Updated on 2025-03-05

Definition, usage specifications and common application scenarios of constants and variables in Go language


Go language, as a modern programming language, has won the favor of developers for its simplicity and efficiency. In Go language, constants and variables play a crucial role as basic elements in storing and manipulating data. By correctly understanding and using constants and variables, developers can write more robust and efficient code. This article will introduce in detail the definitions, usage specifications, and common application scenarios of constants and variables in the Go language, helping developers better grasp these core concepts.

1. Constants and enums in Go language

In Go language, constants are a useconstImmutable value of keyword definition. Constants can be Boolean, numeric (integer, floating point, complex) and string. Once these values ​​are set, they cannot be modified during the program run.

1.1. Definition of constants

The definition format of constants isconst identifier [type] = value. Type declarations can be omitted because the Go compiler can automatically infer the type of a constant based on the assignment.


const Pi = 3.14159 // Type is inferred as float64const b string = "abc" // explicitly declare type stringconst b = "abc" // Implicit type, inferred as string

1.2. Constant calculation rules

The value of a constant must be determined at compile time, so any operation involving runtime calculations cannot be used for the definition of a constant. Built-in functions (such aslen()) can be used in constant expressions, but custom functions cannot.


const c1 = 2/3 // Correct, can be sure when compilingconst c2 = getNumber() // Error, getNumber() is the value calculated at runtime

1.3. Digital constants

Digital constants are very flexible in Go, they have no fixed size or symbols and can be used as needed. The accuracy of the digital constants is very high and there is no overflow.


const Ln2 = 0.693147180559945309417232121458176568075500134360255254120680009
const Log2E = 1/Ln2 // Accurate calculationconst Billion = 1e9 // Floating point constantsconst hardEight = (1 << 100) >> 97 // Bit operation generates constants

1.4. Parallel assignment and enumeration

Go supports declaring multiple constants using parallel assignments, which is especially useful when defining enumerations.


const (
    Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
const (
    Unknown = 0
    Female = 1
    Male = 2

1.5. iota enumerator

iotais a special constant generator for Go, mainly used to create incremental enum values. In oneconstIn the declaration block, every new row of constant declaration is added.iotaThe value of   will automatically increase by 1.


const (
    a = iota // a = 0
    b        // b = 1
    c        // c = 2

const (
    _ = iota // Ignore the first value    KB = 1 << (10 * iota) // 1024
    MB                    // 1048576

iotaIt can also be used for more complex expressions, such as combining bit operators to represent the state of a resource.

In general, in Go, constants provide a safe and efficient way to process invariant data. By using constants, runtime errors can be reduced and program performance can be improved. Use correctlyconstandiotaIt can greatly enhance the readability and maintenance of the code.

2. Variables in Go language

2.1. Introduction to variables

In Go language, variable declarations are generally usedvarKeywords, followvar identifier typeform. Unlike many programming languages, Go puts the variable type behind the variable name when declaring variables. This design is intended to avoid declaring forms similar to those that may cause confusion in C (for example:int* a, b;HereaIt is a pointer andbno). In Go, declaring two pointer variables is more intuitive:

var a, b *int

This syntax structure helps read code sequentially from left to right, making the code easier to understand and maintain.


var a int
var b bool
var str string

Or use the form of factorization keywords to declare:

var (
    a   int
    b   bool
    str string

This format is often used to declare global variables. After declaration, the Go system will automatically initialize the variable to a zero value of its type, for example:intThe zero value is0float32/64for0.0boolforfalsestringis an empty string, and the pointer isnil

The naming of variables follows the camel nomenclature, for examplenumShipsandstartDate. If global variables need to be used by external packages, the initial letter must be capitalized.

The scope of a variable depends on the location of the declaration. Global variables (declared in the function in vitro) can be used throughout the package or even in external packages. Local variables are only valid in the body of the function that declares them.

2.2. Value type and reference type

Value type (such asintfloatboolandstring) variables directly store the value itself, and the place where the value is stored in memory points directly to the value:

var i int = 42
j := i // Copy the value of i to j

RevisejIt will not affecti. The variables of reference types (such as slices, maps, channels, and pointers) store a reference to the memory address. Assigning and passing a variable of reference type will copy its reference instead of its data itself.

2.3. Print

Go providesfmtPackage is used to format output, wherePrintfFunctions can output formatted strings to the console:

("The operating system is: %s\n", )

Format strings support various placeholders, allowing precise control of the output format.

2.4. Short form, use:=Assignment operator

Inside the function, a short declaration statement can be used.:=To initialize the variable:

a := 1
b := false

This form is concise and allows the compiler to automatically infer the type of variables. This syntax can only be used within functions and is not applicable to declarations of global variables.

2.5. Example

2.5.1 Example 1: local_scope.go

This example shows how to handle local and global variables in a Go program. Here is the code for the program:

package main

var a = "G"

func main() {

func n() { print(a) }

func m() {
    a := "O"

In this example, you will see the global variableaHow to use local variablesaInteract in different functions.n()in the functionaDirectly refer to global variables, andm()Inais a local variable, only inm()The function is valid internally.

2.5.2 Example 2: global_scope.go

This example is used to show how global variables are shared among functions. Here is the complete code:

package main

var a = "G"

func main() {

func n() { print(a) }

func m() {
    a = "O"

In this program,ais a global variable. existm()The function is in the rightaThe changes made will affect subsequent pairsaVisits, including inn()The function is in the rightaRecitation of  .

These two examples effectively reveal the behavior of variables in different scopes, emphasizing the difference between local and global variables in Go and how they affect each other. In this way, developers can better understand and master the scope and life cycle of variables in complex programs.

Attachment: Go declares a variable with a multi-line string

How to declare a multi-line string variable? Use ` to include it.

package main
import (
func main() {
  str := `hello


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