vue file upload and preview
<template> <div > <input name="files" type="file" accept="images/*" multiple @change="change"/> <div class="file_upload"> <div class="progress"></div> </div> <div class="img_holder"></div> </div> </template> <script> export default { name: "file", methods: { change(E) { //Get the obtained picture list (select multiple pictures)let file = [0]; //Get the obtained picture list (select one)//let img1 = [0]; //let reader = new FileReader(); //($("#uploaderInput")[0].files); //(img1); //let type = ; //The file type, determine whether it is an image//let size = ; //The size of the file, determine the size of the picturevar reader = new FileReader(); // Create a new FileReader object(file); //Read as base64//The following code can be deleted = function() { ("start"); //Start reading}; //Code progress bar = function(e) { //This is a time-triggered event, and it is more obvious when the file is larger//(e) var p = "Completed:" + ( / * 100) + "%"; $(".file_upload") .find(".progress") .html(p); ("uploading"); //The file is larger, multiple uploading will appear}; = function() { ("abort"); //Used as cancel upload function}; = function() { ("error"); //From when a file read error occurs, it cannot be simulated for the time being}; //After successful, get the file url = function(e) { ("load complete"); //Finish(e); let res = (";"); //Intercept data:; Base64 After conversion, the data attribute will be used to determine the file format; it is divided into two segments, the front segment is data, and the back end is the file base64 encodingif (res[0] != "data:application/apk;") { // Different browsers will have different parsing; so this step is handled separately_this. = "data:application/apk;" + res[1]; } else { _this. = ; } (_this.) }; //Preview code = function(e) { var dataURL = , image = '<img src="' + dataURL + '"/>', //Preview picturestext = '<span>"' + dataURL + '"</span>'; //Test preview textvar name = , size = ( / 1024); var div = "<p>Name: " + name + "</p><p>Size: " + size + "kb</p>"; var imglist = '<div class="img_box"><span class="delete">X</span>' + image + div + "</div>"; $(".img_holder").html(imglist); }; // if ((type) == -1) { // alert("Please select the image format we support!");// return false; // } // if (size > 3145728) { // alert("Please select pictures within 3M!");// return false; // } } } }; </script>
vue multi-file upload and preview
Basic ideas for multi-file upload preview
1. Get the uploaded file and get it when the input change event occurs. This variable is the file list.
2. When uploading files, FormData format, here I loop through the file list and append the file to the FormData object.
3. Submit the FormData object to the server when submitting
4. Preview function I used the readAsDataURL method of FileReader to convert the uploaded image to base64
5. The read operation is asynchronous reading. Promise is used here. After the read operation is completed, the onload event is triggered, and a resolved state is returned with a base64-encoded string.
6. Assign the string of base64 to the src of the img element to preview the picture
<input type="file" multiple @change="upload" /><br /> <img v-for="item in previewUrl" :src="item" width="100" /><br /> <button type="button" @click="submitFile">submitFile</button>
data () { return { previewUrl: [], formData: undefined }, methods: { preview (file) { // Get the preview image base64 return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { let read = new FileReader() (file) = function(e) { resolve() } }) }, upload (e) { // Trigger after selecting the picture, put the file in the formdata object = [] const files = const that = this = new FormData() (files) for(let file of files){ ('file', file) (file).then(res => { (res) }) } (('file')) }, submitFile (file, fileList) { // axios sends data to the server let setting = { url: 'http://localhost:3000/uploadfile', method: 'post', headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' }, data: } this._axiosMock(setting).then(res => { (res) }) } }
The above is personal experience. I hope you can give you a reference and I hope you can support me more.