Updated on 2025-03-05

Implement URL rewrite and redirect in Nginx

URL Rewrite

Nginx’s **URL Rewrite (Rewrite)** function allows you to dynamically modify the request path or redirect according to the requested URL. By rewriting the URL, you can implement such as:

  • Friendly URL: Convert complex URLs to simple and easy to remember.
  • 301/302 Redirect: Implement permanent or temporary redirection of the page.
  • Conditional rewrite: Modify the request path based on different conditions (such as request header, IP address, user agent, etc.).

This article will introduce in detail how to implement URL rewriting in Nginx and give some common practical scenarios.

URL rewrite directive in Nginx

URL rewriting in Nginx mainly depends on two directives:

  • rewrite: The URL used to modify the request.
  • try_files: Try a series of file paths and override the URL if the file does not exist.

rewrite command

The rewrite directive allows you to rewrite URLs based on regular expressions. The basic syntax is as follows:

rewrite <Matching rules> <Rewrite the target> [Logo];
  • Matching rules: Regular expression, matching the requested URL.

  • Rewrite the target: New URL. When complying with the rules, Nginx will rewrite the requested URL to this target.

  • Logo(Optional): Controls the behavior of rewriting. Common flags include:

    • last: means to re-search for a new location block (that is, continue to match the new rules).

    • break: Stop the rule matching in the current location block and execute subsequent instructions.

    • redirect: Perform temporary redirection (302).

    • permanent: Perform permanent redirect (301).

Here is an example:

rewrite ^/archive/(\d{4})/(\d{2})/(\d{2})$ /archive?year=$1&month=$2&day=$3 last;

It can be decomposed into:

  • ^/archive/(\d{4})/(\d{2})/(\d{2})$: This is a regular expression that indicates a match/archive/The URL followed by the year, month and date. Specific match:
    • ^Indicates the beginning of the matching URL;
    • /archive/is a fixed path part;
    • (\d{4})Match 4 digits (year);
    • (\d{2})Match 2 digits (month);
    • (\d{2})Match 2 digits (date);
    • $Indicates the end of the matching URL.
  • /archive?year=$1&month=$2&day=$3: This is the target URL after rewriting. Here is a replacement for the capture group:
    • $1replaced with the first capture group (i.e., year).
    • $2replaced with the second capture group (i.e. month).
    • $3replaced with the third capture group (i.e. date).
    • The final rewritten URL is/archive?year=2024&month=03&day=25
  • last: This flag indicates that Nginx will stop the currentrewriteMatch and continue to rematch the requested new URL (i.e./archive?year=2024&month=03&day=25)。

First, let’s look at this part of the regular expression:(\d{4})/(\d{2})/(\d{2})

  • (\d{4})
    • \dis a regular expression metacharacter that indicates a matchNumber characters, that is, any number 0-9.
    • {4}It is a quantifier, indicating the previous expression (here is\d) Must appear4 times
    • therefore,(\d{4})Match4 digits, usually used to represent year (such as 2024).
  • /(\d{2})
    • Similarly,(\d{2})Match2 digits, usually used to represent the month (such as03) or date (such as25)。
    • Here\d{2}The matching is 2 numbers representing the month or date.
  • /(\d{2})
    • This part is the same as above, and the matching is2 digits, usually represents the date part.

To sum up:

(\d{4})/(\d{2})/(\d{2})It is used to match images/2024/03/25Such a URL, specifically:

  • Part One(\d{4})Match the year part (e.g. 2024).
  • Part 2(\d{2})Match the month part (e.g. 03).
  • Part 3(\d{2})Match the date part (e.g. 25).


Brackets()Used forCapture matching content. The captured content can be passed$1$2$3Come to quote. This is the "capture groups" in the regular expression.

In the example,(\d{4})(\d{2})and(\d{2})It is a capture group that captures year, month and date respectively.

$1$2$3What does it mean?

In a regular expression, capture the group (i.e.()The matching content in  ) will be assigned numerical identification in order.

  • $1: Reference the first capture group (here is(\d{4})), that is, the year part.
  • $2: Reference the second capture group (here is(\d{2})), that is, the month part.
  • $3: Reference the third capture group (here is(\d{2})), that is, the date part.

Assume that the requested URL is/archive/2024/03/25,existrewriteInstructions,(\d{4})Will be captured2024(\d{2})Captured03, another(\d{2})Captured25

  • $1that is2024(first capture group).
  • $2that is03(Second Capture Group).
  • $3that is25(Third Capture Group).

try_files directive

try_files is used to check whether a series of files exists, and continue processing if it exists, otherwise URL rewrite is performed. It is often used for processing static resources, such as checking whether a file exists, and if it does not exist, rewrite the request to a certain page (usually the home page or the error page).

try_files <document1> <document2> ... <Rewrite the target>;

Common URL rewrite scenarios

Implement 301/302 redirection

When you need to redirect the old URL to the new URL,rewriteInstructions are very useful. 301 is a permanent redirect, telling the search engine that the page has been moved permanently; 302 is a temporary redirect, indicating that the page will be temporarily moved to the new URL.

Example:/old-pageRedirect to/new-page

server {
    listen 80;
    server_name ;

    location /old-page {
        rewrite ^/old-page$ /new-page permanent;

    location /new-page {
        # Process the configuration of new pages    }

Configuration explanation:

  • rewrite ^/old-page$ /new-page permanent;:Will/old-pageRedirect to/new-page, and use permanent redirection (301).
  • permanentThe flag indicates that this is a permanent redirect.

Redirect non-www domain names to www domain names

If you want all requests to passAccess, you can use Nginx to redirect requests for non-www domain names.

Example:Redirect to

server {
    listen 80;
    server_name ;

    # Perform 301 redirects    return 301 $request_uri;

server {
    listen 80;
    server_name ;

    location / {
        # Normal site configuration    }

Configuration explanation:

  • return 301 $request_uri;: AllRedirected to, and retain the requested URI.

URL Regular Rewrite: Simplify URL Structure

You can rewrite the URL using regular expressions to make the URL more concise and SEO-compliant.

Example:/category/id/123Rewrite as/category/123

server {
    listen 80;
    server_name ;

    location /category/id/ {
        rewrite ^/category/id/(\d+)$ /category/$1 last;

Configuration explanation:

  • rewrite ^/category/id/(\d+)$ /category/$1 last;:Will/category/id/123Rewrite as/category/123, and uselastThe logo continues to match the new onelocationpiece.

Dynamic URL rewrite: Parameterized query

If your website URL needs to support dynamic query parameters, you can userewriteDirectives are rewritten based on URL parameters.

Example:/search?q=keywordRewrite as/search/keyword

server {
    listen 80;
    server_name ;

    location /search {
        rewrite ^/search\?q=(\w+)$ /search/$1 last;

Configuration explanation:

  • rewrite ^/search\?q=(\w+)$ /search/$1 last;:Will/search?q=keywordRewrite as/search/keyword, and uselastThe logo continues to match the new onelocationpiece.

404 Page Redirection

When the requested file or page does not exist, you may want to redirect the request to a custom 404 page or home page. Can be passedtry_filesInstruction implementation.

Example: Redirect to

server {
    listen 80;
    server_name ;

    location / {
        try_files $uri $uri/ /;

Configuration explanation:

  • try_files $uri $uri/ /;:Nginx will first check whether the requested file exists. If it does not exist, the request will be rewrited as/

Dynamic URL rewrite in combination with regular expressions

Nginx supports powerful regular expression matching capabilities, which can be used to handle more complex URL rewrite requirements. Here is a more complex example of URL rewriting that combines conditions and regular expressions for dynamic routing.

Example: Rewrite URL based on date

server {
    listen 80;
    server_name ;

    location /archive/ {
        rewrite ^/archive/(\d{4})/(\d{2})/(\d{2})$ /archive?year=$1&month=$2&day=$3 last;

Configuration explanation:

  • rewrite ^/archive/(\d{4})/(\d{2})/(\d{2})$ /archive?year=$1&month=$2&day=$3 last;: Rewrite /archive/2024/03/25 to /archive?year=2024&month=03&day=25.

The above is the detailed content of implementing URL rewriting and redirection in Nginx. For more information about Nginx URL rewriting and redirection, please follow my other related articles!