Updated on 2025-03-05

Go Mongox’s simple and efficient document operation and smooth bson data construction techniques


existGoUse in languageMongoDBWhen the official framework performs collection operations, I deeply feel the constructionbsonData is a very tedious task. The arrangement of symbols such as fields, commas, brackets, etc. makes me feel like I'm playing a puzzle game.

So I was wondering if there is one that can make me silky and efficiently operate?MongoDBAs for the third-party framework, unfortunately, I didn’t find a framework that suits my expectations, so I simply developed one by myself, which isgo-mongoxThe origin of the framework.

If you have a similar feeling to me, I believego-mongoxThe framework can bring you a different experience.


go-mongoxbased onGenericsrightMongoDBThe official framework is secondary encapsulated, which allows us to operate documents silkily by using chain calls. At the same time, it also provides a variety of typesbsonConstructor helps us build efficientlybsondata.

Warehouse address:/chenmingyong0423/go-mongox

The framework is in its early stages. We hope to invite all developers to participate in the brainstorming way, put forward valuable suggestions and opinions, and jointly create a stronger and more flexible framework. Looking forward to your active participation and valuable feedback to promote it togethergo-mongoxContinuous progress.


  • Documentarycrudoperate
  • Aggregation operation
  • Structurebsondata
  • ······ (Stay tuned)


go get /chenmingyong0423/go-mongox@latest

collection operation

Generic-based collection morphology initialization

package main
import (
type Post struct {
    Id      string `bson:"_id"`
    Title   string `bson:"title"`
    Author  string `bson:"author"`
    Content string `bson:"content"`
func main() {
    // You need to pre-create a * object    mongoCollection := newCollection()
    // Create a collection using the Post structure as a generic parameter    postCollection := [Post](mongoCollection)
// Sample code is not the best way to create itfunc newCollection() * {
    client, err := ((), ().ApplyURI("mongodb://localhost:27017").SetAuth({
        Username:   "test",
        Password:   "test",
        AuthSource: "db-test",
    if err != nil {
    err = ((), ())
    if err != nil {
    collection := ("db-test").Collection("test_post")
    return collection

passFunction, we can create a generic-basedcollectionDecorators.

Creator Creator

Creatoris a creator for performing insert-related operations.

Insert a single document

// /chenmingyong0423/blog/blob/master/tutorial-code/go-mongox/collection/creator/insert_one.go
package main
import (
func main() {
    // You need to pre-create a * object    mongoCollection := ()
    // Create a collection using the Post structure as a generic parameter    postCollection := [](mongoCollection)
    // Insert a document    doc := {Id: "1", Title: "go-mongox", Author: "Chen Mingyong", Content: "go-mongox, a different experience."}
    oneResult, err := ().InsertOne((), doc)
    if err != nil {
    (.(string) == "1") // true
    // Carry option parameters    oneResult, err = ().OneOptions(().SetComment("test")).InsertOne((), {Id: "2", Title: "Tutorial for using go-mongox library in go language", Author: "Chen Mingyong", Content: "go-mongox is designed to provide a more convenient and efficient MongoDB data operation experience."})
    if err != nil {
    (.(string) == "2") // true

based onpostCollectionInstance, we can useCreator()Method creates a creator and then performs an insert operation.

InsertOneMethods and officialAPIThe same name is used to insert a piece of data. If we want to set itoptionsParameters should be usedOneOptionsmethod.

You can see that, no matter the settingsoptionsBoth parameters or insertion operations are completed on one link, that is, chain operations are implemented.

Insert multiple documents

// /chenmingyong0423/blog/blob/master/tutorial-code/go-mongox/collection/creator/insert_many.go
package main
import (
func main() {
    // You need to pre-create a * object    mongoCollection := ()
    // Create a collection using the Post structure as a generic parameter    postCollection := [](mongoCollection)
    docs := []{
        {Id: "1", Title: "go", Author: "Chen Mingyong", Content: "..."},
        {Id: "2", Title: "mongo", Author: "Chen Mingyong", Content: "..."},
    manyResult, err := ().InsertMany((), docs)
    if err != nil {
    (len() == 2) // true
    // Carry option parameters    manyResult, err = ().ManyOptions(().SetComment("test")).InsertMany((), []{
        {Id: "3", Title: "go-mongox", Author: "Chen Mingyong", Content: "..."},
        {Id: "4", Title: "builder", Author: "Chen Mingyong", Content: "..."},
    if err != nil {
    (len() == 2) // true

InsertManyMethods and officialAPIThe same name is used to insert multiple pieces of data. If we want to set itoptionsParameters should be usedManyOptionsmethod.

Finder query

Finderis a queryer used to perform query-related operations.

Query a single document

// /chenmingyong0423/blog/blob/master/tutorial-code/go-mongox/collection/finder/find_one.go
package main
import (
func main() {
    // You need to pre-create a * object    mongoCollection := ()
    // Create a collection using the Post structure as a generic parameter    postCollection := [](mongoCollection)
    _, err := ().InsertOne((), {Id: "1", Title: "go", Author: "Chen Mingyong", Content: "..."})
    if err != nil {
    // Query a single document    post, err := ().Filter(("1")).FindOne(())
    if err != nil {
    // Set * Parameters    post2, err := ().
        OneOptions(().SetProjection(("content", 0))).
    if err != nil {
    // - map as filter condition    post3, err := ().Filter(map[string]any{"_id": "1"}).FindOne(())
    if err != nil {
    // - Complex condition query    // -- Use the query package to construct complex bson: {{Key: "title", Value: {"$eq": "go"}}, {Key: "author", Value: {"$eq": "Chen Mingyong"}}}    post4, err := ().
        Filter(().Eq("title", "go").Eq("author", "Chen Mingyong").Build()).
    if err != nil {

based onpostCollectionInstance, we can useFinder()Method creates a queryer and then performs query operations.

FindOneMethods and officialAPIThe same name is used to query a single document. We can passFilterandOneOptionsMethods are set separatelyQuery criteriaandoptionsParameters.

For simple query conditions, we can usebsonxThe functions provided by the package are constructed, for example("1");For complex query conditions, we can usequeryPackage providedBsonBuilderThe constructor is constructed. The usage of these two packages will be introduced in detail next.

Query multiple documents

// /chenmingyong0423/blog/blob/master/tutorial-code/go-mongox/collection/finder/
package main

import (


func main() {
    // You need to pre-create a * object    mongoCollection := ()
    // Create a collection using the Post structure as a generic parameter    postCollection := [](mongoCollection)
    _, err := ().InsertMany((), []{
        {Id: "1", Title: "go", Author: "Chen Mingyong", Content: "..."},
        {Id: "2", Title: "mongo", Author: "Chen Mingyong", Content: "..."},
    if err != nil {

    // Query multiple documents    // {{Key: "_id", Value: {"$in": []string{"1", "2"}}}}
    posts, err := ().Filter(().InString("_id", []string{"1", "2"}...).Build()).Find(())
    if err != nil {
    for _, post := range posts {

    // Set * Parameters    // {{Key: "_id", Value: {: []string{"1", "2"}}}}
    posts2, err := ().
        Filter(().InString("_id", []string{"1", "2"}...).Build()).
        Options(().SetProjection(("content", 0))).
    if err != nil {
    for _, post := range posts2 {

FindMethods and officialAPIThe same name is used to query multiple documents. If we want to set itoptionsParameters should be usedOptionsmethod.

In the above example, in order to construct$inWe used the query statementBsonBuilderMethods providedInString

Updater updater

Updateris an updater used to perform update-related operations.

Update a single document

// /chenmingyong0423/blog/blob/master/tutorial-code/go-mongox/collection/updater/update_one.go
package main

import (


func main() {
    // You need to pre-create a * object    mongoCollection := ()
    // Create a collection using the Post structure as a generic parameter    postCollection := [](mongoCollection)
    _, err := ().InsertOne((), {Id: "1", Title: "go", Author: "Chen Mingyong", Content: "..."})
    if err != nil {

    // Update a single document    // Build bson update statements through the update package    updateResult, err := ().
        Updates(().Set(("title", "golang")).Build()).
    if err != nil {
    ( == 1) // true

    // - Use map construct to update data, set *, and perform upsert operation    updateResult2, err := ().
        UpdatesWithOperator(, map[string]any{"title": "mongo"}).Options(().SetUpsert(true)).
    if err != nil {
    (.(string) == "2") // true

based onpostCollectionInstance, we can useUpdater()Method creates an updater and then performs an update operation.

UpdateOneMethods and officialAPIThe same name is to update a single document. We can passFilterandOptionsMethods are set separatelyDocument matching criteriaandoptionsParameters.

For updating operation parameters, we can set it using the following two methods:

  • UpdatesMethod: This method receivesbsonormapand other legal update operation statements. The above example is usedupdateThe one in the bagBsonBuilderConstruct the update operation statement.
  • UpdatesWithOperatorMethod: The first parameter of this method is the update operator, and the second parameter is the expected updated data.

Update multiple documents

// /chenmingyong0423/blog/blob/master/tutorial-code/go-mongox/collection/updater/update_many.go
package main

import (


func main() {
    // You need to pre-create a * object    mongoCollection := ()
    // Create a collection using the Post structure as a generic parameter    postCollection := [](mongoCollection)
    _, err := ().InsertMany((), []{
        {Id: "1", Title: "go", Author: "Chen Mingyong", Content: "..."},
        {Id: "2", Title: "mongo", Author: "Chen Mingyong", Content: "..."},
    if err != nil {

    // Update multiple documents    updateResult, err := ().
        Filter(().InString("_id", []string{"1", "2"}...).Build()).
        Updates(().Set(("title", "golang")).Build()).
    if err != nil {
    ( == 2) // true

UpdateManyMethods and officialAPIThe same name is to update multiple documents.

Deleter deleter

DeleterIt is a deleter used to perform deletion-related operations.

Delete a single document

// /chenmingyong0423/blog/blob/master/tutorial-code/go-mongox/collection/deleter/delete_one.go
package main

import (


func main() {
    // You need to pre-create a * object    mongoCollection := ()
    // Create a collection using the Post structure as a generic parameter    postCollection := [](mongoCollection)
    _, err := ().InsertMany((), []{
        {Id: "1", Title: "go", Author: "Chen Mingyong", Content: "..."},
        {Id: "2", Title: "mongo", Author: "Chen Mingyong", Content: "..."},
    if err != nil {

    // Delete a single document    deleteResult, err := ().Filter(("1")).DeleteOne(())
    if err != nil {
    ( == 1) // true

    // Carry option parameters    deleteResult2, err := ().Filter(("2")).Options(().SetComment("test")).DeleteOne(())
    if err != nil {
    ( == 1) // true

based onpostCollectionInstance, we can useDeleter()Method creates a deleter and then performs a delete operation.

DeleteOneMethods and officialAPIThe same name is used to delete a single document. We can passFilterandOptionsMethods are set separatelyDocument matching criteriaandoptionsParameters.

Delete multiple documents

// /chenmingyong0423/blog/blob/master/tutorial-code/go-mongox/collection/deleter/delete_many.go
package main

import (


func main() {
    // You need to pre-create a * object    mongoCollection := ()
    // Create a collection using the Post structure as a generic parameter    postCollection := [](mongoCollection)
    _, err := ().InsertMany((), []{
       {Id: "1", Title: "go", Author: "Chen Mingyong", Content: "..."},
       {Id: "2", Title: "mongo", Author: "Chen Mingyong", Content: "..."},
    if err != nil {

    // Delete multiple documents    // - Construct complex bson statements through query package    deleteResult, err := ().Filter(().InString("_id", []string{"1", "2"}...).Build()).DeleteMany(())
    if err != nil {
    ( == 2) // true

DeleteManyMethods and officialAPIThe same name is used to delete multiple documents.

Aggregator aggregator

Aggregatoris an aggregator used to perform aggregation-related operations.

// /chenmingyong0423/blog/blob/master/tutorial-code/go-mongox/collection/aggregator/
package main
import (
func main() {
    // You need to pre-create a * object    mongoCollection := ()
    // Create a collection using the Post structure as a generic parameter    postCollection := [](mongoCollection)
    _, err := ().InsertMany((), []{
        {Id: "1", Title: "go", Author: "Chen Mingyong", Content: "..."},
        {Id: "2", Title: "mongo", Author: "Chen Mingyong", Content: "..."},
    if err != nil {
    // Aggregation operation    // - Use the aggregation package to construct pipeline    posts, err := postCollection.
        Aggregator().Pipeline(().Project(("content", 0)).Build()).
    if err != nil {
    for _, post := range posts {
    // If we change the name of the field through the aggregation operation, then we can use the AggregationWithCallback method and then map the result to our expected structure via the callback function    type DiffPost struct {
        Id          string `bson:"_id"`
        Title       string `bson:"title"`
        Name        string `bson:"name"` // author → name
        Content     string `bson:"content"`
        Outstanding bool   `bson:"outstanding"`
    result := make([]*DiffPost, 0)
    // Rename the author field to name, exclude the content field, add outstanding field, and return the result as []*DiffPost    err = ().
            (("name", "$author"), ("author", 1), ("_id", 1), ("title", 1), ("outstanding", ().Eq("$author", "Chen Mingyong").Build()))).Build(),
        AggregateWithCallback((), func(ctx , cursor *) error {
            return (ctx, &result)
    for _, post := range result {

based onpostCollectionInstance, we can useAggregator()Method creates an aggregator and then performs an aggregation operation.

We can passPipelineandAggregateOptionsMethods are set separatelypipelineandoptionsParameters.

For performing an aggregation operation, there are two methods:

  • AggregateMethod: With officialAPIThe same name.
  • AggregateWithCallbackMethod: Because we are creatingcollectionWhen decorator, a structure is bound by using generics. If after performing the aggregation operation, the returned data cannot be mapped to the bound structure, you can use this method to map the result to the specified structure.

Builder constructor

go-mongoxThe framework provides the following types of constructors:

  • universal: Simple and universalbsonData constructor.
  • query: Query constructor, used to construct the required query operationsbsondata.
  • update: Update constructor, used to construct the required update operationbsondata.
  • aggregation: Aggregation operation constructor, including two types, one is used to construct aggregationstageWhat is required in the stagebsonThe other type of data is used for construction in addition tostageOutside the stagebsondata.

universal construction

We can usebsonxSome functions in the package are performedbsonData structure, for exampleandetc.

// /chenmingyong0423/blog/blob/master/tutorial-code/go-mongox/builder/
package main

import (


func main() {
    // {"Name": "Chen Mingyong"}    m := ("Name", "Chen Mingyong")
    ("%#v\n\n", m)

    // {"_id": "Chen Mingyong"}    id := ("Chen Mingyong")
    ("%#v\n\n", id)

    // {{Key:"Name", Value:"Chen Mingyong"}, {Key:"Cell phone number", Value:"1888***1234"}}    d := (("Name", "Chen Mingyong"), ("Phone number", "1888***1234"))
    ("%#v\n\n", d)

    // {Key:"Name", Value:"Chen Mingyong"}    e := ("Name", "Chen Mingyong")
    ("%#v\n\n", e)

    // {"Chen Mingyong", "1888***1234"}    a := ("Chen Mingyong", "1888***1234")
    ("%#v", a)

bsonxThe package provides these constructors temporarily, and more useful functions will be added later.

Pay special attention to usingWhen constructing data, the parameters passed in need to be usedThe method is passed on, with the purpose of strong constraintskey-valueType of  .

query query constructor

queryPackage can help us construct query-relatedbsonData, for example$in$gt$andetc.

// /chenmingyong0423/blog/blob/master/tutorial-code/go-mongox/builder/
package main

import (


func main() {
    // {{Key:"Name", Value:"Chen Mingyong"}}    d := ().Add(("Name", "Chen Mingyong")).Build()
    ("%#v\n\n", d)

    // {{Key:"age", Value:{{Key:"$gt", Value:18}, {Key:"$lt", Value:25}}}}
    d = ().Gt("age", 18).Lt("age", 25).Build()
    ("%#v\n\n", d)

    //  {{Key:"age", Value:{{Key:"$in", Value:[]int{18, 19, 20}}}}}
    d = ().InInt("age", 18, 19, 20).Build()
    ("%#v\n\n", d)

    // {{Key: "$and", Value: []any{{{Key: "x", Value: {{Key: "$ne", Value: 0}}}}, {{Key: "y", Value: {{Key: "$gt", Value: 0}}}}}}
    d = ().And(
        ().Ne("x", 0).Build(),
        ().Gt("y", 0).Build(),
    ("%#v\n\n", d)

    // {{Key:"qty", Value:{{Key:"$exists", Value:true}, {Key:"$nin", Value:[]int{5, 15}}}}}
    d = ().Exists("qty", true).NinInt("qty", 5, 15).Build()
    ("%#v\n\n", d)

    // elemMatch
    // {{Key: "result", Value: {{Key: "$elemMatch", Value: {{Key: "$gte", Value: 80}, {Key: "$lt", Value: 85}}}}}}
    d = ().ElemMatch("result", (("$gte", 80), ("$lt", 85))).Build()
    ("%#v", d)

queryThe package provides more than these methods. The above is just a list of typical examples, and there are more usages waiting for you to explore.

update update constructor

updatePackage can help us construct update operations relatedbsonData, for example$set$$inc$pushetc.

// /chenmingyong0423/blog/blob/master/tutorial-code/go-mongox/builder/
package main

import (


func main() {
    // {{Key:"$set", Value:{"name":"Chen Mingyong"}}}    u := ().Set(("name", "Chen Mingyong")).Build()
    ("%#v\n\n", u)

    // {{Key:"$inc", Value:{{Key:"orders", Value:1}, {Key:"ratings", Value:-1}}}}
    u = ().Inc((("orders", 1), ("ratings", -1))).Build()
    ("%#v\n\n", u)

    // {{Key:"$push", Value:{"scores":95}}}
    u = ().Push(("scores", 95)).Build()
    ("%#v\n\n", u)

    // {{Key:"$unset", Value:{{Key:"quantity", Value:""}, {Key:"instock", Value:""}}}}
    u = ().Unset("quantity", "instock").Build()
    ("%#v", u)

updateThe package provides more than these methods. The above is just a list of typical examples, and there are more usages waiting for you to explore.

aggregation aggregation constructor

aggregationThe package provides twobuilder

  • StageBsonBuilder: used for constructionstageWhat is required in the stagebsondata
  • BsonBuilder: used in structure in addition tostageOutside the stagebsondata.
// /chenmingyong0423/blog/blob/master/tutorial-code/go-mongox/builder/
package main
import (
func main() {
    // {{Key:"$gt", Value:[]any{"$qty", 250}}}
    gt := ().Gt("$qty", 250).Build()
    ("%#v\n\n", gt)
    // {{{Key:"$project", Value:{{Key:"name", Value:1}, {Key:"age", Value:1}, {Key:"qtyGt250", Value:{{Key:"$gt", Value:[]interface {}{"$qty", 250}}}}}}}}
    pipeline := ().Project((("name", 1), ("age", 1), ("qtyGt250", gt))).Build()
    ("%#v\n\n", pipeline)
    // {{Key:"$or", Value:[]interface {}{{{Key:"score", Value:{{Key:"$gt", Value:70}, {Key:"$lt", Value:90}}}}, {{Key:"views", Value:{{Key:"$gte", Value:90}}}}}}}
    or := ().Or(
       ().Gt("score", 70).Lt("score", 90).Build(),
       ().Gte("views", 90).Build(),
    ("%#v\n\n", or)
    // {{{Key:"$match", Value:{{Key:"$or", Value:[]any{{{Key:"score", Value:{{Key:"$gt", Value:70}, {Key:"$lt", Value:90}}}}, {{Key:"views", Value:{{Key:"$gte", Value:90}}}}}}}}}, {{Key:"$group", Value:{{Key:"_id", Value:any(nil)}, {Key:"count", Value:{{Key:"$sum", Value:1}}}}}}}
    pipeline = ().Match(or).Group(nil, ("count", ().Sum(1).Build())).Build()
    ("%#v\n\n", pipeline)
    // {{{Key:"$unwind", Value:"$size"}}}
    pipeline = ().Unwind("$size", nil).Build()
    ("%#v\n\n", pipeline)
    // {{{Key:"$unwind", Value:{{Key:"path", Value:"$size"}, {Key:"includeArrayIndex", Value:"arrayIndex"}, {Key:"preserveNullAndEmptyArrays", Value:true}}}}}
    pipeline = ().Unwind("$size", &{
       IncludeArrayIndex:          "arrayIndex",
       PreserveNullAndEmptyArrays: true,
    ("%#v", pipeline)

aggregationThe package provides more than these methods. The above is just a list of typical examples, and there are more usages waiting for you to explore.


This article is aboutgo-mongoxThe framework has been introduced in detail. It has two cores, one is based on generics.colletionThe other form isbsonThe constructor is here. These two cores exist separately, you can use one of them or both.

Warehouse address:/chenmingyong0423/go-mongox

The framework is in its early stages. We hope to invite all developers to participate in the brainstorming way, put forward valuable suggestions and opinions, and jointly create a stronger and more flexible framework. Looking forward to your active participation and valuable feedback to promote it togethergo-mongoxContinuous progress.

The above is the detailed content of go mongox's simple and efficient document operation and smooth bson data construction techniques. For more information about go mongox's document operation bson structure, please pay attention to my other related articles!