Local project configuration
1 Copy luffy/settings/
Modify the following items in luffy/settings/
(1) allow_hosts
(2) Cross-domain whitelist
CORS_ORIGIN_WHITELIST = ( # Front-end domain name"", # Backend API interface domain name"" )
(3) Payment configuration information of Alipay computer website
ALIPAY_APPID = "xxxxxxx" APP_NOTIFY_URL = None ALIPAY_DEBUG = True # APIPAY_GATEWAY="/" APIPAY_GATEWAY = "/" ALIPAY_RETURN_URL = "/success" ALIPAY_NOTIFY_URL = ":8000/payments/success"
2 Modify luffy/file
Line 14
3 Modify the file
It's OK to not change, for easier testing on the server
Line 6
4 Export the package list installed by pip
freeze > docs/
5 Collect static files
python collectstatic
6 Submit and push
git add . git commit -m "Project Completed" git push -u origin master
7 Front-end configuration modification src/
Set up the backend server domain name and port
8 Build
npm run build
9 Submit and push
git add . git commit -m "Project Completed" git push -u origin master
Configuration on the server
1 Install the required software
yum install python36.x86_64 python36-devel.x86_64 nginx git gcc -y pip3 install virtualenv -i /simple
Note: It is best to install uwsig using pip
pip3 install uwsgi -i /simple
2 mysql database related configuration
(1) Install mysql
yum install mysql-server -y
Or use containers
Please solve the problem by setting password and initializing configuration.
(2) Start the database
systemctl start mysqld
(3) Create a new database luffy
create database luffy;
(4) Import data
mysql -uroot -pmysql luffy <
3 redis installation and configuration
You can use yum to install and start it, it is simple and crude!
To use the latest version, I use unzip installation
That way you like it!
(1) Download
cd /opt/ wget /releases/redis-5.0.
(2) Unzip and install
tar -xf redis-5.0. cd /opt/redis-5.0.5 make && make install
(3) Modify the configuration file
69 lines bind
Change to bind
(4) Start Redis and place it in the background
nohup redis-server &
4 Pull the front-end project
cd /opt/ git clone /SunHarvey/
The front-end project path is /opt/luffyweb/
Only the /opt/luffyweb/dist/ file is useful,
dist is used as the front-end root directory, and other things are not allowed!
5 Create a virtual environment
(1) Create a virtual environment
cd /opt/ virtualenv luffy
That is, the virtual environment path is /opt/luffy/
cd /opt/luffy/
(2) Activate the virtual environment
source /opt/luffy/bin/activate
(3) Pull backend project
git clone /SunHarvey/
Note: The root path of the project is /opt/luffy/luffy/
cd luffy
You can see the following file
docs luffy scripts static
(4)Pip installation required package
My django is using version 2.0, and there is no need to report the source code because pymysql error
Delete the line in xadmin in luffy/docs/
pip3 install /sshwsfc/xadmin/zip/django2 pip3 instal -r /opt/luffy/luffy/docs/
(5) Use runserver to start the django project to see if it is normal
Remember to start MySQL database and redis
python runserver
If there is no error, continue. If the error is reported, please exclude it according to the prompts.
6 uwsgi configuration
(1) The configuration content is as follows
vim /opt/luffy/luffy/ [uwsgi] # Set uwsgi to start the user. If you don't set it, there will be a warning, and it can also be set as the currently logged in user.uid = nginx gid = nginx #Use when using nginx connection, the server address where the Django program is locatedsocket= # Directly use the web server, the server address where the Django program is located#http= #Project Directorychdir=/opt/luffy/luffy #The directory of files in the project, relative to the directory of the projectwsgi-file=luffy/ # Number of processesprocesses=1 # Number of threadsthreads=2 # The role of uwsgi servermaster=True # Files that store process numberpidfile= # Log file, because uwsgi can run in the background from the terminal, the log cannot be seen. Our previous runserver was dependent on the terminaldaemonize= # Specify the dependent virtual environmentvirtualenv=/opt/luffy/ # clear environment on exit #Clear environment on exitvacuum = true
(2) Modify the file owner, if you start with root, you can ignore this step
chown -R /opt/luffy/luffy/
You can also replace nginx with the user name of the currently logged in user, and other users can do it.
(3) Start uwsgi, remember to start MySQL database and redis
uwsgi --ini /opt/luffy/luffy/
7 nginx configuration
(1) Create a configuration file
vim /etc/nginx// # Set up the backend uwsgi server, and write multiple ones for load balancingupstream luffy { server; } # Backend API server configurationserver { listen 80; server_name ; location / { include uwsgi_params; uwsgi_pass luffy; } # Load css and js fileslocation ~ .*\.(css|js)$ { root /opt/luffy/luffy/; } } # Front-end page server configurationserver { listen 80; # Don't doubt, you read it right! nginx's 80 port can start n domain names!server_name ; location / { # /opt/luffyweb/dist/ Folder generated for npm run buildroot /opt/luffyweb/dist/; index ; try_files $uri $uri /; } }
This is the most basic configuration, and I won’t repeat the other optimized configurations!
(2) Check nginx configuration file syntax
nginx -t
(3) Start nginx
systemctl start nginx
The above is all the content of this article. I hope it will be helpful to everyone's study and I hope everyone will support me more.