Updated on 2025-03-05

Interpretation of the role and explanation of UnixNano

(().UnixNano()) function

Get random numbers without adding random seeds. Each traversal is used to obtain some random data that is repeated.


Setting a random number seed and adding this line of code can ensure that every random number is random

golang rand seed random number

randInsert := (4) // [0, 4)

If (x) is adjusted before each adjustment, and the x is the same every time, the () is the same every time.

Two solutions

1. Only call() once: call seed once in the global initialization, and do not call() before each call.

2. Adjust (x), but each time x is guaranteed to be different: use nanosecond-level seeds each time. This is highly not recommended, as nanoseconds may also be repeated in case of high concurrency.


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