID. However, it should be noted that UUID will be larger than integer auto-increment IDs and occupy more storage space, which may affect performance.

Example of modifying the self-increment field of the table to UUID:


5. Summary and best practices

  • Regularly monitor the value of the self-increment ID:passSHOW TABLE STATUSGet the current self-added value and compare it with the threshold to avoid overflow when the data volume is too large.
  • Timely warning and automation: Use monitoring scripts or timing tasks to check regularlyAuto_incrementvalue and set threshold for early warning.
  • Self-increase ID type adjustment: Consider using it according to business needsBIGINTorUNSIGNED INTto delay the occurrence of overflow.
  • Library and table: For scenarios with extremely large data volume, use the library and table partition method to reduce the amount of self-incremental ID usage of a single table.
  • Emergency treatment plan: If an overflow has occurred, you can adjust it manuallyAUTO_INCREMENTValue, delete old data or replace UUID to resolve.

Through these measures, the problem of MySQL auto-increment ID overflow can be effectively avoided, and can be quickly responded and resolved when problems occur.

The above is the detailed content of the cause and solution of the MySQL table self-increase id overflow. For more information about MySQL table self-increase id overflow, please pay attention to my other related articles!