Updated on 2025-03-04

Springboot health check monitoring process

1. Introduction

In modern software development, ensuring the stability and high availability of applications is crucial.

Especially in microservice architecture, the health of each service directly affects the performance and reliability of the entire system.


Spring Boot's health checking feature allows developers to quickly check the status of application components (such as databases, message queues, etc.), which is a key step in maintaining service health.

Through monitoring, developers can obtain real-time data about application performance, which not only helps optimize application performance, but also provides a fast feedback mechanism when a system has problems.

2. Configure Spring Boot Actuator

Roles and features of Spring Boot Actuator

Spring Boot Actuator is a subproject of Spring Boot that adds support for a variety of production-level services to the application, including health checks, metric collection, HTTP tracking, etc. Actuator helps developers monitor and manage applications by exposing multiple endpoints.

  • Endpoint exposure: Actuator endpoints can expose the internal operation of the application, such as health status, configured environment attributes, thread information, etc. These endpoints are configurable and developers can choose to enable or disable certain endpoints as needed.
  • Health information: Actuator/healthEndpoints are the primary interface for health checks. It summarizes the health status of individual components in the application and provides an overall health view. By default, it may only display status (such as UP or DOWN), but can be configured to display more detailed information.
  • Customization and extension: Developers can extend or customize health metrics to include additional checks, such as checking the status of application-specific dependencies or critical operations. This is achieved byHealthIndicatorThe interface is very easy to implement.

Introduce necessary dependencies

To enable Spring Boot Actuator, you need to first(If using Maven) or(If you are using Gradle) add relevant dependencies. Here are examples of configurations for Maven and Gradle:




dependencies {
    implementation ':spring-boot-starter-actuator'

Enable Actuator's health check endpoint

In Spring Boot apps, Actuator's health check endpoints by default/actuator/healthIt is turned on.

This endpoint provides the health information of the application, but the level of detail can be configured.

If you need to modify the default behavior or enable other endpoints, you canorConfigure in the file. For example:


The configuration here allows the health check endpoint to display more detailed information and ensurehealthandinfoThe endpoint can be accessed.

Configuration security and visibility

Since Actuator endpoints may expose sensitive information, it is important to configure their security. Access control can be implemented through Spring Security to ensure that only authorized users can access these endpoints.


In this example, we configure Actuator to allow display of all endpoints (although this is usually not recommended in production environments) and only if the user hasADMINThe health check details are displayed only when the role is played.

Through the above steps, you can effectively configure Spring Boot Actuator to monitor the health of your application and ensure that only authorized users have access to sensitive monitoring endpoints. This is crucial for application management and maintenance in production environments.

3. Expand health check indicators

In Spring Boot, you can create custom health indicators to monitor specific services or components in addition to using standard health check metrics provided by Actuator. This customization capability allows developers to adjust the details of health checks according to the specific needs of the application.

Create a custom health indicator

To create a custom health indicator, you need to implementHealthIndicatorinterface. This interface contains ahealth()Method, you need to add check logic to this method and return aHealthstate.

Here are the basic steps to create a custom health indicator:

  1. Add dependencies: Make sure that Spring Boot Actuator dependencies have been introduced in your project.
  2. accomplishHealthIndicatorinterface: Create a class implementationHealthIndicatorInterface and implementhealth()method.
  3. Register as a Bean: Register your custom health indicator as Spring's bean so Actuator can automatically recognize and call it.

Example: Database Connection Health Check

Here is an example of a custom health indicator that checks whether a database connection is healthy:

import ;
import ;
import ;
import ;
import ;

public class DatabaseHealthIndicator implements HealthIndicator {

    private final DataSource dataSource;

    public DatabaseHealthIndicator(DataSource dataSource) {
         = dataSource;

    public Health health() {
        try (Connection connection = ()) {
            if ((1000)) {
                return ().withDetail("database", "Connected").build();
            } else {
                return ().withDetail("database", "Connection failed").build();
        } catch (Exception e) {
            return (e).build();

Example: Custom cache health check

Here is a custom health indicator to check whether the cache system (such as Redis) is healthy:

import ;
import ;
import ;
import ;
import ;

public class CacheHealthIndicator implements HealthIndicator {

    private final RedisTemplate<String, String> redisTemplate;

    public CacheHealthIndicator(RedisTemplate<String, String> redisTemplate) {
         = redisTemplate;

    public Health health() {
        try (RedisConnection connection = ().getConnection()) {
            if (() != null) {
                return ().withDetail("cache", "Redis is up").build();
            } else {
                return ().withDetail("cache", "Redis is down").build();
        } catch (Exception e) {
            return (e).build();

With these examples, you can see how health checks are implemented for different system components to ensure that your application can respond to internal or external problems in a timely manner.

4. Use Micrometer for monitoring

Introduction to the roles and advantages of Micrometer

Micrometer provides a metric collection framework for application monitoring, which, as an analog of SLF4J in the logging field, provides an application-level abstraction for monitoring.

The main advantage of Micrometer is its pluggability and supports multiple monitoring systems, such as Prometheus, InfluxDB, Elastic, Datadog, etc., allowing developers to switch or use multiple monitoring systems at the same time without changing the code.

Micrometer not only helps developers collect regular JVM metrics (such as memory usage, thread counting, garbage collection, etc.), but also easily defines and collects custom metrics that can reflect business logic or application performance very specifically.

Integrate Micrometer with Spring Boot

To integrate Micrometer in Spring Boot apps, you need to add the corresponding dependencies first. Suppose we take Prometheus as an example, we need to add Micrometer's Prometheus registry dependency.

Maven configuration:

    &lt;version&gt;Latest version&lt;/version&gt;

Gradle configuration:

implementation ':micrometer-registry-prometheus:Latest version'

In Spring Boot apps, Micrometer is automatically configured, but you can use itorThe files are further configured to adjust the collection and reporting behavior of metrics.

Configure Prometheus as the monitoring backend

Prometheus is an open source monitoring solution that periodically crawls the metrics of the monitored services through the HTTP protocol. In Spring Boot apps, you need to configure the Prometheus server to crawl the endpoints exposed by Micrometer.

1. Configure Prometheus crawling tasks

Prometheus configuration fileIn, add a new crawl task to point to your Spring Boot application:

  - job_name: 'spring-boot'
    metrics_path: '/actuator/prometheus'
      - targets: ['localhost:8080']

Here, assume that your Spring Boot application is running on the local port 8080 and has been exposed through Actuator./actuator/prometheusEndpoint.

2. Enable Actuator's Prometheus endpoint

existorEnable Prometheus endpoint in the file:


After this configuration, Prometheus can collect metric data from the specified endpoint.

In this way, you can use the powerful monitoring capabilities of Micrometer and Prometheus to achieve in-depth observation and analysis of Spring Boot applications.

5. Visualize monitoring data

After successfully integrating Micrometer with Prometheus, the next step is to use Grafana to visualize monitoring data.

Grafana is an open source monitoring solution that can display real-time data through beautiful dashboards, helping developers quickly understand the operating status of applications.

Configure the dashboard with Grafana

Step 1: Install and Set Up Grafana

  • Grafana can be downloaded through its official website or installed through package management tools such as APT or YUM.
  • After installation, it is usually accessedhttp://<your-ip>:3000Come to visit the Grafana interface.
  • The default login credentials are usuallyadmin / admin, you will be prompted to change your password after logging in for the first time.

Step 2: Connect Grafana to Prometheus

  • After logging in to Grafana, enter the "Configuration" menu and select "Data Sources".
  • Click "Add data source" and select Prometheus.
  • In the configuration page, enter the URL of the Prometheus server (e.g.http://<prometheus-server-ip>:9090) and save.

Shows how to connect Grafana with Prometheus

After the connection is set up, Grafana can receive data from Prometheus. Prometheus provides stored time series data as a data source, and Grafana can query this data and display it on the dashboard.

6. Frequently Asked Questions

1. Too frequent health checks lead to increased service load


  • Adjust the frequency of health checks to make sure they provide the necessary information without putting too much pressure on the service.
  • You can consider using cached health information to reduce the frequency of checks.

2. The results of health checks are inaccurate


  • Make sure that health checks cover all critical components and that the logic correctly reflects component status.
  • The health check logic may need to be reviewed and updated regularly.

3. Relying on service failure causes health checks


  • Implement circuit breaker mechanism when dependency services are unavailable
  • Provide default response or downgrade services to prevent the entire application from being unavailable

4. Use logs and metrics to troubleshoot


  • Make sure that the logs generated by the application are detailed and useful, and use log aggregation tools such as ELK Stack to centralize and analyze logs.
  • At the same time, monitor key performance metrics such as response time, request rate and error rate, as well as system resource usage, such as CPU and memory usage.

5. Use distributed tracking to identify performance bottlenecks


  • In microservice architectures, distributed tracing tools such as Zipkin or Jaeger are used to track the full path of a request.
  • This helps identify the source of request delays.

7. Recommended reading materials

  • Spring Boot official documentation:
  • Spring Boot Actuator: Production-ready Features
  • Micrometer official documentation:
  • Micrometer Documentation


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