Updated on 2025-03-05

Detailed explanation of the use of Go framework automation tool Beego

Install Beego and Bee Tools

First, install the Beego framework and Bee development tools:

go get /astaxie/beego
go get /beego/bee

The Bee Tool is a command-line tool for Beego to quickly create and manage Beego applications.

Create a Beego project

Use the Bee tool to create a new Beego project:

bee new myapp

This will create a namedmyappThe new project directory contains the basic structure of the Beego application.

Beego Project Structure

A typical Beego project consists of the following parts:

  • controllers: Stores controller code to handle user requests.

  • models: Data model for storing the application.

  • routers: Configure URL routing to the controller.

  • views: Store view files to generate user interface.

  • : The application's entry file.

Definition Model

existmodelsDefine the data model in the directory. For example, create a user model:

package models
type User struct {
    Id   int
    Name string
    Age  int

Create Controller

existcontrollersCreate a controller in the directory to process the request. For example, create a user controller:

package controllers
import (
type UserController struct {
func (this *UserController) Get() {
    userId := (":id")
    user := (userId)
    ["User"] = user
     = ""

Configure Router

existrouters/Configure URL routing in the file:

package routers
import (
func init() {
    ("/user/:id", &{})

This code routes the URL requested by the user toUserController

Create View

existviewsCreate a view file in the directory. For example,UserControllerCreate a view:

<!-- views/ -->
        <h1>User: {{ . }}</h1>
        <p>Age: {{ . }}</p>

Run the Beego app

Run the following command in the project root directory to start the server:

bee run

After the server is started, you can access the defined route through the browser, such as accessinghttp://localhost:8080/user/1To view user information.


Beego provides a complete MVC framework for building web applications written in Go. Through the above steps, you can set up models, controllers, views, and routes to build a simple Beego application. Beego's automation tools and rich library of features make it possible to develop efficient and easy-to-maintain web applications.

The above is the detailed explanation of the use of Go framework automation tool Beego. For more information about Go framework automation tool Beego, please pay attention to my other related articles!