Updated on 2025-03-05

golang implements concurrent summing

Use golang concurrency summation as an exercise for golang concurrency.

In order to verify the correctness of the results, the most traditional version should be given:

func sum1(data []int) int {
 s := 0
 l := len(data)
 for i := 0; i < l; i++ {
  s += data[i]
 return s

The second method

Use N goroutines, and then write the N segmented sums into N channels:

func sum2(data []int) int {
 s := 0
 l := len(data)
 const N = 5
 seg := l / N
 var chs [N]<-chan int
 for i := 0; i < N; i++ {
  chs[i] = worker(data[i*seg : (i+1)*seg])
 for i := 0; i < N; i++ {
  s += <-chs[i]
 return s
func worker(s []int) <-chan int {
 out := make(chan int)
 go func() {
  length := len(s)
  sum := 0
  for i := 0; i < length; i++ {
   sum += s[i]
  out <- sum
 return out

For a summing task, using the "mode" like worker may be too troublesome.

Look at the third type

Write it directly with a function:

func sum3(data []int) int {
 s := 0
 l := len(data)
 const N = 5
 seg := l / N
 var mu 
 var wg 
 (N) // Add N directly for i := 0; i &lt; N; i++ {
  go func(ii int) {
   tmpS := data[ii*seg : (ii+1)*seg]
   ll := len(tmpS)
   for i := 0; i &lt; ll; i++ {
    s += tmpS[i]
   () // A goroutine is finished running  }(i)
 () // Wait until N goroutines are running return s

Note that sum3 must be locked at the place where s is read and written, because s may be read and written concurrently by multiple goroutines.

The last method has the data race problem

However, the operation result is correct, let’s take a look at the idea:

var sum4Tmp int
var sum4mu 
// This has a data race problem, and you can use WaitGroup to modify it, just to provide a way of thinkingfunc sum4(data []int) int {
 //s := 0
 l := len(data)
 const N = 5
 seg := l / N
 for i := 0; i &lt; N; i++ {
  go subsum4(data[i*seg : (i+1)*seg])
 // Here is >1, because main is to be excluded // This method is unreliable, just a way of thinking for () &gt; 1 {
 // go run -race will report data race problems // main goroutine reads it // Other goroutines will write to it (go subsum4) return sum4Tmp
func subsum4(s []int) {
 length := len(s)
 sum := 0
 for i := 0; i &lt; length; i++ {
  sum += s[i]
 sum4Tmp = sum4Tmp + sum
 defer ()

The final test is as follows:

First create a slice, put 1e8 (100 million) integers (range [0,10)) into it,

Then use 4 methods to calculate

func calcTime(f func([]int) int, arr []int, tag string) {
 t1 := ().UnixNano()
 s := f(arr)
 t2 := ().UnixNano() - t1
 ("%15s: time: %d, sum: %d\n", tag, t2, s)
func main() {
 const MAX = 1e8 // 100 million arr := make([]int, MAX)
 for i := 0; i &lt; MAX; i++ {
  arr[i] = (10)
 calcTime(sum1, arr, "for")
 calcTime(sum2, arr, "worker")
 calcTime(sum3, arr, "WaitGroup")
 calcTime(sum4, arr, "NumGoroutine")

My laptop output result:

for: time: 61834200, sum: 450032946

worker: time: 51861100, sum: 450032946

WaitGroup: time: 153628200, sum: 450032946

NumGoroutine: time: 63791300, sum: 450032946

Welcome to add corrections!

Supplement: Golang concurrent summation (competition rather than segmentation)

Give an example

How to solve the problem of requiring 2 goroutines to complete sums of 1 to 100 instead of segmentation?


var wg 
var ch chan int32
var receiveCh chan int32
func add(){
	var sum int32
	sum = 0
	for {
		select {
		case val, ok := &lt;-ch:
			if ok {
				atomic.AddInt32(&amp;sum, val)
			} else {
				break Loop
	receiveCh &lt;- sum
func main() {
	ch = make(chan int32)
	receiveCh = make(chan int32, 2)
	go func(){
		for i := 1; i &lt;= 100; i++{
			n := i //Avoid data competition			ch &lt;- int32(n) 
	go add()
	go add()
	var sum int32
	sum = 0
	for res := range receiveCh{
		sum += res

The above is personal experience. I hope you can give you a reference and I hope you can support me more. If there are any mistakes or no complete considerations, I would like to give you advice.