Updated on 2025-03-05

Golang design pattern explanation and code example

Golang Chain of responsibilityPattern explanation and code examples

This pattern allows multiple objects to process requests without coupling the sender class with the specific receiver class. The chain can be dynamically generated at runtime by any processor that follows the standard processor interface.

Concept example

Let's take a look at an example of a chain of responsibility model for hospital applications. There will be multiple departments in the hospital, such as:

  • front desk
  • doctor
  • pharmacy
  • Cash checkout

When patients come to visit, they will first go to the front desk, then see a doctor, get the medicine, and finally check out. That is, the patient needs to pass through a department chain, each department further transports the patient along the chain after completing its functions.

This mode is suitable for situations where multiple candidate options are used to handle the same request, for situations where the client does not want the client to select the receiver (because multiple objects can handle the request), and for situations where the client wants to decouple the client from the receiver. The client only needs the first element in the chain.

As in the example hospital, the first thing the patient goes to after arriving is the front desk. Then, based on the patient's current status, the front desk will point it to the next processor on the chain.

:Processor interface

package main
type Department interface {

:Specific handler

package main
import "fmt"
// front desktype Reception struct {
	next Department
func (r *Reception) execute(p *Patient) {
	if  {
		("Patient registration already done")
	("Reception registering patient")
	 = true
func (r *Reception) setNext(next Department) {
	 = next

:Specific handler

package main
import "fmt"
type Doctor struct {
	next Department
func (d *Doctor) execute(p *Patient) {
	if  {
		("Doctor checkup already done")
	("Doctor checking patient")
	 = true
func (d *Doctor) setNext(next Department) {
	 = next

:Specific handler

package main
import "fmt"
type Medical struct {
	next Department
func (m *Medical) execute(p *Patient) {
	if  {
		("Medicine already given to patient")
	("Medical giving medicine to patient")
	 = true
func (m *Medical) setNext(next Department) {
	 = next

:Specific handler

package main
import "fmt"
type Cashier struct {
	next Department
func (c *Cashier) execute(p *Patient) {
	if  {
		("Payment Done")
	("Cashier getting money from patient patient")
func (c *Cashier) setNext(next Department) {
	 = next

package main
type Patient struct {
	name              string
	registrationDone  bool // Registration status	doctorCheckUpDone bool // Is the doctor completed the examination	medicineDone      bool // Have you finished taking the medicine	paymentDone       bool // Have you paid}

:Client code

package main
func main() {
	cashier := &Cashier{}
	// set next for medical department
	medical := &Medical{}
	//Set next for doctor department
	doctor := &Doctor{}
	//Set next for reception department
	reception := &Reception{}
	patient := &Patient{name: "abc"}
	//Patient visiting

:Execution results

Reception registering patient
Doctor checking patient
Medical giving medicine to patient
Cashier getting money from patient patient

This is the article about the explanation and code examples of the Golang design model. For more related content of the Golang responsibility chain model, please search for my previous articles or continue browsing the related articles below. I hope everyone will support me in the future!