Updated on 2025-03-06

In-depth exploration of the practice and discussion of Go language from reflection to metaprogramming

Introduction to Reflection

The reflection of Go language is throughreflectProvided by the package, it allows us to access dynamic type information and values ​​of the interface at runtime. Its basic operations include obtaining a Kind of type (for example, determining whether a type is a slice, structure, or function, etc.), reading and modifying the content of a value, and calling a function, etc.

import (

type MyStruct struct {
	Field1 int
	Field2 string

func (ms *MyStruct) Method1() {
	("Method1 called")

func main() {
	// Create a structure instance	ms := MyStruct{10, "Hello"}

	// Get the reflective Value object	v := (&ms)

	// Method to obtain structure	m := ("Method1")

	// Call method	(nil)

Detailed explanation of reflection

The reflection of Go language is throughreflectThe package provides two important types:TypeandValue


TypeA type is an interface that represents a type in Go language. It has many ways to query type information. Here are some commonly used methods:

  • Kind(): Return type types, such as Int, Float, Slice, etc.
  • Name(): Returns the name of the type.
  • PkgPath(): Returns the package path of type.
  • NumMethod(): Return the number of methods of type.
  • Method(int): Return the i-th method of type.
  • NumField(): Returns the number of fields of the structure type.
  • Field(int): Returns the i-th field of the structure type.

Value Type

ValueTypes represent a value in Go language, and it provides many ways to manipulate a value. Here are some commonly used methods:

  • Kind(): The type of return value.
  • Type(): The type of return value.
  • Interface(): Return value as an interface {}.
  • Int()Float()String()etc: Return value as the corresponding type.
  • SetInt(int64)SetFloat(float64)SetString(string)etc: Set the value to the corresponding type of value.
  • Addr(): The address of the return value.
  • CanAddr(): Determine whether the value can be addressed.
  • CanSet(): Determine whether the value can be set.
  • NumField(): Returns the number of fields that have the structure value.
  • Field(int): Returns the i-th field of the structure value.
  • NumMethod(): The number of methods that return the value.
  • Method(int): The i-th method of the return value.

Example of using reflection

This is a reflectionTypeandValueExample:

import (

type Person struct {
	Name string
	Age  int

func main() {
	p := Person{Name: "Alice", Age: 20}
	t := (p)
	v := (p)

	(())  // Output: Person	(())  // Output: struct
	(())  // Output:	(())  // Output: struct	(())  // Output: 2	((0))  // Output: Alice	((1))  // Output: 20}

In this example, we first define aPersonStructure and create aPersonExamples of . Then we useandObtainedPersonReflection object of type and value of instance. Then we usedTypeandValueSome methods to query types and values ​​for information.

Here is another example, this time we will usereflectMore features of the package, such as calling methods and modifying values:

import (

type Person struct {
	Name string
	Age  int

func (p *Person) SayHello() {
	("Hello, my name is %s, and I am %d years old.\n", , )

func main() {
	p := &Person{Name: "Alice", Age: 20}
	v := (p)

	// Call method	m := ("SayHello")

	// Modify the value	().FieldByName("Age").SetInt(21)
	() // Output: Hello, my name is Alice, and I am 21 years old.}

In this example, we first define aPersonStructure and add aSayHellomethod. Then we created aPersonAn instance of , and obtains its reflect value object. We useObtainedSayHelloReflection object of method and useIt was called.

Then we useObtainedPersonThe value of the instance, usingObtainedAgeReflection object of field and useModified its value. Finally we called againSayHelloMethod, you can seeAgeThe value of ?

This example demonstrates the power of reflection, but also demonstrates the complexity of reflection. We need to useto get the value pointed to by the pointer, useto get the field, useTo set values, all of these operations need to deal with various possible errors and boundary situations. So be careful when using reflection to make sure you understand what you are doing.

Basic concepts and practical methods of metaprogramming

Metaprogramming is a programming technique that allows programmers to manipulate code while programming, just like other data. A major goal of metaprogramming is to provide a way to reduce redundancy in code, increase the level of abstraction, and make the code easier to understand and maintain. Metaprogramming can usually be performed at compile time or runtime.

In Go, there is no direct support for metaprogramming like some other languages ​​(such as C++ template metaprogramming, or Python decorator). However, Go provides some mechanisms and tools that can be used to achieve metaprogramming effects.

Code generation

Code generation is the most common form of Go mid-meta programming. This is done by generating and compiling additional Go source code at compile time. Go's standard toolchain provides ago generateCommand, which runs commands by scanning for special comments in the source code.

//go:generate stringer -type=Pill
type Pill int

const (
	Placebo Pill = iota

In this example, we define a name calledPilltype, it has several constant values. Then we usego:generateInstructions to generatePillType ofStringmethod.stringerIs a/x/tools/cmd/stringerProvided tool that generates aStringmethod.


Reflection is another way to implement metaprogramming. It allows the program to check the types of variables and values ​​at runtime, and can also operate these values ​​dynamically. Go's reflection passesreflectPackage provided.

func PrintFields(input interface{}) {
	v := (input)
	for i := 0; i < (); i++ {
		field := (i)
		("Field %d: %v\n", i, ())

type MyStruct struct {
	Field1 int
	Field2 string

func main() {
	ms := MyStruct{10, "Hello"}

In this example, we define aPrintFieldsfunction, which prints all fields of any structure. We use reflectionGet the input reflective value object and useNumFieldandFieldMethod to get and print all fields.

Interface and type assertions

Go's interface and type assertions can also be used to achieve some metaprogramming effects. By defining interfaces and using type assertions, we can handle different types dynamically at runtime.

type Stringer interface {
	String() string

func Print(input interface{}) {
	if s, ok := input.(Stringer); ok {
	} else {

type MyStruct struct {
	Field string

func (ms MyStruct) String() string {
	return "MyStruct: " + 

func main() {
	ms := MyStruct{Field: "Hello"}
	Print(ms) // Output: MyStruct: Hello	Print(42) // Output: 42}

In this example, we define aStringerInterface, it has aString()method. Then we defined aPrintfunction, it can accept any type of input. existPrintIn the function, we try to convert the input toStringerinterface. If the conversion is successful, we call and printString()The result of the method; otherwise, we print the input directly.

We also defined aMyStructStructure and implementedStringerinterface. Then inmainIn the functions, we useMyStructInstance and an integer callPrintfunction. You can see,PrintFunctions can handle different types dynamically at runtime.

In short, although the Go language does not directly support the features of metaprogramming, it provides some mechanisms and tools that can achieve metaprogramming effects, such as code generation, reflection, interfaces, and type assertions. These techniques allow programmers to manipulate code while programming, increasing the level of abstraction, making the code easier to understand and maintain. However, when using these technologies, be aware of the complexity and performance overhead they can bring.

The above is a detailed discussion on the practice and discussion of Go from reflection to metaprogramming. For more information about Go from reflection to metaprogramming, please pay attention to my other related articles!