Updated on 2025-03-04

Java springboard execution ssh command method

Java springboard executes ssh command

maven dependency

import ;
import ;
import ;
import ;
import org.;
import org.;

import ;
import ;
import ;

public class SSHJumpServerUtil {

    private static final Logger LOGGER = (().lookupClass());

    public static String executeCommandWithJumpServer(String jumpHost, String jumpUser, String jumpPassword, int jumpPort,
                                                    String targetHost, String targetUser, String targetPassword, int targetPort,
                                                    String command) {
        String excuteResult = null;
        try {
            JSch jsch = new JSch();

            // Create a springboard session            Session jumpSession = (jumpUser, jumpHost, jumpPort);
            ("StrictHostKeyChecking", "no");

            // Create a springboard channel            int forwardedPort = 10022; // Local forwarding port            (forwardedPort, targetHost, targetPort);

            // Create a target server session            Session targetSession = (targetUser, "localhost", forwardedPort);
            ("StrictHostKeyChecking", "no");

            // Execute the command            ChannelExec channelExec = (ChannelExec) ("exec");

            InputStream in = ();

            // Read command output            byte[] tmp = new byte[1024];
            while (true) {
                while (() &gt; 0) {
                    int i = (tmp, 0, 1024);
                    if (i &lt; 0) break;
                    excuteResult = new String(tmp, 0, i);
                if (()) {
                    if (() &gt; 0) continue;
                    ("exit-status: " + ());
                try {
                } catch (Exception ee) {

            // Close channels and sessions            ();
        } catch (JSchException | IOException e) {
            ("Springboard connection server execution exception",e);

        return excuteResult;


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