exists (sql returns the result set as true)
not exists (sql does not return the result set as true)
exists means the same as in, the syntax is different, and the efficiency is higher than in
not exists and not in meaning the same meaning, different syntax, and higher efficiency than in
Basic concepts:
select * from A where not exists(select * from B where = ); select * from A where exists(select * from B where = );
1. First execute the external query select * from A, and then take out a piece of data from the external query and pass it to the internal query.
2. Execute select * from B in the inner query. The data passed in the outer query and the data obtained in the inner query are matched according to the conditions after where. If the data meets =, it will return true, and if none of them is satisfied, it will return false.
3. If the inner query returns true, the data of the outer query is retained. If the inner query returns false, the data of the outer query is not displayed. All data in the outer query are line by line query and matched.
Note: The execution order of exists or not exists is to execute external queries first and then internal queries. This conflicts with the subquery concept we learned.
Give an example
as follows:
Table A
1 A1
2 A2
3 A3
Table B
1 1 B1
2 2 B2
3 2 B3
Table A and Table B are 1-to-many relationship =>
The execution result is
1 A1
2 A2
The reasons can be analyzed as follows
SELECT ID,NAME FROM A WHERE EXISTS (SELECT * FROM B WHERE =1) --->SELECT * FROM B WHERE =1There is a value to return true so there is data SELECT ID,NAME FROM A WHERE EXISTS (SELECT * FROM B WHERE =2) --->SELECT * FROM B WHERE =2There is a value to return true so there is data SELECT ID,NAME FROM A WHERE EXISTS (SELECT * FROM B WHERE =3) --->SELECT * FROM B WHERE =3No value returns true so no data
NOT EXISTS is the other way around
The execution result is 3 A
EXISTS = IN,The same meaning, but the grammatical difference,It seems to be usedINEfficiency is a little worse,It should be the reason why the index will not be executed SELECT ID,NAME FROM A WHERE ID IN (SELECT AID FROM B)
NOT EXISTS = NOT IN ,The same meaning, but the grammatical difference SELECT ID,NAME FROM A WHERE ID NOT IN (SELECT AID FROM B)
Here are the common usages:
The usage and differences of IN, NOT IN, EXISTS, NOT EXISTS in SQL:
IN: Determines whether the given value matches the value in the subquery or list.
The IN keyword allows you to select rows that match any value in the list.
When you want to obtain a list of names and states of all authors living in California, Indiana, or Maryland, the following query is required:
SELECT ProductID, ProductName FROM WHERE CategoryID = 1 OR CategoryID= 4 OR CategoryID = 5
However, if you use IN, typing fewer characters can also get the same result:
SELECT ProductID, ProductName FROM WHERE CategoryID IN (1, 4, 5)
Items after the IN keyword must be separated by commas and enclosed in brackets.
The following query looks for all authors' au_ids in the titleauthor table that gets less than 50% of the royalties in either book, and then select au_id from the authors table and
titleauthor The names of all authors whose query results match:
SELECT au_lname, au_fname FROM authors WHERE au_id IN (SELECT au_id FROM titleauthor WHEREroyaltyper <50)
The results show that some authors fall into the category of less than 50%.
NOT IN: Subqueries introduced through the NOT IN keyword also return a column of zero values or more values.The following query finds the name of a publisher who has not published a commercial book.
SELECT pub_name FROM publishers WHERE pub_id NOT IN (SELECT pub_id FROM titles WHERE type= 'business')
Subqueries introduced using EXISTS and NOT EXISTS can be used for operations on two set principles: intersection and difference.
The intersection of two sets contains all elements that belong to the two original sets at the same time.
The difference contains elements that belong only to the first set of two sets.
EXISTS: Specify a subquery to detect the existence of rows.
This example shows a query to find a title published by any publisher in a city starting with the letter B:
SELECT DISTINCT pub_name FROM publishers WHERE EXISTS (SELECT * FROM titles WHERE pub_id= publishers.pub_id AND type = 'business') SELECT distinct pub_name FROM publishers WHERE pub_id IN (SELECT pub_id FROM titles WHEREtype = 'business')
The difference between the two:
EXISTS: The query statement that can be followed by the whole sentence, such as: SELECT * FROM titles
IN: Only single columns can be followed: SELECT pub_id FROM titles
For example, to find the name of a publisher who cannot publish a commercial book:
SELECT pub_name FROM publishers WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM titles WHERE pub_id =publishers.pub_id AND type = 'business')
The following query looks for the names of books that are no longer sold:
SELECT title FROM titles WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT title_id FROM sales WHERE title_id =titles.title_id)
EXISTS subqueryParameter subquery: is a limited SELECT statement (COMPUTE clause and INTO keyword are not allowed). For more information, see the discussion on subqueries in SELECT.
Result Type: Boolean
Result Value: Returns TRUE if the subquery contains rows.
A. Using NULL in a subquery still returns the result setThis example specifies NULL in the subquery and returns the result set, which still takes the value TRUE by using EXISTS.
USE Northwind GO SELECT CategoryName FROM Categories WHERE EXISTS (SELECT NULL) ORDER BY CategoryName ASC GO
B. Comparison of queries using EXISTS and IN
This example compares two semantic similar queries. The first query uses EXISTS while the second query uses IN. Note that both queries return the same information.
USE pubs GO SELECT DISTINCT pub_name FROM publishers WHERE EXISTS (SELECT * FROM titles WHERE pub_id = publishers.pub_id AND type = \'business\') GO -- Or, using the IN clause: USE pubs GO SELECT distinct pub_name FROM publishers WHERE pub_id IN (SELECT pub_id FROM titles WHERE type = \'business\') GO
Here is the result set of any query:
Algodata Infosystems
New Moon Books
C. Compare queries using EXISTS and = ANY
This example shows two query methods for finding authors who live in the same city as the publisher: the first method uses = ANY and the second method uses EXISTS. Note that both methods return the same information.
USE pubs GO SELECT au_lname, au_fname FROM authors WHERE exists (SELECT * FROM publishers WHERE = ) GO -- Or, using = ANY USE pubs GO SELECT au_lname, au_fname FROM authors WHERE city = ANY (SELECT city FROM publishers) GO
D. Compare queries using EXISTS and IN
This example shows a query to find a title published by any publisher in a city starting with the letter B:
USE pubs GO SELECT title FROM titles WHERE EXISTS (SELECT * FROM publishers WHERE pub_id = titles.pub_id AND city LIKE \'B%\') GO -- Or, using IN: USE pubs GO SELECT title FROM titles WHERE pub_id IN (SELECT pub_id FROM publishers WHERE city LIKE \'B%\') GO
NOT EXISTS functions the opposite of EXISTS. If the subquery does not return a row, the WHERE clause in NOT EXISTS is satisfied. This example finds the name of a publisher that does not publish a commercial book:
USE pubs GO SELECT pub_name FROM publishers WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM titles WHERE pub_id = publishers.pub_id AND type = \'business\') ORDER BY pub_name GO
This is the end of this article about the usage of exists and not exists in oracle. For more related content on the usage of exists and not exists, please search for my previous articles or continue browsing the related articles below. I hope everyone will support me in the future!