1. Execute the command and get the output result
Executing the program returns standard output and standard error
func main() { cmd := ("ls", "-lah") out, err := () if err != nil { ("() failed with %s\n", err) } ("combined out:\n%s\n", string(out)) }
Execute the program returns standard output
func main() { out, err := ("date").Output() if err != nil { (err) } ("The date is %s\n", out) }
2. Process stdout and stderr separately
Use buffer to accept output
func main() { cmd := ("ls", "-lah") var stdin, stdout, stderr = &stdin = &stdout = &stderr err := () if err != nil { ("() failed with %s\n", err) } outStr, errStr := string(()), string(()) ("out:\n%s\nerr:\n%s\n", outStr, errStr) }
Print directly to the screen
func main() { cmd := ("ls", "-lah") = = err := () if err != nil { ("() failed with %s\n", err) } }
3. Execute commands asynchronously
() Blocking and waiting for the command execution to end
() will not wait for the command to complete
package main import ( "bytes" "fmt" "io" "log" "os" "os/exec" ) func main() { var stdoutBuf, stderrBuf cmd := ("bash", "-c", "for i in 1 2 3 4;do echo $i;sleep 2;done") stdoutIn, _ := () stderrIn, _ := () var errStdout, errStderr error stdout := (, &stdoutBuf) stderr := (, &stderrBuf) err := () if err != nil { ("() failed with '%s'\n", err) } go func() { _, errStdout = (stdout, stdoutIn) }() go func() { _, errStderr = (stderr, stderrIn) }() err = () if err != nil { ("() failed with %s\n", err) } if errStdout != nil || errStderr != nil { ("failed to capture stdout or stderr\n") } outStr, errStr := string(()), string(()) ("\nout:\n%s\nerr:\n%s\n", outStr, errStr) }
4. With environment variables when executing
func main() { cmd := ("bash", "-c", "programToExecute") additionalEnv := "programToExecute=ls" newEnv := append((), additionalEnv) = newEnv out, err := () if err != nil { ("() failed with %s\n", err) } ("%s", out) }
5. Pre-check whether the command exists
func checkLsExists() { path, err := ("ls") if err != nil { ("didn't find 'ls' executable\n") } else { ("'ls' executable is in '%s'\n", path) } }
6. Two commands are executed in turn, and the pipeline communication is
func main() { c1 := ("ls") c2 := ("wc", "-l") r, w := () = w = r var b2 = &b2 () () () () () (, &b2) }
func main() { c1 := ("ls") c2 := ("wc", "-l") , _ = () = _ = () _ = () _ = () }
Anyway, this is not possible
func main() { c := ("ls", "|", "wc", "-l") = _ = () }
You can use bash -c
func main() { cmd := "cat /proc/cpuinfo | egrep '^model name' | uniq | awk '{print substr($0, index($0,$4))}'" out, err := ("bash", "-c", cmd).Output() if err != nil { ("Failed to execute command: %s", cmd) } (string(out)) }
7. Read the output content by line
func main() { cmd := ("ls", "-la") stdout, _ := () () reader := (stdout) for { line, err := ('\n') line = (line) if err != nil || == err { break } (line) } () }
8. Obtain exit code
func RunCommand(name string, args ...string) (stdout string, stderr string, exitCode int) { ("run command:", name, args) var outbuf, errbuf cmd := (name, args...) = &outbuf = &errbuf err := () stdout = () stderr = () if err != nil { // try to get the exit code if exitError, ok := err.(*); ok { ws := ().() exitCode = () } else { // This will happen (in OSX) if `name` is not available in $PATH, // in this situation, exit code could not be get, and stderr will be // empty string very likely, so we use the default fail code, and format err // to string and set to stderr ("Could not get exit code for failed program: %v, %v", name, args) exitCode = defaultFailedCode if stderr == "" { stderr = () } } } else { // success, exitCode should be 0 if go is ok ws := ().() exitCode = () } ("command result, stdout: %v, stderr: %v, exitCode: %v", stdout, stderr, exitCode) return }
Reference link:
This is the article about how to use golang in the complete scenario of executing Linux shell commands. For more related content on the execution of the Linux shell, please search for my previous articles or continue browsing the related articles below. I hope everyone will support me in the future!