Updated on 2025-03-05

Examples of memory saving techniques in Go language


Although GO does not consume a lot of memory, there are still some tips to save memory. Good coding habits are the qualities that every programmer should have.

Pre-allocated slices

An array is a collection of the same type with continuous memory. The length and element type are specified when defining an array type.

Because the length of arrays is part of their type, the main problem with arrays is that they are fixed in size and cannot be adjusted.

Unlike array types, slice types do not need to specify length. Slices are declared the same way as arrays, but without a number of elements.

Slices are wrappers for arrays, they do not own any data - they are references to arrays. They consist of pointers to the array, length and capacity (number of elements in the underlying array).

When you add a new value to a slice that does not have enough capacity - a new array with larger capacity is created and the values ​​from the current array are copied into the new array. This results in unnecessary memory allocation and CPU cycles.

To better understand this, let's take a look at the following code snippet:

func main() {
	var ints []int
	("Address: %p, Length: %d, Capacity: %d, Values: %v\n", ints, len(ints), cap(ints), ints)
	for i := 0; i < 5; i++ {
		ints = append(ints, i)
		("Address: %p, Length: %d, Capacity: %d, Values: %v\n", ints, len(ints), cap(ints), ints)


Address: 0x0, Length: 0, Capacity: 0, Values: []
Address: 0xc0000160d0, Length: 1, Capacity: 1, Values: [0]
Address: 0xc0000160e0, Length: 2, Capacity: 2, Values: [0 1]
Address: 0xc000020100, Length: 3, Capacity: 4, Values: [0 1 2]
Address: 0xc000020100, Length: 4, Capacity: 4, Values: [0 1 2 3]
Address: 0xc00001a180, Length: 5, Capacity: 8, Values: [0 1 2 3 4]

You can see the first declaration of the arrayvar ints []intWhen it is, it does not allocate memory, the memory address is 0, and the size and capacity are also 0. After that, each expansion of capacity is multiples of 2, and the memory address of each expansion of capacity has changed.

When the capacity is <1024, it will increase by 2 times, and when the capacity is >=1024, it will increase by 1.25 times. Since Go 1.18, this has become more linear

func BenchmarkPreallocAssign(b *) {
	ints := make([]int, )
	for i := 0; i < ; i++ {
		ints[i] = i
func BenchmarkAppend(b *) {
	var ints []int
	for i := 0; i < ; i++ {
		ints = append(ints, i)

The results are as follows

goos: darwin
goarch: amd64
pkg: mygo
cpu: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-9750H CPU @ 2.60GHz
BenchmarkPreallocAssign-12      321257311                3.609 ns/op           8 B/op          0 allocs/op
BenchmarkAppend-12              183322678               12.37 ns/op           42 B/op          0 allocs/op
ok      mygo    6.236s

From the above benchmarks, we can conclude that there is a big difference between assigning values ​​to pre-allocated slices and appending values ​​to slices. Pre-allocated sizes can speed up by more than 3 times, and memory allocation is also smaller.

The order of fields in a structure

The following structure is an example

type Post struct {
    IsDraft     bool      // 1 byte
    Title       string    // 16 bytes
    ID          int64     // 8 bytes
    Description string    // 16 bytes
    IsDeleted   bool      // 1 byte
    Author      string    // 16 bytes
    CreatedAt    // 24 bytes
func main(){
    p := Post{}

The output above is 96 bytes, while all fields are added to 82 bytes. Where did the extra 14 bytes come from?

Modern 64-bit CPUs get data in 64-bit (8-byte) blocks

The first cycle takes 8 bytes, pulling the "IsDraft" field takes 1 byte and generates 7 unused bytes. It cannot occupy "half" fields.

The second and third cycles take the Title string, the fourth cycle takes the ID, and so on. When the IsDeleted field is reached, it uses 1 byte and has 7 bytes unused.

The key to memory savings is to sort fields from top to bottom by field occupancy. Sorting the above structures can be reduced to 88 bytes in size. The last two fields, IsDraft and IsDeleted, are placed in the same block, reducing the number of unused bytes from 14 (2x7) to 6 (1 x 6), saving 8 bytes in the process.

type Post struct {
    CreatedAt    // 24 bytes
    Title       string    // 16 bytes
    Description string    // 16 bytes
    Author      string    // 16 bytes
    ID          int64     // 8 bytes
    IsDraft     bool      // 1 byte
    IsDeleted   bool      // 1 byte
func main(){
    p := Post{}

The output above is 88 bytes

Extreme situations

type Post struct {
	IsDraft  bool  // 1 byte
	I64      int64 // 8 bytes
	IsDraft1 bool  // 1 byte
	I641     int64 // 8 bytes
	IsDraft2 bool  // 1 byte
	I642     int64 // 8 bytes
	IsDraft3 bool  // 1 byte
	I643     int64 // 8 bytes
	IsDraft4 bool  // 1 byte
	I644     int64 // 8 bytes
	IsDraft5 bool  // 1 byte
	I645     int64 // 8 bytes
	IsDraft6 bool  // 1 byte
	I646     int64 // 8 bytes
	IsDraft7 bool  // 1 byte
	I647     int64 // 8 bytes
type Post1 struct {
	IsDraft  bool  // 1 byte
	IsDraft1 bool  // 1 byte
	IsDraft2 bool  // 1 byte
	IsDraft3 bool  // 1 byte
	IsDraft4 bool  // 1 byte
	IsDraft5 bool  // 1 byte
	IsDraft6 bool  // 1 byte
	IsDraft7 bool  // 1 byte
	I64      int64 // 8 bytes
	I641     int64 // 8 bytes
	I642     int64 // 8 bytes
	I643     int64 // 8 bytes
	I644     int64 // 8 bytes
	I645     int64 // 8 bytes
	I646     int64 // 8 bytes
	I647     int64 // 8 bytes

The first structure takes up 128 bytes and the second structure takes up 72 bytes. Space saving: (128-72)/129=43.75%.

Go types that occupy less than 8 bytes on a 64-bit architecture:

  • bool: 1 byte
  • int8/uint8: 1 byte
  • int16/uint16: 2 bytes
  • int32/uint32/rune: 4 bytes
  • float32: 4 bytes
  • byte: 1 byte

Use map[string]struct{} instead of map[string]bool

Go does not have built-in collections, usually usemap[string]bool{}Represents a collection. Although it is more readable (which is very important), it is wrong to use it as a collection because it has two states (false/true) and uses extra memory compared to an empty structure.

Empty structure (struct{}) is a structure type without additional fields, occupies zero bytes of storage space.

func BenchmarkBool(b *) {
	m := make(map[uint]bool)
	for i := uint(0); i < 100_000_000; i++ {
		m[i] = true
func BenchmarkEmptyStruct(b *) {
	m := make(map[uint]struct{})
	for i := uint(0); i < 100_000_000; i++ {
		m[i] = struct{}{}


goos: darwin
goarch: amd64
pkg: mygo
cpu: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-9750H CPU @ 2.60GHz
BenchmarkBool-12                       1        24052439603 ns/op       3766222824 B/op  3902813 allocs/op
BenchmarkEmptyStruct-12                1        22450213018 ns/op       3418648448 B/op  3903556 allocs/op
ok      mygo    46.937s

You can see that the execution speed has been improved a little, but the effect is not obvious.

One advantage of using bool values ​​is that it is more convenient when searching. You only need to judge one value from the map, while using an empty structure requires you to judge the second value

m := make(map[string]bool{})
if m["key"]{
 // Do something
v := make(map[string]struct{}{})
if _, ok := v["key"]; ok{
    // Do something

refer to

【1】Simple memory saving tips in Go

【2】Easy memory-saving tricks in Go

The above is the detailed content of the examples of memory saving techniques in Go. For more information about memory saving techniques in Go, please pay attention to my other related articles!