Updated on 2025-03-04

Detailed explanation of Python's operation of using imageio library to process images and videos

1. Install imageio

In useimageioBefore, you need to make sure that the library is installed. It can be installed through the following command:

pip install imageio

If you need to support additional formats (such as reading videos or special image formats), you may need to install plugins, such asimageio[ffmpeg]

pip install imageio[ffmpeg]

2. Basic functions

1. Read and write images

imageioSupports a variety of image formats, including PNG, JPEG, BMP, TIFF, etc.

  • Read the image
import imageio.v3 as iio

# Read image filesimage = ('')

print(type(image))  # <class ''>
print()  # image dimensions (height, width, channels)
  • Write to the image
# Save the image to the file('', image)

2. Display the image

Images can be displayed in conjunction with other visual libraries (such as Matplotlib):

import  as plt

('off')  # Hide coordinate axes()

3. Process video files

imageioProvides convenient video reading and writing functions.

  • Read video frames
video_reader = ('example.mp4')

for frame in video_reader:
    print()  # Shape of each frame    break  # View only the first frame
  • Write to video file
frames = [image, image]  # Sample frame list('output.mp4', frames, fps=30)

4. Plug-in support

imageioThe powerful functions of   are derived from its plug-in architecture. By installing different plugins, the supported formats can be extended. For example:

  • Installimageio[ffmpeg]To support video formats such as MP4.
  • useimageio[openexr]Supports EXR images.

5. Advanced functions

1. Reading and generating dynamic GIFs

  • Read GIF
gif = ('', plugin='pillow')
print()  # Multi-frame image
  • Generate GIFs
frames = [image, image]  # Sample frame list('', frames, loop=1)

2. Image format conversion

By reading and saving, format conversion can be easily implemented:

image = ('')
('', image)

3. High resolution image processing

For super large images, memory-friendly streaming can be used:

with ('large_image.tiff', 'r') as file:
    for block in file.iter_blocks(size=(1024, 1024)):
        print()  # Shape of each block

6. Frequently Asked Questions and Solutions

Plugin error was encountered while reading video
Make sure it is installedffmpegsupport:

pip install imageio[ffmpeg]

The colors are inconsistent when saving the image
useimageio.v3When versioned, the color channel order is RGB, while some old plugins may default to BGR. Please make sure the color channels are handled correctly:

import numpy as np

rgb_image = (image, axis=-1)  # Convert BGR to RGB('', rgb_image)

7. Basic summary

imageioIt is an all-rounder who handles images and videos, especially suitable for scenarios where functions need to be quickly implemented. Its simple interface and powerful plug-in support allow users to easily manipulate images and video files. From basic reading and writing to advanced dynamic GIF generation and large-picture streaming,imageioProvides powerful functions.

8. Advanced practical cases

Here are some based onimageioThe practical scenarios include image batch processing, video frame extraction and editing, and dynamic visualization cases.

Case 1: Batch processing of images (such as batch scaling or format conversion)

When processing large batches of images,imageioProvides an efficient method.

Target: Convert all image files in one directory to PNG format and resize to 224x224.

import os
import imageio.v3 as iio
from PIL import Image

def process_images(input_dir, output_dir, size=(224, 224)):
    if not (output_dir):
    for filename in (input_dir):
        if (('.jpg', '.jpeg', '.png', '.bmp', '.tiff')):
            file_path = (input_dir, filename)
            # Read the image            image = (file_path)
            # Use PIL to adjust the size            image_resized = (image).resize(size)
            # Save as PNG format            output_path = (output_dir, (filename)[0] + '.png')
            (output_path, image_resized)
            print(f"Processed: {output_path}")

# Example usageprocess_images('input_images', 'output_images')

Case 2: Video frame extraction and synthesis

In computer vision projects, it is often necessary to extract frames of videos, process them before recombining them into videos.

Target: Extract each frame of the video into an image, apply grayscale processing and re-synthesize the video.

import imageio.v3 as iio
import numpy as np

def process_video(input_video, output_video):
    # Extract frames    frames = list((input_video))
    print(f"Total frames extracted: {len(frames)}")
    #Grayscale processing    gray_frames = [(frame, axis=-1).astype(np.uint8) for frame in frames]
    # Synthesize new videos    (output_video, gray_frames, fps=30)
    print(f"Processed video saved as: {output_video}")

# Example usageprocess_video('input_video.mp4', 'output_video.mp4')

Case 3: Generate dynamic images (GIF animation)

Dynamic images (GIFs) are often used to show the inference results or data changes of machine learning models.

Target: Create a dynamic GIF to show the process of gradually blurring the image.

import imageio.v3 as iio
from  import gaussian_filter

def create_blur_gif(input_image, output_gif, steps=10):
    # Read the input image    image = (input_image)
    frames = []
    for sigma in range(steps):
        # Add frames of different levels of blur        blurred = gaussian_filter(image, sigma=sigma)
    # Save as GIF    (output_gif, frames, loop=1, duration=0.2)
    print(f"Blur animation saved as: {output_gif}")

# Example usagecreate_blur_gif('', 'blur_animation.gif')

Case 4: Processing super-large image files

In the fields of remote sensing, medical imaging, etc., super-large image files are often encountered. Through block processing, memory usage can be saved.

Target: Apply brightness enhancement operations to each block of a super-large image.

import imageio.v3 as iio
import numpy as np

def process_large_image(input_file, output_file, block_size=(1024, 1024)):
    with (input_file, "r") as reader, (output_file, "w") as writer:
        writer.init_from_file(reader)  # Initialize the format of the output image        for block in reader.iter_blocks(size=block_size):
            # Enhanced brightness (multiply by 1.2, but not more than 255)            processed_block = (block * 1.2, 0, 255).astype(np.uint8)
    print(f"Processed large image saved as: {output_file}")

# Example usageprocess_large_image('large_image.tiff', 'enhanced_image.tiff')

Case 5: Real-time video processing and display

By combiningimageioandOpenCV, can realize real-time video processing and display, and is suitable for monitoring, real-time detection and other scenarios.

Target: Capture the video stream in real time, add timestamps and display.

import imageio.v3 as iio
import cv2
from datetime import datetime

def process_live_video(output_video):
    # Turn on the camera    cap = (0)
    writer = (output_video, "w", plugin="FFMPEG", fps=30)
    while ():
        ret, frame = ()
        if not ret:
        # Add a timestamp        timestamp = ().strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
        (frame, timestamp, (10, 50), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 1, (0, 255, 0), 2)
        # Show video        ('Live Video', frame)
        # Write frame        (frame)
        # Press the 'q' key to exit        if (1) & 0xFF == ord('q'):
    print(f"Live video saved as: {output_video}")

# Example usageprocess_live_video('live_output.mp4')

Summary and prospect

From the above cases, we can see that the functions of imageio can cover a variety of tasks, from basic image processing to complex video editing. Its simple and easy-to-use interface and powerful plug-in support can effectively meet the needs of actual projects.

In future applications, imageio can be used to preprocess data with deep learning frameworks (such as TensorFlow, PyTorch); or to process ultra-large data sets with large-scale distributed systems to tap into more potential.

The above is the detailed explanation of Python's operation of using the imageio library to process images and videos. For more information about Python's imageio processing images and videos, please follow my other related articles!