Updated on 2025-03-06

JS input box mailbox automatic prompt function code implementation

* Email automatic prompt plug-in
 * @constructor EmailAutoComplete
* @ options {object} configurable items

 function EmailAutoComplete(options) {

    = {
targetCls       :  '.inputElem',        // Target input element
parentCls        :  '.parentCls',         // Parent class of the current input element
hiddenCls         :  '.hiddenCls',        // Current input hidden domain
searchForm      :  '.jqtransformdone', //form form
hoverBg           :  'hoverBg',                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             �
inputValColor  :  'red',                                                                                                                       �
mailArr          : ["@","@","@","@","@","@","@","@","@","@","@","@","@","@","@","@"], //Email Array
isSelectHide   : true,                                                                                                                        �
callback                                                              �
    = {
onlyFlag                  : true,     // Only render once
        currentIndex        : -1,
        oldIndex            : -1


= {

    constructor: EmailAutoComplete,

    init: function(options){
        = $.extend(,options || {});

        var self = this,
            _config = ,
            _cache = ;


                var target = ,
                    targetVal = $.trim($(this).val()),
                    keycode = ,
                    elemHeight = $(this).outerHeight(),
                    elemWidth = $(this).outerWidth(),
                    parentNode = $(this).closest(_config.parentCls);

// If the input box value is empty, the drop-down box is hidden
                if(targetVal == '') {
// Assign values ​​to the hidden domain

                    _cache.currentIndex = -1;
                    _cache.oldIndex = -1;
                    $(".auto-tip",parentNode) && !$(".auto-tip",parentNode).hasClass('hidden') && $(".auto-tip",parentNode).addClass('hidden');
                }else {


// Assign values ​​to the hidden domain

                    $(".auto-tip",parentNode) && $(".auto-tip",parentNode).hasClass('hidden') && $(".auto-tip",parentNode).removeClass('hidden');
// Render the content of the drop-down box


// Block form form default enter key submission
       $(_config.searchForm).each(function(index,item) {
                 var keyCode = ;
                 if(keyCode == 13) {
                     return false;

// When clicking on the document document, the drop-down box is hidden
          var target = ,
              tagCls = _config.(/^\./,'');

          if(!$(target).hasClass(tagCls)) {
             $('.auto-tip') && $('.auto-tip').each(function(index,item){
                 !$(item).hasClass('hidden') && $(item).addClass('hidden');
* Rendering drop-down box prompt content
     * @param cfg{object}
    _renderHTML: function(cfg) {
        var self = this,
            _config = ,
            _cache = ,
        var curIndex = self._keyCode();

        $('.auto-tip',).hasClass('hidden') && $('.auto-tip',).removeClass('hidden');
        if(curIndex > -1){
// Keyboard up and down operation
        }else {
            if(/@/.test()) {
                curVal = (/@.*/,'');
            }else {
                curVal = ;
            if(_cache.onlyFlag) {
                $().append('<input type="hidden" class="hiddenCls"/>');
                var wrap = '<ul class="auto-tip">';

                for(var i = 0; i < _config.; i++) {

                    wrap += '<li class="p-index'+i+'">'+'<span class="output-num"></span><em class="em" data-html="'+_config.mailArr[i]+'">'+_config.mailArr[i]+'</em></li>';
                wrap += '</ul>';
                _cache.onlyFlag = false;
                $('.auto-tip',).css({'position':'absolute','top':,'width': - 2 + 'px','left':0,
                    'border':'1px solid #ccc','z-index':10000});

// Add attributes to all li data-html
            $('.auto-tip li',).each(function(index,item){
                !$('.output-num',item).hasClass(_config.inputValColor) &&
                var emVal = $.trim($('.em',item).attr('data-html'));
                $(item).attr({'data-html':curVal + '' +emVal});

// Accurately match content

// When the mouse moves to a certain li

// When clicking on the corresponding item

* Exactly match a certain item
    _accurateMate: function(cfg) {
        var self = this,
            _config = ,
            _cache = ;

        var curVal = $.trim($(,).attr('data-html')),
            newArrs = [];
        if(/@/.test(curVal)) {

// Get the value before @
            var prefix = (/@.*/, ""),
                suffix = (/.*@/, "");

                var reg = new RegExp(suffix);
                if((n)) {
            if( > 0) {
                $(".auto-tip",) && $(".auto-tip",).hasClass('hidden') &&

                var html = '';
                for(var j = 0, jlen = ; j < jlen; j++) {
                    html += '<li class="p-index'+j+'">'+'<span class="output-num"></span><em class="em" data-html="'+newArrs[j]+'">'+newArrs[j]+'</em></li>';

// Add attributes to all li data-html
                $('.auto-tip li',).each(function(index,item){
                    !$('.output-num',item).hasClass(_config.inputValColor) &&

                    var emVal = $.trim($('.em',item).attr('data-html'));

                    $(item).attr({'data-html':prefix + '' +emVal});

// When matching to an item exactly, make the current index equal to the initial value
                _cache.currentIndex = -1;
                _cache.oldIndex = -1;

                $('.auto-tip .output-num',).html(prefix);

// When the mouse moves to a certain li

// When clicking on the corresponding item
            }else {
                $(".auto-tip",) && !$(".auto-tip",).hasClass('hidden') &&
* When the mouse is moved to a certain li
    _itemHover: function(parentNode) {
        var self = this,
            _config = ,
            _cache = ;
        $('.auto-tip li',parentNode).hover(function(index,item) {
            !$(this).hasClass(_config.hoverBg) && $(this).addClass(_config.hoverBg);
        },function() {
            $(this).hasClass(_config.hoverBg) && $(this).removeClass(_config.hoverBg);
* When the input box value is empty, delete all li items. class hoverBg
    _removeBg: function(parentNode){
        var self = this,
            _config = ;

        $(".auto-tip li",parentNode).each(function(index,item){
            $(item).hasClass(_config.hoverBg) && $(item).removeClass(_config.hoverBg);
* Keyboard up and down key operations
     _keyUpAndDown: function(targetVal,e,parentNode) {
        var self = this,
            _cache = ,
            _config = ;

// If the request is successful, data is returned (judged based on the length of the element) Perform the following operations
        if($('.auto-tip' + ' li',parentNode) && $('.auto-tip' + ' li').length > 0) {

            var plen = $('.auto-tip' + ' li',parentNode).length,
                keyCode = ;
                _cache.oldIndex = _cache.currentIndex;

// Move up operation
            if(keyCode == 38) {
                if(_cache.currentIndex == -1) {
                    _cache.currentIndex = plen - 1;
                }else {
                    _cache.currentIndex = _cache.currentIndex - 1;
                    if(_cache.currentIndex < 0) {
                        _cache.currentIndex = plen - 1;
                if(_cache.currentIndex !== -1) {

                    !$('.auto-tip .p-index'+_cache.currentIndex,parentNode).hasClass(_config.hoverBg) &&
                    $('.auto-tip .p-index'+_cache.currentIndex,parentNode).addClass(_config.hoverBg).siblings().removeClass(_config.hoverBg);

                    var curAttr = $('.auto-tip' + ' .p-index'+_cache.currentIndex,parentNode).attr('data-html');

// Assign values ​​to the hidden domain

}else if(keyCode == 40) { //Move down operation
                if(_cache.currentIndex == plen - 1) {
                    _cache.currentIndex = 0;
                }else {
                    if(_cache.currentIndex > plen - 1) {
                        _cache.currentIndex = 0;

                if(_cache.currentIndex !== -1) {

                    !$('.auto-tip .p-index'+_cache.currentIndex,parentNode).hasClass(_config.hoverBg) &&
                    $('.auto-tip .p-index'+_cache.currentIndex,parentNode).addClass(_config.hoverBg).siblings().removeClass(_config.hoverBg);

                    var curAttr = $('.auto-tip' + ' .p-index'+_cache.currentIndex,parentNode).attr('data-html');
// Assign values ​​to the hidden domain

}else if(keyCode == 13) { //Enter operation
                var curVal = $('.auto-tip' + ' .p-index'+_cache.oldIndex,parentNode).attr('data-html');

// Assign values ​​to the hidden domain

                if(_config.isSelectHide) {
                     !$(".auto-tip",parentNode).hasClass('hidden') && $(".auto-tip",parentNode).addClass('hidden');
                 _config.callback && $.isFunction(_config.callback) && _config.callback();

                _cache.currentIndex = -1;
                _cache.oldIndex = -1;

     _keyCode: function(code) {
         var arrs = ['17','18','38','40','37','39','33','34','35','46','36','13','45','44','145','19','20','9'];
         for(var i = 0, ilen = ; i < ilen; i++) {
             if(code == arrs[i]) {
                 return i;
         return -1;
* When the data is the same, when the corresponding item is clicked, return the data
     _executeClick: function(parentNode) {

         var _self = this,
             _config = _self.config;

         $('.auto-tip' + ' li',parentNode).unbind('click');
         $('.auto-tip' + ' li',parentNode).bind('click',function(e){
              var dataAttr = $(this).attr('data-html');

              if(_config.isSelectHide) {
                  !$(".auto-tip",parentNode).hasClass('hidden') && $(".auto-tip",parentNode).addClass('hidden');
// Assign value to the hidden domain
              _config.callback && $.isFunction(_config.callback) && _config.callback();


// Initialization
$(function() {
    new EmailAutoComplete({});