Updated on 2025-03-04

Example of basic usage of reflection mechanism of Go language reflect package

Go Reflection Basics

The concept of reflection

Reflection refers to the ability of a computer program to access, detect and modify its own state or behavior at runtime.

Among the many advanced features of the Go language, Reflection is a powerful and complex concept that allows programs to check and modify their own structure at runtime.

Reflection in Go

In Go,reflectThe package provides a method to implement reflection. It allows programs to handle types and interfaces dynamically.

Use the reflect package

Import reflect package

Before you start, you need to importreflectBag.

import "reflect"

Basic usage examples

  • Get type information:use()to obtain type information of any value.

var x float64 = 3.4
("type:", (x))
  • Get value information:use()To obtain the value information of any value.

("value:", (x))

Reflection and Type

Discuss how to use reflection mechanisms to deal with types in Go.

Check type

Shows how to check the specific type of a variable.

v := (x)
if () == reflect.Float64 {
    // Variable x is type float64}

Dynamically call methods

Use reflection to dynamically call objects methods.

type MyStruct struct {
    Field string
func (m *MyStruct) PrintField() {
func CallMethod(obj interface{}, methodName string) {
func main() {
    myStruct := MyStruct{"Hello"}
    CallMethod(&myStruct, "PrintField")

Reflection and structure

Learn more about how to manipulate structures in Go through reflection.

Accessing Structure Fields

Use reflection to read or modify fields in a structure.

v := (&myStruct).Elem()
fieldValue := ("Field")

if () && () {
    ("New Value")

Advanced applications of reflection

Building generic functions

Using reflection builds can handle multiple types of generic functions.

func PrintFields(i interface{}) {
    v := (i)
    for i := 0; i < (); i++ {
        (().Field(i).Name, (i).Interface())

Dynamically create instances

Demonstrate how to create an instance of a type dynamically.

typeInstance := ((MyStruct{})).Elem()
("Field").SetString("Dynamic Value")

Things to note about reflection

  • Performance considerations: Reflection operation is usually slower than direct operation and should be used with caution.

  • Code readability: Overuse of reflection may reduce the readability of the code.


Although reflection is a powerful tool, it should be used when dynamic type processing is explicitly required. Using reflection correctly and carefully can make your Go code more flexible and powerful without sacrificing too much performance and readability.

The above is the detailed content of the basic usage example of the reflection mechanism in Go. For more information about the reflection mechanism of Go, please pay attention to my other related articles!