All versions are supported.
Powershell can use .net static methods, such as the following methods you often use:
[Convert]::ToString(576255753217, 8)
[]::ChangeExtension('c:\', 'bak')
To get more methods, you can delete the code after square brackets and add two colons. At this time, all optional methods and properties of this class will pop up in Powershell_ISE. In the Powershell console, you can also use TAB to get the selection method properties.
Of course, you can also view all its types through the pipe character:
PS> [Math] | Get-Member -MemberType *Method -Static
Name MemberType Definition
---- ---------- ----------
Abs Method static sbyte Abs(sbyte value), static int16 Abs(int16 value), static int Abs(int value), sta...
Acos Method static double Acos(double d)
Asin Method static double Asin(double d)
Atan Method static double Atan(double d)
Atan2 Method static double Atan2(double y, double x)
BigMul Method static long BigMul(int a, int b)
Ceiling Method static decimal Ceiling(decimal d), static double Ceiling(double a)
Cos Method static double Cos(double d)
Cosh Method static double Cosh(double value
DivRem Method static int DivRem(int a, int b, [ref] int result), static long DivRem(long a, long b, [ref] ...
Equals Method static bool Equals( objA, objB)
Exp Method static double Exp(double d)
Floor Method static decimal Floor(decimal d), static double Floor(double d)
IEEERemainder Method static double IEEERemainder(double x, double y)
Log Method static double Log(double d), static double Log(double a, double newBase)
Log10 Method static double Log10(double d)
Max Method static sbyte Max(sbyte val1, sbyte val2), static byte Max(byte val1, byte val2), static int1...
Min Method static sbyte Min(sbyte val1, sbyte val2), static byte Min(byte val1, byte val2), static int1...
Pow Method static double Pow(double x, double y)
ReferenceEquals Method static bool ReferenceEquals( objA, objB)
Round Method static double Round(double a), static double Round(double value, int digits), static double ...
Sign Method static int Sign(sbyte value), static int Sign(int16 value), static int Sign(int value), stat...
Sin Method static double Sin(double a)
Sinh Method static double Sinh(double value)
Sqrt Method static double Sqrt(double d)
Tan Method static double Tan(double a)
Tanh Method static double Tanh(double value)
Truncate Method static decimal Truncate(decimal d), static double Truncate(double d)
To view the parameters of the method, omit its brackets:
PS> Get-Something -Path test
You entered test.
PS> [Math]::Round
static double Round(double a
static double Round(double value, int digits)
static double Round(double value, mode)
static double Round(double value, int digits, mode
static decimal Round(decimal d
static decimal Round(decimal d, int decimals)
static decimal Round(decimal d, mode)
static decimal Round(decimal d, int decimals, mode)