Updated on 2025-03-04

Windows Powershell calls static methods

Powershell stores information in objects, each object has a specific type, simple text is stored as type, and dates are stored as type. Any .NET object can return its type through the GetType() method, which has a FullName property in the type that can view the full name of the type.

Copy the codeThe code is as follows:

PS C:Powershell> $date=get-date
PS C:Powershell> $date

January 11, 2012 15:19:49

PS C:Powershell> $().FullName

Each type can contain some static methods. You can get the type object itself through square brackets and type names, and then view all static methods supported by the type through the Get-Memeber command.

Copy the codeThe code is as follows:

PS C:Powershell> [] | Get-Member -static -memberType *Method


Name            MemberType Definition
----            ---------- ----------
Compare          Method     static int Compare( t1, ...
DaysInMonth Method     static int DaysInMonth(int year, int month)
Equals  Method     static bool Equals( t1, ...
FromBinary Method     static FromBinary(long dateData)
FromFileTime Method     static FromFileTime(long fileTime)
FromFileTimeUtc  Method     static FromFileTimeUtc(long fileT...
FromOADate       Method     static FromOADate(double d)
IsLeapYear       Method     static bool IsLeapYear(int year)
Parse            Method     static Parse(string s), static Sy...
ParseExact       Method     static ParseExact(string s, strin...
ReferenceEquales Method     static bool ReferenceEquals( objA, S...
SpecifyKind      Method     static SpecifyKind(...
TryParse         Method     static bool TryParse(string s, &, ...
TryParseExact    Method     static bool TryParseExact(string s, string format...

The static methods supported by the class are very practical
Use the Parse method to convert a string to the DateTime class:

Copy the codeThe code is as follows:

PS C:Powershell> []::Parse("2012-10-13 23:42:55")

October 13, 2012 23:42:55

Use isLeapYear method to judge leap year

Copy the codeThe code is as follows:

#Is 1988 a leap year?
#Print all leap years from 1988 to 2000
for($year=1988;$year -le 2000;$year++)
    if( []::IsLeapYear($year) ){$year}


Another commonly used class is the Math class, which defines many practical static methods in the Math class:
For example, find the absolute value, trigonometric function, round it:
Copy the codeThe code is as follows:

PS C:Powershell> [Math]::Abs(-10.89)
PS C:Powershell> [Math]::Sin([Math]::PI/2)
PS C:Powershell> [Math]::Truncate(2012.7765)

View the .NET type of interest

.NET supports thousands of types, and with these types you can do many things, and luckily Powershell happens to support them.

Object type conversion

For example, using a class to convert a string IP address into an IPAddress instance

Copy the codeThe code is as follows:

PS C:Powershell> []''

Address            : 1199637258
AddressFamily      : InterNetwork
ScopeId            :
IsIPv6Multicast    : False
IsIPv6LinkLocal : False
IsIPv6SiteLocal : False
IPAddressToString :

Calling static methods

The same class, check the host name according to the IP address, is Google's free DNS server

Copy the codeThe code is as follows:

PS C:Powershell> []::GetHostByAddress('') | fl

HostName    :
Aliases     : {}
AddressList : {}

Create instances based on type

The following demonstrates downloading files through the DownloadFile method of the $webClient class:

Copy the codeThe code is as follows:

PS C:Powershell> $localName="C:"
PS C:Powershell> Test-Path $localName
PS C:Powershell> $add="/"
PS C:Powershell> $webClient=New-Object
PS C:Powershell> $($add,$localName)
PS C:Powershell> Test-Path $localName

View assembly

Type definitions in .NET are in different assembly settings. First of all, you must know which assembly has been loaded by the current program. The AppDomain class can accomplish this requirement because it has a static member CurrentDomain, and there is a GetAssemblies() method in CurrentDomain.

Copy the codeThe code is as follows:

PS C:Powershell> [AppDomain]::CurrentDomain

FriendlyName           : DefaultDomain
Id                     : 1
ApplicationDescription :
BaseDirectory          : C:WINDOWSsystem32WindowsPowerShellv1.0
DynamicDirectory       :
RelativeSearchPath     :
SetupInformation       :
ShadowCopyFiles        : False

PS C:Powershell> [AppDomain]::()

GAC    Version        Location
---    -------        --------
True   v2.0.50727     C:WindowsMicrosoft.NETFrameworkv2.0.50727mscorlib...
True   v2.0.50727     C:WindowsassemblyGAC_MSILMicrosoft....
True   v2.0.50727     C:WindowsassemblyGAC_MSILSystem2.0.0.0__b77a5c561...
True   v2.0.50727     C:WindowsassemblyGAC_MSILSystem....
True   v2.0.50727     C:WindowsassemblyGAC_MSILMicrosoft....
True   v2.0.50727     C:WindowsassemblyGAC_MSILSystem.Core3.5.0.0__b77a...
True   v2.0.50727     C:WindowsassemblyGAC_MSILSystem....
True   v2.0.50727     C:WindowsassemblyGAC_MSILMicrosoft....
True   v2.0.50727     C:WindowsassemblyGAC_32System.Transactions2.0.0.0...
True   v2.0.50727     C:WindowsassemblyGAC_MSILMicrosoft....
True   v2.0.50727     C:WindowsassemblyGAC_MSILMicrosoft....
True   v2.0.50727     C:WindowsassemblyGAC_MSILMicrosoft....
True   v2.0           C:WindowsassemblyGAC_MSILMicrosoft....
True   v2.0.50727     C:WindowsassemblyGAC_MSILSystem.Xml2.0.0.0__b77a5...
True   v2.0.50727     C:WindowsassemblyGAC_MSILSystem.Management2.0.0.0...
True   v2.0.50727     C:WindowsassemblyGAC_MSILSystem.DirectoryServices...
True   v2.0           C:WindowsassemblyGAC_MSILSystem....
True   v2.0           C:WindowsassemblyGAC_MSILMicrosoft....
True   v2.0.50727     C:WindowsMicrosoft.NETFrameworkv2.0.50727mscorlib...
True   v2.0           C:WindowsassemblyGAC_MSILMicrosoft....
True   v2.0.50727     C:WindowsassemblyGAC_32System.Data2.0.0.0__b77a5c...
True   v2.0           C:WindowsassemblyGAC_MSILMicrosoft....
True   v2.0.50727     C:WindowsassemblyGAC_MSILSystem.Configuration2.0....
True   v2.0.50727     C:WindowsassemblyGAC_MSILMicrosoft.JScript8.0.0.0...

Search for the specified type

The method to query each assembly can be used using the GetExportedTypes() method. Because many assembly contains a large number of methods, it is best to specify keywords when searching. The following code demonstrates how to find types that contain the "environment" keyword.

Copy the codeThe code is as follows:

PS C:Powershell>  [AppDomain]::() | ForEach-Object { $_.GetExportedTypes() } | Where-Object { $_ -like $searchtext } | ForEach-Object { $_.FullName }


There is a type searched above: class. Classes can do a lot of things. You can first check all the static methods of the following classes.

Copy the codeThe code is as follows:

PS C:Powershell> [Environment] | Get-Member -Static


Name                        MemberType Definition
----                         ---------- ----------
Equals                       Method     static bool Equals( objA,
Exit                         Method     static Exit(int exitCode)
ExpandEnvironmentVariables Method     static string ExpandEnvironmentVariabl
FailFast                     Method     static FailFast(string mes
GetCommandLineArgs          Method     static string[] GetCommandLineArgs()
GetEnvironmentVariable      Method     static string GetEnvironmentVariable(s
GetEnvironmentVariables     Method     static
GetFolderPath               Method     static string GetFolderPath(
GetLogicalDrives            Method     static string[] GetLogicalDrives()
ReferenceEquals             Method     static bool ReferenceEquals(
SetEnvironmentVariable      Method     static SetEnvironmentVaria
CommandLine                 Property   static CommandLine {get;
CurrentDirectory            Property   static CurrentDirectory
ExitCode                    Property   static System.Int32 ExitCode {get;set;
HasShutdownStarted          Property   static HasShutdownStart
MachineName                 Property   static MachineName {get;
NewLine                     Property   static NewLine {get;}
OSVersion                   Property   static OSVersio
ProcessorCount              Property   static System.Int32 ProcessorCount {ge
StackTrace                  Property   static StackTrace {get;}
SystemDirectory             Property   static SystemDirectory {
TickCount                   Property   static System.Int32 TickCount {get;}
UserDomainName              Property   static UserDomainName {g
UserInteractive             Property   static UserInteractive
UserName                    Property   static UserName {get;}
Version                      Property   static Version {get;}
WorkingSet                  Property   static System.Int64 WorkingSet {get;}

For example, the attributes in this article output the current login domain, username, and machinename:

Copy the codeThe code is as follows:

PS C:Powershell> [Environment]::UserDomainName
PS C:Powershell> [Environment]::UserName
PS C:Powershell> [Environment]::MachineName

Search Method

The following example shows how to search based on the specified keyword "Address".

Copy the codeThe code is as follows:

[AppDomain]::() | ForEach-Object { $_.GetExportedTypes() } | ForEach-Object { $_.getmembers() } | Where-Object { $_.isStatic} | Where-Object { $_ -like $searchtext } | ForEach-Object { "[{0}]::{1} --> {2}" -f  $_.declaringtype, $_.toString().SubString($_.toString().IndexOf(" ")+1), $_.ReturnType }

[]::Parse() -->
[]::IsLoopback() -->
[]::Any -->
[]::Loopback -->
[]::Broadcast -->
[]::None -->
[]::IPv6Any -->
[]::IPv6Loopback -->
[]::IPv6None -->
[]::Unknown -->
[]::Unspecified -->
[]::Unix -->
[]::InterNetwork -->
[]::ImpLink -->
[]::Pup -->
[]::Chaos -->
[]::NS -->
[]::Ipx -->
[]::Iso -->
[]::Osi -->
[]::Ecma -->
[]::DataKit -->
[]::Ccitt -->
[]::Sna -->
[]::DecNet -->
[]::DataLink -->
[]::Lat -->
[]::HyperChannel -->
[]::AppleTalk -->
[]::NetBios -->
[]::VoiceView -->
[]::FireFox -->
[]::Banyan -->
[]::Atm -->
[]::InterNetworkV6 -->
[]::Cluster -->
[]::Ieee12844 -->
[]::Irda -->
[]::NetworkDesigners -->
[]::Max -->
[]::GetBroadcastAddress -->
[]::AddressListQuery -->
[]::AddressListChange -->
[]::AddressListSort -->
[]::DestinationAddressRequired -->
[]::AddressFamilyNotSupported -->
[]::AddressAlreadyInUse -->
[]::AddressNotAvailable -->
[]::ReuseAddress -->
[]::ExclusiveAddressUse -->
[]::Invalid -->
[]::Tentative -->
[]::Duplicate -->
[]::Deprecated -->
[]::Preferred -->
.) -->
) -->
[]::Parse() --> Syste

[]::None -->
[]::LinkLayerAddress -->
ddress -->
[]::DoesNotHaveAnAddress -->
[]::WrongUseOfAddressOf -->