Updated on 2025-03-05

Detailed explanation of the use of atomic operations in Go language

1. Introduction

In concurrent programming, when multiple coroutines access and modify shared data at the same time, if appropriate mechanisms are not used to prevent concurrency problems, this may lead to uncertain results, data inconsistency, logical errors and other serious consequences.

Atomic operations are a common mechanism to solve the problem of shared data access in concurrent programming. Therefore, the following article will introduce in-depth the principles, usage of atomic operations and their applications in solving concurrency problems.

2. Problem introduction

In concurrent programming, if there is no appropriate concurrency control mechanism, it is possible that multiple coroutines can access and modify shared data at the same time, which will cause race conditions and data competition problems. These problems can lead to uncertain results and wrong behavior.

To better understand concurrency issues, here is a sample code that shows the problems that may arise when concurrency control is not performed:

package main

import "fmt"

var counter int

func increment() {
    value := counter
    counter = value

func main() {
    // Start multiple concurrent coroutines    for i := 0; i < 1000; i++ {
        go increment()
    // Wait for all coroutines to complete execution    // Here is a simple wait method for example only    (10)
    ("Counter:", counter) // The output result may be less than 1000}

In this example, multiple concurrent coroutines simultaneously matchcounterPerform read, add and write operations. Since these operations do not perform proper concurrency control, problems with race conditions and data competition may be caused. Therefore, the final outputcounterThe value may be less than the expected 1000.

This example illustrates that shared data access can lead to uncertain results and incorrect behavior without proper concurrency control. To solve these problems, we need to use appropriate concurrency control mechanisms to ensure secure access and modification of shared data.

existGoIn languages, there are many ways to solve concurrency problems, and atomic operations are one of the implementations. Below we will introduce atomic operations in Go language in detail.

3. Introduction to atomic operations

3.1 What is atomic operation

Atomic operations in Go are a mechanism used to atomically access and modify shared data in concurrent programming. Atomic operations can ensure that operations on shared data are completed without being interrupted, either fully executed successfully or completely non-execution, avoiding race conditions and data competition issues.

Go providessync/atomicPackage to support atomic operations. A series of functions and types are defined in this package to manipulate different types of data. The following are two important concepts of atomic operations:

  • Atomicity: Atomic operations are indivisible, either all executed successfully or all are not executed. This means that in a concurrent environment, the execution of an atomic operation will not be disturbed or interrupted by other threads or coroutines.
  • Thread-safe: Atomic operations are thread-safe and can safely access and modify shared data between multiple threads or coroutines without the need for additional synchronization mechanisms.

Atomic operation is an efficient, simple and reliable concurrency control mechanism. It provides a way to securely access shared data in concurrent programming, avoiding the performance overhead and complexity brought by traditional synchronization mechanisms such as locks. When writing concurrent code, using atomic operations can effectively improve the performance and reliability of the program.

3.2 Supported operations

In Go, usesync/atomicThe package provides a set of atomic operation functions for atomic operations on shared data in a concurrent environment. Here are some commonly used atomic operation functions:

  • AddSeries functions, such asAddInt32, atomically transfer the specified value to the specifiedint32Add type variables and return the result after addition. Of course, it also supportsint32,int64,uint32,uint64These data types
  • CompareAndSwapSeries functions, such asCompareAndSwapInt32, compare and exchange operations, atomically compare the specifiedint32The value and old value of the type variable, if equal, will be exchanged as the new value, and will return whether the exchange is successful.
  • SwapSeries functions, such asSwapInt32, atomically will be specifiedint32The value of the type variable is set to the new value and returns the old value.
  • LoadSeries functions, such asLoadInt32, can load atomically and return the specifiedint32The value of a type variable.
  • StoreSeries functions, such asStoreInt32, atomically will be specifiedint32The value of the type variable is set to the new value.

These atomic operation functions provide support for integer types of atomic operations and can be used for secure data access and modification in concurrent environments. In addition to the above functions,sync/atomicThe package also provides some other atomic operation functions for manipulating pointer types and specific memory operations. When writing concurrent code, using these atomic manipulation functions ensures consistency and correctness of shared data.

3.3 Implementation principle

GoThe implementation of atomic operations in the language actually depends on the underlying system calls and hardware support, mainlyCASLoadandStoreWait for atomic instructions.

CASOperation, it is used to compare and exchange the values ​​of shared variables.CASThe operation consists of two phases: the comparison phase and the exchange phase. During the comparison stage, the system will compare whether the current value of the shared variable is equal to the expected value; if it is equal, it enters the exchange stage and writes the new value of the shared variable. CAS operations can achieve atomicity through the underlying system calls, ensuring that only one thread or coroutine can successfully perform the comparison and exchange operations. andCASOperations through the underlying system call (e.g.cmpxchg) implementation, using the processor's atomic instructions to complete the comparison and exchange operations.

LoadandStoreOperation is used to atomically read the value of a shared variable. Both of these are implemented through the underlying atomic instructions, which enable atomic access and modification. Ensure that the process of reading or writing shared data will not be disturbed by modifications from other threads.

3.4 Practice

Go back to the above question, because multiple concurrent coroutines are simultaneously matchedcounterPerform read, add and write operations. Since these operations do not perform proper concurrency control, problems with race conditions and data competition may be caused. Below we use atomic operations to solve it. The code example is as follows:

package main

import (

var counter int32
var wg 

func increment() {
        defer ()
        atomic.AddInt32(&counter, 1)

func main() {
        // Set the counter for waiting group        (1000)

        // Start multiple concurrent coroutines        for i := 0; i < 1000; i++ {
                go increment()

        // Wait for all coroutines to complete execution        ()

        ("Counter:", counter) // The output result is 1000}

In the above code, we useatomic.AddInt32Functions are atomically matchedcounterVariables are incremented. This function receives a*int32A pointer of type is used as a parameter, which adds the specified value to the target variable in atomic manner.

By using atomic operations, we can ensure that multiple coroutines simultaneously matchcounterWhen variables are incremented, race conditions or data competition problems will not occur. This way, we can get the correct increment counter result with the output of 1000.

4. Applicable scenario description

Atomic operations can be used to solve race conditions and data competition problems in concurrent programming, but they are not suitable for all scenarios.

The advantages of atomic operation are relatively obvious. Because atomic operations do not require context switching, they are relatively lightweight. Secondly, atomic operations allow multiple coroutines to access shared data simultaneously, which can improve concurrency and performance. At the same time, atomic operations are non-blocking and there is no risk of deadlocking.

However, it also has obvious limitations, and there are only limited atomic operations, which provide some commonly used types of atomic operations, such as increment, decrement, comparison and exchange, but are not applicable to all cases. Secondly, atomic operations are usually suitable for simple read and write operations, and for complex operations, atomic operations are not so convenient.

Therefore, in general, atomic operations may be more suitable for simple incremental or decremental operations, such as counters, or some lock-free data structure designs; while for more complex operations, other synchronization mechanisms may be required to ensure data consistency.

5. Summary

This article introduces the race conditions and data competition that may result from concurrent access to shared data. To solve these problems, mechanisms are needed to ensure concurrency security, and atomic operations are one of the solutions.

Then I gave a detailed introductionGoThe atomic operations in the language introduces what atomic operations are, supported atomic operations, and their implementation principles. Then, the use of atomic operations is demonstrated through an example.

Finally, the article briefly describes the applicable scenarios of atomic operations. Atomic operations are suitable for scenarios with simple read and write operations and high concurrency requirements, and can provide lightweight concurrency control to avoid lock overhead and deadlock risks. However, synchronization tools such as locks may be a more suitable choice when complex operations and more refined control is required.

Based on the above content, we have completed an introduction to atomic operations in Go language. I hope it will be helpful to you.

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